“Yes, father. My bother-in-law had passed the exam. Our family has a scholar now.” Wen Xiuer said excitedly.

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“You passed the exam! My son had passed it, he is a scholar now!” mother Deng rushed to Liao Tingyu and grabbed his hand. She patted Liao Tingyu’s shoulder with tears in her eyes.

She continued with crying, “Yes, yes. My son is a scholar. I’m xiucai niang (mother of scholar).”

Liao Ming was very excited too but he didn’t act like mother Deng, he stabilized his emotion and said, “Yes, you are xiucai niang. This is good, let’s go home. We can continue this work tomorrow. We have to celebrate, wife, we have to buy meat to make delicious food for our son. We also have to borrow wine from village chief, let’s have a good drink and celebrate. Haha.”

“Yes, er-ye you go home first, when your brother come back. Our family can eat good meal. By the way, we have to tell the elders to do three days banquet.” As she spoke, mother Deng became energetic and planned everything.

Liao Tingyu’s eyes widened and asked, “Do we really need three whole days banquet?”

“Of course, we do.” Mother Deng happily answered.

Liao Ming felt the sun was really hot and his son who came back from the exam must be tired. So, he told them to went back, “Both of you go back first, your mother and I will pack our things here then go home.”

Liao Tingyu wanted to stay and help but mother Deng said no, “Listen to your father. We will take care of this quickly, you never done anything like this. Hurry up, look at how hot you are now. Go back and rest.”

Liao Tingyu couldn’t disagree, he really was bad at farm works. Before the exam, he tried to help his parents but whenever he did it, he ended up messing it all. His family became busier because of him.

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“Then, sister-in-law and I will go back. Father, mother you come back soon.”

Just like that, the son and daughter-in-law went back home. They cleaned up their things and excitedly went to the butcher’s house. When they arrived, there was still two kg of meat but the butcher wouldn’t accept their money.

“Uncle, I won’t take your money this time. Tingyu has passed the exam, I should give something as a gift. Auntie, you take this meat from meat.”

“Okay, I won’t be polite. You bring your husband to visit my family later, I will serve peach wine. I remember your husband like it.”

“That’s great, my aunt’s wine is the best in our village.”

“Isn’t it? unfortunately, some people just don’t want to drink it even if they can.” Mother Deng glared at her husband. Liao Ming looked embarrassed, well he actually preferred strong alcohol, there was nothing he could do!


There wasn’t any major event in the village, occasionally people would talk about affairs in some families. Of course, the news about Liao Tingyu was a big event for the villagers. Especially with uncle Daniu who kept talking with other villagers on the road. The news spread so fast like fire in the whole village.

Along the way home, mother Deng kept receiving good words from other villagers, she was very happy but still replied calmly, “Don’t praise him. My son isn’t very capable, unliked yours who could help with the fields. He couldn’t even recognize vegetables.”

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“What does he need to know about those things? In the future, there will be people serving him instead.”

“Yes, yes. He is a scholar now. He doesn’t have to stay and working in the fields all year long.” Liao Chang’s wife replied happily.

“That’s right. Sister, you just have to enjoy blessing now. There weren’t many people with good skills like your son.” The wife of second uncle Liao joined the chat.

“By the way, your son already had his fame. Isn’t it time to talk about his marriage?” Liao Chang’s wife asked.

Right now, Liao Tingyu was like a golden turtle in every parent’s mind. He had good looks and status. He was a good candidate son-in-law! A good marriage couldn’t be passed. The minds of those parents with daughter and ger already warmed up. Especially, the Liao clan, good water didn’t flow into other people’s fields*.

Mother Deng heart was moved by their praises but she wasn’t dizzy, she still politely refused, “It’s not like you don’t know my er-ye. He has his own idea; he probably won’t like my nagging. He already grown up; he could choose one by himself.”

“Sister, what are you talking about? Marriage has always been under the parents and matchmaker.”

Mother Deng couldn’t say anymore so Liao Ming stepped forward, “Sister-in-law, you don’t have to worry about this matter. Er-ye is a man with his own idea. We are old and don’t want to deal with it, we just want him to have a good life; a harmonious family and filial children.”

“Who doesn’t want it?” the women replied with a smile.

“Er-ye just returned and still waiting for us. We can’t chat anymore, let’s go back. The sun was very strong today.” Liao Ming smiled, although he was polite but the meaning was obvious.

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After those people went away, mother Deng smiled, “Why are they talking so long? Husband, you are really good at chasing people.”

“This is necessary.” Liao Ming said proudly, “Let’s clean our house and put red cloth around the house.”

“I thought you forgot. Let’s set up for the banquet. Shall I go to the town and buy a hairpin?” mother Deng touched her wood hairpin.

“That’s fine. Our son is promising, there is no need for us to be frugal anymore. He wouldn’t suffer with his status as scholar.”

“Yes, other people couldn’t pass the exam; they have to borrow money everywhere. There is Wang family in other village, he sold the fields but still didn’t pass the exam.” Mother Deng was very proud, “It’s my son who could do it at once and didn’t spend our money.”

Liao Ming thought a bit, how could he didn’t spend any money? It must be that kid’s money. He didn’t know how much money his son had, but he knew it was easy for scholar to earn money.


At night, big brother Liao came back in hurry and shouted loudly at the door, “Father, mother. You didn’t know what I saw at the yamen’s gate today!”


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*xiucai niang: I’m not really sure about this, but it was probably an acknowledge of her status as the mother of Liao-xiucai.

Usually, the emperor would grant a title as a gift to anyone he likes (even for a married woman, who couldn’t participate in politic). That title, even though just an empty word, but still an acknowledgement of their presence in the emperor’s mind.

*Good water didn’t flow into other people’s fields: it’s Chinese idiom, let’s keep good things inside family.

Chinese treasure clan and bloodline. Their branch would be vey big, so marriage within the same clan was normal thing between cousins.


Um, I was so busy yesterday and couldn’t get anything done. I was rushing this one. Have fun everyone and thanks for reading+comment.

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