As soon as Liao Tingyu came back, he saw Liao Ming who was treated like a star by the villagers. He squeezed into the crowd curiously, “Father, uncles. What are you talking about here?”

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Liao Ming immediately closed his mouth when he saw his son came back, not knowing how much little lies his son might heard. He felt his eyes were warming up, his wife was gloating beside him. She still cared about her man’s face so she didn’t say anything.

Mother Deng dismissed people around them and rushed home with her son, “Okay, my son is back. I have something to do, everyone let’s go home. Come son, I will cook you a delicious food.” She looked back at the person next to her pillow, “Old man, what are you doing sitting in a daze? Come on, go home.”

Liao Ming got up quickly, “Okay, I know. Let’s go.”

The protagonist had left, everyone had nothing to talk about so they went back to their own houses.


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Liao da-ge saw his er-di back and looked at him curiously, “Hey, er-di, your clothes are not bad. They look so pretty.”

Liao Tingyu accepted the compliment with a smile, “That’s it. It is a common style in the town but it does feels different in the village.” Liao Tingyu put down his bag and took out things he prepared from the town.

“Here da-ge, this is yours. I bought it according to your figure, it look good.” Liao Tingyu handed the black clothes to Liao da-ge.

A blush appeared on Liao da-ge’s tanned face, “Er-di you are so kind. I run in the field all day long, there is no need to wear good clothes.”

Mother Deng agreed very much, she took the clothes and felt the fabric carefully. “Hey, this is a cotton cloth, it must cost a bit.”

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She knew this cloth a long time ago, she wanted to buy one back then but it cost too much for her pocket.

Liao Tingyu nodded, “Yes, not only for da-ge. I bought one for sao-zi and my parent. When I bought my clothes, I thought the cloth was good and thought of my family. So, I bought one each and bought more for myself.”

“Xiao-erzi, you are a teacher now. You have to dress well. But you don’t have to buy them for us.” Liao Ming said with a frown, “How much money did you spend on these clothes?”

Liao Tingyu didn’t know whether he should lie or not. Mother Deng put the clothes on Liao da-ge’s hand and pulled out the content from Liao Tingyu’s bag,

“We don’t need this thing, just one piece is almost two hundred wens. Hey, there is something heavy here.” Mother Deng took out a silver hairpin, “Ah, how much this hairpin’s weight?”

Liao Ming weighted the hairpin, “Son! How much this thing cost?”

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“I bought it for mother, you see mother worked so hard to raise me. She didn’t have anything good on her hair, it was just wooded hairpin. I wanted to give her something good.” Liao Tingyu hurriedly explained.

Mother Deng was touched when she heard it, her son was filial. Even the eldest hadn’t buy her things like this. Right, if her son had the ability to make money, he could spend it whatever he liked.

Liao Ming was silent and Liao da-ge didn’t dare to speak. Liao Tingyu thought the matter was over, he actively explained other things he bought, “Father, mother, I spent little money to buy these things for everyone. Look, this meat was given by my student, this dim sum too. Their family actually owned a dim sum shop, when I passed by they give me a big bag. And this… this…”

Mother Deng was so happy to hear it, “Oh, I didn’t know it. You actually carried a heavy bag. Why don’t you let your father carry it for you? Let me see, if there is a mark on your shoulders?”

Liao Tingyu shook his head, this bag was modified by him so it was much comfortable, “Mother, this weight is nothing to me. Let’s eat pork today.”

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“Okay, I will let your sao-zi make braised pork when she come back.” Mother Deng agreed; actually, she was planning to kill the old hen tonight.

“Where did sao-zi go?”

“She went out for a walk.” Mother Deng happily took the things inside her room, not forgetting to carry her clothes too.

Liao Ming sat on the stool and didn’t say anything. Liao da-ge was about to go back to his room with his clothes and Liao Tingyu went to him, secretly stuffed thing in his hands.

Liao da-ge was confused but still left calmly. He closed the door and opened the oil paper from Liao Tingyu. He put one inside his mouth. His er-di still loved him, Liao da-ge thought while chewing.

“Eat another one and save the rest for my wife. Mmm, it’s really good.” His little brother was really weird, he didn’t even like sweet things.

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