The beginning: 2 years worth of months and days 6

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It’s cold. It’s reaaally cold.
My arms, back, neck, feet, every conceivable part of me is cold.
That’s strange, when the sun is shining so brightly outside and the cicadas are being loud just like Rangiku.

“Uwaa, it’s so hot!!”
“Haha, you totally have a fever,”

During breakfast, Rangiku who was sitting next to me put his hand to my forehead and shouted. Nagikaze who was sitting across from me looked at my face and laughed.
Shuusui looked at the laughing Nagikaze in exasperation, then faced me and opened his mouth.

“Those who have a fever should sleep today. I’ll tell Oyaji-sama for you.”
“*cough cough cough coughcough*”

Wait, wait, please don’t get the wrong idea.
These are not coughs, this is laughter.
I must be hot because it’s so outside so my body just heated up, and the cold must be from my sweat glands working their hardest to cool me down, but maybe worked a little too hard~?
is what I think, but the main point is that my sweat is doing its best.

….no, no, there’s no way it’s because the medicine to make me better is so bitter it makes me want to puke, or that I’ll be fed stuff for sick people, or that I wont be able to take a bath, it’s not like that! Yeah. So,

“Oyaji-sama–, it looks like Nogiku has a fever so is there any medicine?”
“Huh–? A fever? Wait here”
“gh-Medicine, I’m not, drinking it..,,”
“Here, I’ll carry you to your futon”

It’s not a feveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr!!!

—————– – – – – –

Having been carried on Nagikaze’s back, I was now in bed.
That devil, snickering while carrying me! This person knows full well how bitter that medicine is, and is looking forward to this hellish fate that awaits me.
Those who have experienced that bitterness were out of the four of us, me, Shuusui, and Nagikaze. Rangiku had never gotten sick. Because he’s dumb.

“You’re pretty weak”
“Shhut up”

Alright, listen up.
The saying “stupid people don’t get sick,” means that they’re so dumb they don’t even notice they have a cold.

“More importantly, we have to give Nogiku medicine before practice”
“I’ll drink it myself!!”

Grr, they’re laughing. They are most definitely laughing. They are holding the bag with the medicine and having fun. ……Those pigs.

It’s fine, I’ll drink it by myself…….Oh my, Shuusui is making an extremely suspicious face, as if to say ‘this guy is definitely not gonna drink it.” Rude. I’m not that much of a child, anyway I’m actually an adult!

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Besides, when I got a cold last time I only made a fuss a veeeery little bit.

“Nogiku, the medicine….”
“Oyaji-sama!! There’s, there’s a strange smell coming from it! And this color isn’t right! My nose, my nose stings!! Ugh, I think I’m gonna hurl—-”

That’s all that happened.

“J,jeez, I’m gonna drink it myself!! Please! Just go to practice!!”
“…………….sigh. Are you really going to drink it?”

Thinking ‘just one more push!’ I answered Shuusui’s question so energetically that he voiced doubt if I really had a fever.
Realizing where this was going, Nagikaze made an extremely disappointed look at Shuusui and sighed.

Hey what’s with that sigh you demon?
Huh, what’s that sigh for? What are you so disappointed for??

“You’re too soft, Shuusui”
“Nah, well, it’s already time for practice. Nogiku, if you say you’ll do it yourself then I’ll trust you”

Yessssss!! I won!! Victory!!
Heheheh. Take THAT, Nagikaze, you!!

Oh, listen, I can hear Oyaji-sama calling you? All three of you should hurry up and go. Go on, go on, go on.
…hey, don’t look at me with those dead eyes, it hurts.

“Then, see you”

I saw them off with my magnificent smile.
Rangiku, leaving the room last, stared at me rudely, but it has nothing to do with me.

I shall hide this medicine…under my pillow!!

Well, for now, after hiding it, I’ll just sleep until evening.
The chills were absolutely horrible and my brain was getting fuzzy, but even without taking medicine, just sleeping would be enough.
Children are children of the wind, after all! ß(I don’t know what I mean)

“Sighh. Goodniiight”

Having escaped from a hellish fate, peace now visited me.

But when evening came.

“Haah, haah,”

Ahh, how painful.
So painful.

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My head really hurts, and my throat wants water, but it’s cold, so cold my hands won’t move, and it hurts, and it hurts….

