“Then, let’s try it. First, you teach these masters here. I will watch too.” Chen Yi thought for a while, it was good if he learned about it first before reported to the higher up.

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“Yes, that’s the way.” Liao Tingyu also knew the intention.

Chen Yi called the old salt makers and said, “This is Liao-xiucai, you just do what he says.”

“Yes, daren.”


Liao Tingyu taught and corrected them the way to make refined salt. Soon, another portion of refined salt was done. Chen-zushi looked at it with bright eyes and felt his promotion was here. Even the way he looked at Liao Tingyu changed a little better.

Qingshui county was faraway from the sea, so Liao Tingyu wrote down the second method he couldn’t show, he marked some precautions and handed it to Chen-zushi.

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Chen Yi was holding two prescriptions as if it was a treasure and rushed to the capital day and night.


Liao Tingyu walked home with good feeling of his future. While he passed a corner, he suddenly saw a familiar figure with his back turned toward him. He rushed over and called a little uncertain,

“Is this Zilan?”

Huang Zilan heard someone called his name softly and turned his head to look behind him.

“I have met Liao-xiucai.” Huang Zilan greeted with joy in his eyes, “You are in the county town today.”

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“Yes, I was bored in the village and went here to look around. I didn’t expect to see you here.” Liao Tingyu stood a little closer to Huang Zilan and asked, “What are you doing here?”

“I’m just walking around.” Huang Zilan said with a smile.

Liao Tingyu’s head seemed to run faster with a lot of excuses and finally said, “Well, I have nothing to do. Why don’t I accompany you around?”

Huang Zilan wouldn’t refuse a good thing, “That’s good.”

The servant at his side shrunken himself and tried to reduce his existence.

As the two walked together, Liao Tingyu’s heart was a mess; with a flushed cheeks he asked, “They sell candied haws, do you want to eat one?”

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Liao Tingyu looked at the red candied haws then glanced at Huang Zilan nervously. Huang Zilan nodded and Liao Tingyu bought two for them. Actually, they didn’t eat this kind of snack but they still ate a piece from eat.

Huang Zilan felt he needed to say something, “Have you seen the invitation written by my cousin?”

Liao Tingyu nodded and praised it against his will, “Yes, the writing is very good.”

Huang ZIlan laughed when he heard it, “Are you sure? My cousin told me about it, I think his writing was just so-so.”

Liao Tingyu blinked and said, “Well, although it was full of exaggeration. But it wasn’t that bad, just too much self-indulgent.”

Huang Zilan looked at Liao Tingyu seriously and Liao Tingyu realized what he just said. He was a little embarrassed.

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“Yeah.” Huang Zilan lowered his head, he remembered Huang Hao told him that men like praises. Sure enough, he didn’t know anything about men.

Liao Tingyu thought Huang Zilan was upset, “Did I say something wrong?”

“No. I want to buy a book. Can you go with me?” Huang Zilan shook his head and asked.

“Of course, it’s an honour.” Liao Tingyu replied gently which made Huang Zilan couldn’t take his eyes away from him.

This was the future husband he imagined in his heart. Although his background was a little poor, but he was polite and gentle person. Huang Zilan grabbed Liao Tingyu’s clothes secretly so other people wouldn’t know. This way, the two of them walked side by side to the bookstore.

The Huang family’s servant looked at them for a while and felt he should tell the master once he went back.

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