Huang Zilan looked at Liao Tingyu who was calm as water with a blush. He suddenly felt embarrassed and said softly, “I have met Liao-xiucai.”

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Uncle Huang looked at his little ger, the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but twitched. This wasn’t a fake reaction. It seemed his child was poached.

Huang Hao complained, “What’s the use of pretending now? He already seen the fierceness yesterday.” Hehe, he already used to provoke Huang Zilan from time to time.

Huang Zilan glanced at him and mouthed ‘You are dead.’ Huang Hao only smiled humbly and elegantly took a sip of wine. This smile made Huang Zilan annoyed.

This bad cousin really too much. When he went back, he must talk to uncle and let him disciplined this bastard. Huang Zilan was thinking about what to do and the cousin who thought he had escaped from years of suffering inside his study; was oblivious.

Huang Hao suddenly felt cold shiver inside his body, I didn’t know who was plotting against him.


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Huang Yujin became happier the more he looked at it. He didn’t notice the strange air between his nephew and child. To be honest, this young scholar’s appearance was so good almost felt like his own children. Huang Yujin looked at Liao Tingyu and felt he had found the star in a dark cloudy night.

His nephew was pulling the right line, a good young talent. Even though the family background wasn’t good but he was still a scholar. Unlike, even with so much money, people wouldn’t respect him.

The young man could get along with his nephew, meaning he didn’t have bad opinion about businessman and if his only child married, he wouldn’t suffer much. Besides, if the family not well off, he could pay everything. Money was like a paper to me; he had plenty of them. Huang Yujin felt he had found the key of happiness.

With a smile, he asked everyone to sit and asked tentatively about Liao Tingyu’s family condition, his future plans and other trivial matters,

“Nephew, let me call you that. I wonder if you have someone you like? I heard from Hao-shizi you are twenty years old now.”

Liao Tingyu listened at the warm tone and answered, “I have been obsessed with studying for many years. I haven’t thought much about it.”

“Well, you have to make preparation earlier. It is very important matter of life,” Huang Yujin became emotional, “I married my wife for the first half of my life. Now the child already so big, it’s a pity she left early. Otherwise…”

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Huang Zilan listened to his father’s words and said nothing. Although, since his mother passed away. His father had several concubines but never married through the gate. And father’s backyard was being cleaned frequently.

“What uncle said is a good thing.” Liao Tingyu agreed.

“Then, what about your future partner? What type of a person you like?” Huang Hao asked hastily.

Liao Tingyu didn’t answer, just looked at the person opposite of him. Under the candlelight and the shadow of the moon, he suddenly thought of a sentence, ‘The crowd searched for him thousands time but he was in the dim lights.’

Huang Hao followed his gaze and smiled satisfied. Sure enough, this young man was in love. Huang Zilan felt the gaze with his reddish ears, he lowered his head in embarrassment and thought in his heart, ‘Why would he ask such thing? This Huang Hao, he must clean him up later, his stomach is full of bad idea.’

Huang Yujin looked at Liao Tingyu and thought he was just like that back then when he saw his wife. As someone who had experience it, he knew a lot of things. But he didn’t talk too much, after all his child had thin skin. If he did too much, this spoiled ger would get angry at him. He still wanted to live longer.

Huang Zilan was a ger so he couldn’t stay too long. There was a stranger in the room, it would be bad for his reputation. Huang Zilan also felt shy so he said an excuse and ran away in a hurry as if he was chased.

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From Liao Tingyu’s eyes it was like a frightened rabbit.

The atmosphere soon warmed up, with only men left the drinking was on full swing. Huang Yujin kept persuading him to drink, “Nephew, don’t be cautious. I brought this wine, it tastes good. You should try it.”

“There is a faint fragrance, it is indeed a good wine. Uncle Huang, don’t be busy, you have to drink too.” Liao Tingyu ate some dishes then drank the wine.

Uncle Huang was really happy, the three of them kept drinking till relaxed.

“Liao-xiong, come on. Ease up, when we are in the school we have to stand upright and sit for hours. Now, they can’t control us, I feel happy without them.”

Liao Tingyu nodded with a smile, “Don’t complain about others. It was for our own good, it would a shame for a scholar lacking posture. Watch yourself, don’t drink too much.”

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“Don’t worry, this kid never drunk. He just like drinking wine, let him be.” Huang Yujin had long been used to Huang Hao.

The three of them were sitting in the courtyard, drinking and watching the moon while chatting. It was quite elegant and Liao Tingyu hadn’t eaten such a good dish since he transmigrated here.

This night, he ate and drank so much; he was so dizzy and couldn’t tell the north or the south.




*Backyard was a living space for wives and concubines + unmarried girls and gers. This place was secluded and forbidden to enter (especially men) unless family.

*Marry through the gate: legal marriage with matchmaker. Usually, a concubine was stuffed through a side door (no wedding ceremony). It was sacred matter for a bride to pass through the threshold.

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