Chapter 15: Conversation.

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 (the chapters will be regular again from Tuesday and I'm sorry for the wait. :b)


"So, is it Robin's opinion that the demons in the labyrinth are getting stronger?"


"Yes, even our temporary scouts are being attacked by demons like the Ogre Spider, which wasn't a problem before. I'm not sure how strong the demons were before, but it seems logical when you think about it."


Robin brought up the death of the temporary explorer on their last trip to the labyrinth. After exchanging information about the transfer, the conversation turned to exploring the labyrinth.


"I'm not sure, this is my first time in the maze, so I can't say much. Isn't this Robin's third time?"


"Yes, I can't say for sure since we don't have enough information to judge. But I thought it would be better to gather information from other scouts. Why don't we ask Rody and his party for help?"


He glanced over at Rody's party, who were eating nearby.


"Yes, we need more information. I'll ask Rody and his group later."


"Please do."


Marielle's vegetable-eating slowed down, probably due to boredom, judging by the amount she had eaten.


As they ordered fruit from the waiter, they talked about their transfer.


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"So, are we the cause of this? Or is it because we've gotten stronger?"


"Well, I don't know if we are the cause, but what do you think of the white space?"


"What do you mean, the goddess-like woman who spoke there?"


As he ate the fish stew he didn't quite understand, he asked.


"Yes, her. The goal is to save and keep this world alive. The mission is to conquer the labyrinth. The enemy is our companions. How do you interpret that?"


He stopped eating completely and focused on the subject.


"Honestly, I haven't thought deeply about it. We were given a goal, but we don't know how to achieve it. Maybe conquering the labyrinth is the way to do it. But if conquering the labyrinth leads to saving and keeping this world alive, then it doesn't make sense for our enemies to be our partners. I think working together as transferees would lead to a better outcome."


"It's embarrassing to admit, but I've never thought deeply about this problem the way Robin has. Now, I'm building my ideas about it as I go along.�


"Yes, if the transferees fight each other, we won't advance the mission."


"At first, I thought the lack of magic power could be solved when a transferee died and their magic spread, but that doesn't make sense. The more I think about it, the more questions I have." 


The waitress moved a plate of fruit that looked like grapes in front of Marielle.


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"There must be important information missing," Robin said, staring at a copper mug that still held more than half his beer.


"Regardless of what the other party thinks, we should cooperate without a fight if we find another transferee for the time being. Is that okay?" I say a tone as kind as possible.


"Yes, of course. I have never intended to fight against my brothers," he replied with a soft smile and a cheerful response, perhaps influenced by my tone of voice.


"So, back to the main topic, are we sure about this?"


"No doubt. He's a tall man, over 180 centimeters, with blond hair and blue eyes. He dresses like a light warrior, but I couldn't identify him with the assessment skill."


"If he came with a caravan, he could show up at the guild today or tomorrow - should we ask there?"

As I was trying to tell Robin something I had just remembered, a woman's scream followed by a drunkard's voice echoed through the tavern. Although I thought I heard a child's voice in the middle, it was probably just my imagination.


When I turned my gaze to where the scream came from, I saw that Rody and his friends were being harassed. And there was a girl sitting with them - how envious, Rody is popular!


I thought the voice I thought I heard earlier was Rody's, and I was right.


Well, I can't just abandon those guys who were planning to drink together now that they're in a mess, especially when there's a young girl in their group.


"Stop that, please," said a voice sharper and faster than my actions. It was Robin.


"You guys are outsiders, right? This town has its own rules. If you continue to cause disturbances in this tavern, you will be expelled," Robin said, this time with a calmness different from his previous voice.

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I spoke quietly beside him, "Robin, if the situation worsens, I will help you, but please, let's try to avoid conflict as much as possible."


"Okay. If those guys keep causing trouble, most of the scouts in this tavern will support us. They're foreigners and they're the caravan escorts during the day, remember?"


"Was there such a rule? Is that the reason for Robin's calm?" Surely, knowing information meant power.


"That's right," he replied.


"Yes, and besides, my ethics don't allow an adult to try to touch a girl as young as she is," she said as she looked at the inebriated adults.


That's right, it's not right for an adult to try to touch a girl. Maybe Robin has good common sense and a strong sense of justice.


"What did you say?" one of the drunk adults asked, his face reddening and glaring angrily at us.


"Wait, should we get out of here? Sorry guys," said another of the other drunk adults as he apologized to the kids.


Most of the patrons in the bar, probably hunters, began to feel a tense atmosphere. They seemed relaxed, but were paying attention to the eight drunk adults.


Except for one, all eight drunks sensed the tense atmosphere and started walking toward us, who seemed to be purposely trying to bump into us. Finally, they left the bar.

ust after they left, the bar resonated with applause directed towards Robin.


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Hmm, they took away my cool moment.


Robin responded to the applause by lightly raising his right hand and urged me to follow him towards Rody's table.


Marielle and I followed him walking behind Robin.


"Anyway, if they were going to leave, they could have just left without having to bump into us, that's pretty unpleasant."


I muttered to myself as I directed my gaze towards the exit where they had just left.


"Do you want to bet if they're waiting for us?" he asked me with amusement.


"Do you think they're waiting for us?"


"No matter the result, I think it's better to act as if they are waiting for us. Michinaga, too, please stop drinking."


His gaze was already directed towards the young Rody's.


Quickly, I stood by Robin's side to give him an affirmative answer.



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