Chaoter 8 Disturbance at the Guild (3)

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December 24, 2022

(Merry Christmas, I've been busy so I haven't been able to update. Starting tomorrow I'll be back with daily updates, thanks for your support).


I hear an angry voice behind me. I turn around and see a guy with a big beard coming out of the guild door.

Following the big mustached guy, about four people come towards us.

Oh shit, even if I'm going to blend in with the crowd, what am I going to do if you blend in between where you're playing and the entrance/exit?

Cursing my own stupid behavior, I size up the opponent Zack coming towards me.

"It's that bastard of a Helfried!"

"I'm rooting for Zack."

"Go for it, Zack."

Surprisingly, the one with the big mustache Hellfried seems less supportive than Zack. The cheers for the bald guy are getting louder, though that's probably relative.

More and more people are gathering on the training field, which is about the size of a soccer field.

Looking around, there must be about a hundred people.

A few minutes ago there were not even seventy people, including those in the practice room and in the guild building. Where did all these people come from?

the number of people keeps growing. 

In proportion to the number of people, the cheers, shouts and murmurs get louder. Some don't even look like scouts.

"Is the "Helfried" heading this way at the moment, is he in any trouble?"

I catch the twitch of his beard out of the corner of my eye as I speak loudly to the young man in his early twenties next to me, trying not to get lost in the clamor and noise of the surroundings.

"Trouble?" That Hellfleet guy is always causing trouble. Last week he took some rookies like you to the dungeon by force and finished off three of them. And that's not all. There's no proof, but there are rumors that he's been attacking other people in the dungeon."

He started looking at me from the middle of his speech with his mustache, as if he had a grudge against me.  my voice was getting louder and louder with the help of the surrounding clamor and noise.

"It's terrible. the knights do nothing?and what about those four next to that Hellfried?"

My voice grows louder as the clamor grows louder and louder.

"The Knights don't move without proof. Even if there is, they rarely move. Those four are the members of your group. They are all skilled. The newcomers are easy targets. They must be careful."

He immediately answered my question. I wasn't sure about the knighthood, but the four cronies are as I expected..

I could see that they were all skilled. All of them have some kind of weapon skill at level 2.

They are noisily threatening around them and pushing the audience away as they head towards the center of the room.

They may be trying to intimidate, but they are also waving their weapons around while shouting.

What a bunch. They walk through the crowd as the others make way for them.

They must be flaunting their power. I once saw monkeys doing the same thing on TV on Earth.

Frankly, I want nothing to do with this thing.

I was trying not to make eye contact and a stern mustached man walked past me.

What a depressing and annoying thing to watch.

As he patted my chest in relief, one of his companions swung his spear lightly over my head.


"What the fuck are you doing?"

A small scream is followed by the sound of a man's angry voice. It was the man wielding the spear. He was looking at us with a terrible look. But still, these people have been looking here and there for a few minutes now.

I reflexively grabbed the spear that was being wielded at Marielle.

Marielle hides behind my back. Well, she doesn't seem to be hurt, and she seems to be safe.

"I'm sorry if I was rude. But this fairy is mine, could you please not be so rough with her?"

I bowed my head, slowly removed my hand from the spear and slipped a silver coin into the man's palm.

He said, "Hey, kid, you think you can get away with this?".

The spearman smiles and his voice is just amazing, as if he thought he might get more for my answer.

"No, this is just to settle the matter. I'll send you my apologies later."

He smiled politely and bowed his head again and again.

"Hey, guys, come on."

The spearman was in a good mood as he said this and headed towards the center of the room with his sternly bearded cronies.

"Michinaga, are you all right?"

"Hello, brother. I'm not going to tell you anything bad, just get out of town while you can."

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Marielle who spoke to me worriedly, was followed by several people calling me worriedly.

"Thanks, but I'm not sure, But I'm fine."

I thanked them for their concern and called Marielle to reassure her as well.

"Mariel is fine," I said, "You have nothing to worry about. Everything is going is fine."

I assured Marielle that she was not hurt.

I'm probably looking very proud of myself right now, or maybe I have a malevolent look on my face.

