The next morning, Liao Tingyu visited his teacher’s house.

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The teacher saw Liao Tingyu waiting at the door early in the morning; he was old man almost fifty years old. He praised his handsome student, “Oh, this outfit is well chosen. You looks good with gentle temperament; I don’t know how many daughters and gers from good family has been stolen by you.”

Liao Tingyu blushed a little shy, “Teacher is too much. I’m here to ask for advice.”

“Ask me? Okay. You’ve never taught before; It’s good to come, let’s discuss it. I will help you prepare.” Teacher Li thought he should help his favourite student.

Teaching wasn’t the same as learning, good student didn’t mean they could teach others. Teacher Li thought of his past, he was full of spirit to teach but in the end, he was beaten back by those young students. It was a bitter past with a lot of setbacks.

Liao Tingyu looked at his gentle teacher with a joy, “Thank you teacher.”

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Li fulang* was waiting inside but his husband didn’t come back so he went out, “Old man, why are you still outside? Come inside and eat.”

“Oh, is this your favourite student Liao Tingyu.” Li fulang looked at Liao Tingyu up and down, this was the first time he saw him.

Liao Tingyu was very surprised, “How did fulang know about me?”

“Your teacher often talks about his handsome and talented student. I saw your appearance, there is no way I couldn’t recognized it.”

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Liao Tingyu was very embarrassed by his teacher’s wife, he didn’t know that his teacher actually thought of him that good, “It’s all thanks to the teacher’s praise.”

“Have you eaten breakfast? If not, then stay to eat. Well, it’s not much, just some home-cooked meals.” Li fulang invited him warmly, Liao Tingyu couldn’t refuse it and chose to stay for a meal.

The result was a whole bowl of dog food*. Liao Tingyu saw Teacher Li who was serious in the class, casually put a dish to his wife’s mouth and said, “This dish taste good. Yulin, you try it.”

“It’s good. I will buy more next time. Tingyu, go on and eat. Don’t be shy, just treat it like your own home.” Ye Yulin ate the food from his husband out of habit and suddenly remembered there was an outsider here. So, he kicked teacher Li’s foot under the table and talked to Liao Tingyu as if nothing happened.


On the way back, Liao Tingyu kept thinking about the loving scene between his teacher and fulang, it would be a lie if he wasn’t envious. He thought about him and Zilan; if the two of them were together in the future, he would be very happy.

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While in the teacher Li’s house.

“There was your student with us, why don’t you control yourself?” Ye Yulan said unhappily.

“Aren’t we usually like this? Okay, okay don’t be angry. I will pay attention in the future.”


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The next day, Liao Tingyu looked at the sky and said, “Time to see the dean.” He brought some gifts and ran to meet the dean.

The dean of school was very happy to received Liao Tingyu, after all, it was a good thing if their students could achieve a career. But he wasn’t familiar with most of them, so he just said some encouragement and reminded Liao Tingyu with polite words.

Liao Tingyu didn’t care much about their closeness; it was normal to not know each student. Anyway, the school have hundreds of students, the dean couldn’t know all of them. The reason for this visit was to introduce himself as the new teacher, from this day their relationship would different. The dean was his boss, he must make a good impression.


After a busy day, Liao Tingyu rubbed his stiff face from smiling all day and collapsed on the bed.

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