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Hello, ladies and gentlemen although mostly I think it is only gentlemen, as the title says I am back.

Firstly I wanna say I am really sorry for all those that supported me and are still supporting me for the long LONG break I took, to be honest, you guys are the reason that gave me the courage to come back.

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As for why I took as long as I did, first as I said when I left it was the writer's block and every time I even think of coming back I fear that I might just come back write one or two chapters and then leave again.

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Second I didn't really feel like the right time as I wasn't mentally prepared

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Thirdly as most human beings, I am afraid of commitment where I have to release a fixed amount of chapters in a fixed amount of time, so am stating the obvious here but the release rate won't be the same as before.

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finally, it might take a while now (not really that long) for me to release another chapter, as I have forgotten a lot of things and I have to go back and read at least some chapters to get back on track. @@

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