Despite the concerns of those around me, I check my own abilities.

Swordsman level 2

Type B, 1 level of Swordsman and 1 level of Squire are consumed - new power taken from the sacrificial victim.

Art of theft level 2

igot is continuously activating the type A. although, it still has a low success rate.

Shield technique level 4

This is the skill that caught my attention the most. Maybe that man is the tank or shield of this group. I was able to catch him with type C. It was fortuitous. It can only be activated once every hundred days, but I got him with one shot.

I don't know what to say after taking someone's ability away, but considering the difference in skill levels, I don't think I would lose in a one-on-one fight with Hellflet's group members right now.

Besides, I have level 5 light magic.

Most wounds can be healed quickly.

Yes, I've grown a lot, haven't I?

All I have to do is be careful not to be outnumbered. Hopefully, like I did before, I can sneak up on them with a little money, sneak up on them and steal their abilities.

Once the abilities are taken, they are mine , and the rest is up to me.

But we don't have the numbers. What are you going to do?

Hellflet has one more.

Group fight? You mean a group battle?No, in this case, a team battle. It's kind of like a boys' manga.

Looking at the center, a bald guy and a big bearded guy were looking at each other as if facing each other.

A circle of spectators had formed as if to keep them at a distance.

The spectators kept a great distance from them, as security from the damage that could be caused by a magical attack, a stray fireball, for example.

"I'm going to fuck them all."

Said the big bald man loudly as he stared at the stern mustached man, and the audience fell silent.

The audience falls silent and, in contrast, the stern mustached man's party erupts in laughter.

"Hey, you can get fucked without getting fucked, don't get me wrong."

Urges the member of the severe mustache party amidst the echoing laughter of his friends.

"Um, I'm new to this kind of thing, so I was wondering if you could tell me. are you guys going to fight life and death ?"

"It's a duel. Well, it doesn't usually take a life, but you'll still be severely wounded. Of course, even if you die, I can't complain."

I asked the young man next to me in a whisper, and he answered as I expected.

"Are there always duels?".

"No. Only idiots duel. There aren't that many idiots."

I asked him, with a sense of dread, what he was talking about.He told me with a sense of sarcasm.

Apparently, I asked a stupid question.

However, I don't feel sadness or excitement when I hear people killing each other. What there is is a bit of fear and a euphoria that overcomes it.

Has the atmosphere poisoned me? Have I ...... changed myself or is it innate ......

I can't help but think about it.

There is fear, of course. But the euphoria far outweighs it. Let's follow this euphoria for now.

Still, I thought I couldn't be so sweet for, to be able to get a high level of skill without much effort.

No, it's a "delicious" stealing skill I've acquired, but it's more than I expected.

I hadn't realized that desire could so easily overcome fear.

"Hey, Michinaga. I'm scared. Let's go home. Let's go home and get dressed."

My thoughts are interrupted.

Still, you make it sound like you're naked.

Am I forgetting that I still have a confrontation with Roddy's boys, or am I blurting it out because I want to get away from this place? Marielle wants to leave all the time.

"Don't worry, don't be afraid."

I call to Marielle, lightly touching her head.

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"Hello, brother, can you give us some coins too?".

As I was observing the situation going on in the center, I was suddenly met from behind with a disturbing and unjustifiable comment.

As I turned my attention back to my surroundings, I realized that I was surrounded by two people to my right and one to my left before I knew it. All three were in their 20s?

"What the hell are you doing? Let's go outside."

With a smirk and a prickly laugh, one of the men on the right points his chin towards the door, revealing a knife.

I see, he saw the exchange with the spearman earlier. He seems to have understood that if he threatens me, I'm an easy target to hand over the silver coins.

They are very dynamic when they take action, as you just did.

Is this it? If you show weakness, they will take advantage of you. This is exactly how bullies behave.

That means I'm the target of bullying, even though I don't have to be.

I certainly value all three of them, but they are useless. They don't have any remarkable skills. They all have throwing skills, but other than that, only one of them has dagger skills, and all of them are level 1.

The Roddy guy from earlier also has throwing skills.

