The beginning: two years worth of months and days 2

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I never did find Kiyomizu nii-sama’s letter. It definitely fell near the pond, but it might have gotten blown out of the grounds.

Brushing the dirt off my hands, I trudged back to the room only to find Shuusui and Nagikaze who had already finished their training sitting on cushions.
Incidentally, that moron was sitting with a composed face sipping tea carefreely.
Who do you think you are!!

“Welcome back, Nogiku….What happened? Your hands”
“You’re late, it’s almost time for supper”
“…..ri, ght….”

Even though Shuusui had noticed me and had greeted me, my heart was still clouded over so I could only give a half-hearted answer. Noticing my hands, Nagikaze thought it was weird and worried about me.
And the main culprit was even now still slurping his tea and didn’t even glance over here.

That kind of tsundere isn’t cute, you brat.

“Um, Nagikaze and Shuusui. Did you see a paper?”
“What kind of paper?”

My last ray of hope……it wasn’t, but I still asked just in case. If they had seen it flying away, or had seen it fallen somewhere, I just wanted any information no matter how small.

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The important treasure I had kept in the chest of drawers. I learned from this incident that no matter if they were family or friends, you shouldn’t hand over your prized possessions. Because they’ll get tossed out the lattice window.

“let’s see, it’s white, and I got it from Kiyomizu nii-sama, and I saw it fall down near the pond. I haven’t seen what it said even once. Ran-chan read it but even when I ask he just gives a dumb answer, so”

The things I wanted to say kind of got jumbled up, but they probably got most of it.
But actually, why am I still not able to talk well like everyone else even when I’ve turned seven years old? Even though I can speak well here and there. …….will I be okay?

Hearing my words, Nagikaze put his hand on his chin and groaned, while Shuusui looked in the opposite direction and also started groaning.
W, what’s wrong?

“Um, sorry about that. We probably threw it away”
“So that’s what that paper was”

What!! It had already passed on from this world.
When I asked, they said they had found it fallen in the pond, and thinking it was trash they threw it into the stove as fuel.

What a shock.
It wasn’t like they had done anything wrong, and what they did was the natural response.
But, I just couldn’t control the hot something that welled up in my chest.

“W,what….did it say, did you see?”

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“…..It was all wet so there was no way we could read it”
“I see. I… uuuu..”

I see. So it was already gone.
But, there were only five years of being apart from nii-sama. Only five years, so it was okay. There were some people who wanted to meet someone but couldn’t, so, with the other person still being alive, and on top of that not that far, was….
That’s why it was so shameful that my eyes got hot and my nose started to sting.

“I, I still hadn’t read it yet, and nii-sama told me to read it, but I didn’t read it yet, but now it’s gone, and I didn’t read it, my, my favorite, favoriiiite, …uu….uuuu….”
“Don’t cry, don’t cry Nogiku. Come over here”

Crying was pathetic. What was I so sad about? It wasn’t like nii-sama had died or anything. I’m an adult on the inside, I should be able to keep hold of my feelings, so it was a mystery why all these emotions came out.

But it was like this since the beginning.
No matter how hard I tried, at that critical moment my body refused to understand even if I tried to suppress it.

Children couldn’t become adults, either way.

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“I’ll do this, so stop crying”

Just when I thought he had said that because he was fed up since I didn’t move towards him no matter how long he waited, Shuusui himself came closer and hugged me tightly.

Just like Ujino nii-sama had done for me, Shuusui rubbed my back. His hands were warm.

“Uuu, ,,hhiii, ggh”
“Ah, ah, there there,”

Even as I cried, in the corner of my mind was the thought that maybe because he had grown up watching the brothers, even his way of comforting was the same.

“aa, uuu…”
“Nogiku really is a crybaby—”
“There there. I’ll comfort you too.”
“Wah, uuu, ,,, uu?”

Nagikaze who had been watching us from the side hugged both me and Shuusui all at once.

“Th, then me too! ~,,I’m sorry! I didn’t think you would cry that much”

Just because you didn’t think I’d cry doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want, you little whelp!!
was what I thought as Rangiku flung himself on us and squeezed, but I didn’t have the motivation to say anything more.

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Well, the fact that I was resentful and angry was something else. I will not forgive you, you know.

But what’s with this situation?
Four children, all hugging together in a clump in their room at night. Me in the middle was just like being in a cocoon.

“Shu, Shuusui. Nagi”
“Hey dinner-…. What are you doing?”

That night I had a dream.
Of a person with black hair and kind eyes.

The next day.

“Hey, Ran-chan. What did the paper say?”
“Stay well; that kind of thing, I already told you.”
“In detail”
“…..Sorry I forgot”

“You come and get yelled at too”
“You first”

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