Seon Jae-chan smiled bitterly. In fact, it was a life that was overly generous to himself and died prematurely. He’d lost sight of the things that really mattered by living selfishly and being attached to Go Woo-jin, who wasn’t particularly good for him. Wasn’t his life, which had ended at the age of twenty-seven, a life that was wasted?

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“I’m not suggesting trade, rather about suggesting a pleasant exchange of mutual desires.”

Han Tae-hoon’s expression became even more cold. He thought Jae-chan was Seon Min-yeol’s precious child, but now he realized that he was dealing with nothing more than a disposable young man. He questioned whether there was anything worth trading with him on an equal basis.

“It’s about pleasure.”

Jae-chan had no intention of revealing anything about his regression, so he put it that way.

“I’m sure you need relief sometimes.”

The nonchalant tone left Han Tae-hoon speechless. It baffled him that a child with a fresh head of blood would speak in such a brusque manner.

He wondered if youngsters these days were all like that.

Han Tae-hoon’s lips were twitching as he struggled to speak. Another shocking word came crashing into his head.

“Moreover, once you sleep together, will you be hanging onto the team leader from then on?”

It wasn’t an empty statement. Jae-chan remembered how Han Tae-hoon had persistently clung to him in bed.

Jae-chan hadn’t engaged in penetrative sex with men. It had always been a pre-agreed aspect when choosing one-night partners, and it had been the same with Han Tae-hoon, who had accidentally become his steady partner. But despite that, for some reason, whenever they shared a bed, Han Tae-hoon would keep him awake for a long time. It seemed that this body was his preference.

Jae-chan shrugged his shoulders, recalling not-so-pleasant memories with him as well. Of course, Han Tae-hoon, who had no knowledge of his inner thoughts, let out a laugh that seemed to convey both mockery and disappointment.

“If you don’t like it, you don’t have to. Just know that I’m always open, so think about it.”

At least he wouldn’t be left with an uninteresting young man. Seon Jae-chan was about to leave after he said something even more outrageous when Han Tae-hoon grabbed him.

It took him a moment to recognize the distinct, cool scent around Han Tae-hoon hanging around his nose. With a muffled exclamation, he was pulled along the stairs.

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The corners of Jae-chan’s eyes widened as he stumbled down the stairs, following Han Tae-hoon’s lead. It was because Han Tae-hoon headed toward the elevator.

‘Surely he’s not really trying to go to sleep, is he?’

Seon Jae-chan’s felt uncomfortable inside. He rubbed his neck under his collar with his unrestrained hand. The mark was still visible, and he felt a different kind of energy after confronting Sun Eun-soo. He didn’t expect that they would really sleep together like this.

Still, it was a second-best situation if not the best. Jae-chan released the strength he had been holding onto. He obediently held onto Han Tae-hoon and followed him. Crossing the lobby, they stood together obediently by the team leader’s side, waiting for the elevator.

He had not even dreamt of running into Go Woo-jin again when he returned to the lobby.

As Woo-jin approached and spoke with a nonchalant tone, Seon Jae-chan almost jumped in surprise.

“I came to get my wallet.”

Caught off guard by Woo-jin’s abrupt appearance, there was nothing Jae-chan could do. Woo-jin took another step forward as Han Tae-hoon exchanged a stern look with him. He casually rifled through Jae-chan’s jacket, pulling out a folded wallet from the right pocket.

Then, he turned away without saying a word.

Ironically, just at that moment, ding, the elevator arrived. The team leader, who had maintained silence, grabbed Seon Jae-chan without a word and pulled him along. They entered the elevator together. Han Tae-hoon placed the room key card on the elevator’s bottom panel, and just as Seon Jae-chan belatedly looked up, he couldn’t see anything.

Before the door even closed, Han Tae-hoon came over.

Swoosh. The elevator doors closed completely. The high-speed elevator started its stable operation, and Han Tae-hoon’s voice drifted from the top of his head.

“You. What’s the matter?”

Han Tae-hoon’s gaze skimmed over Seon Jae-chan, who was still somewhat disheveled. He was wearing a jacket much larger than his own frame. Come to think of it, his appearance had changed. It seemed that he was wearing Go Woo-jin’s clothes.

“I remember that you had a pretty bad relationship with Esper Go Woo-jin. Did I misunderstand something?”

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For the first time, Han Tae-hoon’s eyes showed a hint of interest. It was a sign that he had suddenly discovered a new aspect on this side, but Seon Jae-chan wasn’t pleased at all.

He recalled the sight of Go Woo-jin turning away after getting his wallet. How he had handed him his coat, wearing only a thin knit underneath.

Just half an hour ago, they had shared touching moments filled with warmth, and now that moment was dissipating like a dream. It wasn’t something to blame Han Tae-hoon for. Seon Jae-chan himself had caused this.