Maybe he was throwing rocks between luggage and baggage? Does that mean those goons were also throwing rocks for real?

It's a junk skill , but I was thinking of robbing them for a sacrifice, but decided against it. I felt a little sorry for them when I imagined them desperately throwing stones while carrying luggage.

However, I don't want them to keep asking me for money. Besides, there is no guarantee that others like them won't show up.

I have no choice but to try a little harder.

"Excuse me. I'm two people short, but could you let me do it?".

Mr. Thor and others stopped me, but I thanked them and headed straight for the thugs.

He said to me, "What are you doing, kid?"

the bald one asked me, looking at me with a terrible expression on his face.

"I have a lot of things to tell you, could you not go into details?".

I told him as if I held a grudge.

No, in fact I do hold a grudge.

It is true that I had to throw myself into the duel because I gave that spearman a silver coin.

More than anything else, the spearman aimed his spear at Marielle.

He said to her, "You're going to die, you know that?"

Said a stern, bald man, looking directly at me with sharp eyes. He wasn't staring at me, but his eyes were very powerful.

"Thank you for caring. But I'm not going to die. I know what I'm doing. I can even use magic."

The sad thing is that it's something I got from taking away a skill, not from a training or battle royale.

"Here, the brash and the cocky don't live long. You are both. You have enough potential for an early death. I can't be responsible for what happens to you, but you're okay with that, right?".

He confirmed in a stern tone. Oh? That's surprisingly good, isn't it?

"Yes, I'm fine. I don't intend for anyone else to take the blame."

On the surface, I try to appear calm and collected, but does it work?

In any case, my heart is not only pounding, it's racing inside. It's a miracle my legs aren't shaking.

"He's calm and says he'll do it. Let him try."

One of the stern bald men said something extremely ruthless and irresponsible.

I remember this guy. I'll get even with you later.

"Hmm. I'll let you choose your partner. Who do you want? You must have a grudge."


I thank the stern bald man and point the sword at the man who had just taken away his abilities.

"Let me get that guy with the short spear."

"Are you an idiot?"

The voices of the stern bald man and his friends overlapped.

He's the most troublesome of them all. He's a first-class shield manipulator, even for a guy like that.

I wouldn't come up to his heels when it comes to handling a shield.

I continue with a confident smile.

"Don't worry, I have magic, so I'll take care of it."

I reply in as cheerful and light-hearted a tone as possible, so as not to let my inner anxiety and fear show through.

Besides, that guy is the weakest right now, so if I want to be safe, it's still that spearman.

I'm sure he can't hear our conversation, but the spearman is looking at me with a red face. You don't think he's the best, do you? The latter is preferable, because we want to see how the others fight.

While I was praying, a man with level 1 fire magic came out from that side.

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Fire magic, come to think of it, I haven't seen fire magic yet. I wonder how good level 1 is. Will we see it in this match, I have high expectations.

On this side, he's a standard sword and shield user with a light warrior aspect.

At the signal to start, the Light Warrior unleashes a series of slashes, keeping the enemy at bay at all.

In terms of skill level, ours is superior to his. If there is an element of defeat, it depends on the effect of fire magic.



The sound of my gasp and Marielle's scream echo.

I jump back, rolling with Marielle in my arms. A fireball lands where I was and the flames spread.


I roll even further to escape the spreading flames, but I don't make it in time. My right leg was engulfed in flames.

"What are you doing?"

Zack, who was hiding behind a large shield, cursed.

I didn't quite make it out, but I heard the others curse as well.

"No, call me careless, maybe, but the other party was to blame, wasn't it?"

I'm not sure if it's their fault or not.It was a big fire. ......

Marielle, the only one who was worried about me, looked at my right leg and was speechless.

I couldn't believe that fire magic suddenly flew at me.

"It's a team duel, it's normal for attacks to come at you."

In the middle of my sentence, Zack's furious voice overlaps to drown it out.

Is it obvious?

If you look closely, you'll see that everyone is on alert, equipped with shields, except me, both friend and foe. I see, it seems I was just ignorant.

I'm sorry, I didn't know.

"You didn't know? You didn't become a scout yesterday or today, did you?"