…But why does this feeling come up?

Until they reached the floor of their room, Sun Jae-chan endured a dry peck on his cheek and near his eyes, distancing himself from Han Tae-hoon. It wasn’t because of Han Tae-hoon. He was too concerned about how Go Woo-jin would think of him.

‘Should I send him a message?’

It’s not what he think it was, but… what Go Woo-jin thinks is exactly right. He couldn’t lie to him now.

If that’s the case.

Did he regret asking Han Tae-hoon to sleep with him?

Jae-chan shook his head. That wasn’t it either. Even if he could go back a few minutes, he would make the same choice. If he was going to do it, he would have found a different place, not the lobby where Go Woo-jin would appear.

In other words, he didn’t regret his actions; he regretted that Go Woo-jin had witnessed him like that.

Seon Jae-chan’s mind became complicated. He pressed down on his disorganized thoughts like someone forcing a stuffed closet shut. He tried to focus on Han Tae-hoon in front of him.

The air on the top floor of the deserted hotel was almost tantalizingly comfortable. Han Tae-hoon dragged Seon Jae-chan’s flailing wrist and led him down the marble-lined hallway to his room.

‘Looks like we’re really ‘sleeping’.’

Apart from worrying about Woo-jin, Seon Jaechan was not at all concerned about the situation where he had sex right away. It didn’t matter whether he slept with Han Tae-hoon or not. He wasn’t craving the anonymous body heat of Woojin like he used to, and he didn’t need to keep himself in check. Even before his regress, he had lounged around in hotels from time to time, adding one more experience. It was a light opportunity cost to have a leg over Han Tae-hoon.

No matter how you think about it, sleeping with him was an advantage.

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… Although there was a slightly uneasy feeling.

Jae-chan frowned as he entered the brightly lit room. He couldn’t quite understand his own feelings, but well, let’s just try it out.

“Wash up first.”

Seon Jae-chan said.

Team Leader Han Tae-hoon had already gone deep into the room and was rummaging through the desk drawer. Since there was no immediate response, Seon Jae-chan raised an eyebrow and approached.

The luxurious suite, with a staggering daily accommodation cost, was much more spacious and elegant than what could be seen through the doorway. Comparing it to Director Guide Han Tae-hoon’s office later on, it held its own, with sophisticated and elegant furnishings in a narrow space. A black rectangular booklet was suddenly handed to Jae-chan as he looked around.

“What is this?”

It was the room service menu.

Han Tae-hoon took a step back. In the glow of a subtle golden light, his voice followed.

“You can order all sorts of room service in this room.”

Han Tae-hoon chinned the brochure in Jae-chan’s hand, saying that in-room dining was so cool. In an unknown situation, Seon Jae-chan opened the menu.

“What shall I order while you wash up?”

“It means that there are many good things in life besides sex.”

He paused in the middle of flipping through the luxuriously thick menu.

“Have a healthy hobby. I’ll leave it there, so enjoy it enough. I’ll be understanding if you order the most expensive whiskey.”

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Perhaps because it was a budget that wasn’t his own but rather public funds, Han Tae-hoon spoke casually. According to what Jae-chan knew, that particular whiskey cost a three-digit number for just one glass.

Meanwhile, Han Tae-hoon was closely observing the young Guide’s face, which had fallen silent. He looked younger than expected, possibly due to his smooth eye shape and clean appearance. The reason he hadn’t caught his eye was because of that. Han Tae-hoon was 33 years old this year.


His skin, which he wished he could kiss, and his slightly unkempt hair. He seemed like he could become quite to his liking if he matured a little more. For a brief moment, it sparked an impulsive liking in him, almost as much as he sparked his impulsive desire for affection.

However, that was all.

“But be warned. After today, you will not attach yourself to me again. Publicly or privately.”

Finally, the young man’s expression, which had been provoking him with a look of arrogance, changed unexpectedly.

“…Team Leader.”

It gave him a small sense of satisfaction to see the young guide, who had been daring him with his gaze, falter in an unexpected way. Han Tae-hoon turned away without further comment.


Han Tae-hoon deliberately sighed as he opened the door. He glanced back at the young man with persistent and smooth eyes, as if he had just remembered something.

“If you manage to find out Esper Go Woo-jin’s weakness, then I’ll reconsider at that time.”

The clear surprise in the young guide’s eyes, seen through the crack of the closing door, pleased him slightly.

However, it was a very brief sense of satisfaction. As Han Tae-hoon closed the room door, he firmly set his jaw again.

Of course, his perception of the young man had definitely changed. From being an ineffective annoyance within the house, he now seemed like a lascivious little fox that one could easily devour in one bite.

And as a pair Guide for Gong Woo-jin Esper, who may also be paying attention to him.

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