Zack, who became even more heated at my words, shouted angrily at me as if he wanted to hit me.

"No, I just filled out the application. My guild certificate should be in the process of being prepared."

I speak sincerely while healing everything but the surface of my leg with healing magic.

Zack is speechless and his expression hardens. The expressions on the faces of not only him, but also those around him change as they look at me. Apparently, they are quite surprised.

It's the kind of surprised look you often see in novels.

In any case, it's the first time they've been so surprised since he came into this world, isn't it?

We bring awareness back into the game for Zack and his team.

But still, they're terrible people to suddenly shoot fire magic at us. No, the rules are even worse than that. It's not even possible to calmly observe the game.

The guy who shot the fireball was offering me to surrender with a smirk on his face. Was this what he had planned to say from the beginning?

Or, is it possible to surrender in this duel? There are so many things I don't know.

"Walk away. I can't leave it to an amateur like you."

Zack, who has regained his composure, starts shouting again and, at the same time, the second fighter of the enemy walks to the scene of the fight. It is the spearman.

I pretended not to hear Zack's shouts and headed for the fight.

The burn on my leg, fully healed except for the skin, was not something I needed to let my opponent know.

Performance is important.

My face contorts and I walk towards the center of the room, dragging my right leg.

I face the man with the spear.

I had planned to finish this spearman off at once with a preemptive magic attack, but I have changed my plans. I will not spare you all. Especially you, the fire mage from before, I will burn both your legs.

I'm going to catch you off guard and shoot fire magic at those waiting behind you.

"Yo, brother, is your leg all right, this time it won't be worth more than a silver coin."

"What? Oh, yeah."

"Well, I'll be glad to talk to you. You decide the price of your life here and now."

The spearman smiles and says, without even raising his shield, what he thinks he's good at.

The price of life. A gold coin, perhaps? I'm a little curious.

"How much is it? A gold coin is the best I can give you."

My response was met with a laugh. Apparently, I had failed. Apparently I didn't understand the market.

"If you sell yourself as a slave, you can get five gold coins, even if you're like my brother. What do you think, wouldn't it be better than dying here?"

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I see... five gold coins - that's about 5 million yen in modern Japanese money, the price of life, or the price of living. That's pretty cheap (Equivalent to $67,000).

Even as a spearman, I'd rather trade my life for money than kill myself here.

It is probably waiting for my response, and even when the signal is given to start, there is no sign of attack.

That's convenient. Let's give them a good show.

I fire seven fireballs at those waiting in the rear. The image is dynamite, exploding as soon as it hits the target.

They probably didn't think I would attack with magic, let alone attack the group waiting in the rear. I was able to catch them completely off guard.

Seven fireballs fly low and fast, hitting the reserve group in the rear. As soon as the bombs landed, they made a cloud of earth, blowing up part of the people, who had been relieved.

Some hands and feet seemed to fly in different directions, but they didn't care and unleashed the next spell.

Three blades of wind struck the spearman.

The right arm holding the spear is severed from the shoulder, the right leg is severed from the thigh and the left leg is severed from the ankle.

Only the groans of the men who fell prey to the magic echoed in the training hall.

I stood mute at the sight of the magic and its devastation, only to stupefied stare at them. Not only the stern beards and their friends, but also the gallery and me.

I myself was frightened by what I had done.

The magic is so incredible qje even at level 1. I thought about fire magic with dynamite image, but in the end I didn't do it.

In the distance, someone announced the end of the duel.

Of course, it was. There was no one on the other side who could continue fighting.

They got a hand and a leg blown off, and that's all they can do. Some have had both legs blown off and the lower half of their body is a mess.

Frankly, it's a miracle they're still alive.

I watched the people scurry about, feeling the cheers and awe of those around me as if it was a world away.

Marielle cried and gave me a hug in the face.




Michinaga Fujiwara




Magic Light LV5


Fire magic LV1


Wind magic LV1


Earth magic LV2




Swordsman LV2 [New] 


Shield Art LV4 [New] 


LV2 Body Art [New]




Ability Robbery Type A LV3


Ability Theft Type B LV1


Ability Theft Type C LV1

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