“ugh, ah, haah, haah….”

Though I tried to open my eyes, I couldn’t get the strength.
When I tried really hard and managed to open my eyes slightly, my vision was obstructed by tears and I couldn’t see anything. It felt like there was some kind of membrane covering my ears, too.
I couldn’t really hear the cicadas anymore.

Ahh, if it was gonna be like this, I would’ve have listened and drank that medicine. I had been told so many times, but since all I could think was that I didn’t want to drink it, I lied that I’d drink it myself.

Shuusui, I’m sorry, even though you believed in me.
It turns out I was someone who shouldn’t be trusted. I’m very sorry.

“Haah, ugh…”
“Haah, ah, hhh,  ?”

I feel like someone came next to my futon.
But my eyesight was blurry, and my ears couldn’t hear very well so I couldn’t tell who it was.
But I could feel that that person squeezed my hand tight, so I felt somewhat relieved.
Putting some strength into the hand that was being gripped, I could feel my nails dig into their hands.
Aaaaa, I’m sorry!!!


Water? Did they say water?


Ah, I’m dizzy.


The last thing I felt before I lost consciousness was something soft touching my lips, and the comfortable feeling of cold liquid trickling down my throat.


My body had gotten warm.
Hmm? What happened?

“You awake?”

Consciousness gradually returned to my now relaxed body, and when I opened my eyes, Shuusui was sitting next to me. There was a hand towel that had gotten lukewarm placed on my forehead. Feels nice…

It was now nighttime, and upon looking outside I could see the moon showing its face.
Looking past Shuusui, Rangiku and Nagikaze were sleeping in their futons. Which means they had already eaten supper.
Ah, now I’m kind of hungry.

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“You didn’t drink the medicine, did you”
“Uuu…I, I’m sorry”
“…jeez. Your pillow moved so we all saw it, you dummy. I thought as much”

I was found out.
Well, I guess it’s not a surprise. It was right under my pillow, after all.
My brain was hazy so even my thinking had gotten naïve. If it was the normal me, I wouldn’t have hidden in such an easy to discover place.
….no, that’s not what I mean.
I should reflect on my actions.

“I won’t do it again”
“If you do, we’re all going to watch you carefully until you drink it,”

I won’t disobey.

“And also, we’ve all been watching over you in shifts. It’s my turn now, but until just a bit ago it was Rangiku who was changing your forehead towel.”
“Nagikaze too. So don’t forget to thank them tomorrow,”

Aaaaaa  both of them!
I’m sorry for calling you demons or morons or bastards in my head all this time.
They’re angels, angels.
No, that’s not right, you’re gods, all of you.

….ah, why can’t it be tomorrow now?
I want to hurry and share these warm feelings with the gods.

“Thank you, Shuusui”
“It’s because you’re a hopeless guy”

It seems that I’m still fated to be a hopeless guy.

The next day.

“Rangiku, Nagikaze, t, thank you very much for yesterday!! A,and, I’m sorry for lying about the medicine”
“Huh? Ah, well, it was nothing. But at least drink your medicine”
“You’re welcome.”

Although I was still a bit weak, I woke up early and knelt on my futon and waited for the two of them to wake up. The moment they did, the first thing I did was send them my words of gratitude.
Though they might be a bit annoyed by being talked at in such a loud voice first thing in the morning, I still wanted to tell them this first, even before ‘good morning.’
Or something like that.

“But hmm, I think we’ll have to give you some sort of punishment”
“A punishment!! T,that’s,”

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“Here, a punishment—”

My cheeks were pinched by Nagikaze who had announced my punishment with a smiling face.

Ooouuuuch, owowowow it hurts it hurts!
My skin is gonna come off!!
He’s putting a lot of strength in this. This isn’t normal, I tell you!

“aaI’mshorry—-(I’m sorry)”
“….well, this is probably enough. Right, Rangiku?”
“Hahahaha! Nogiku, your face is weird, you know—”

Well, I’m the one at fault.
This time, no matter what they do I won’t say anything.

I happened to catch sight of Nagikaze’s hand that had been pinching me a moment before.

“Nagikaze, you have a scratch on you finger”
“? Oh, this. Yesterday was koto practice, so”

At this time, although it would have been good to be able to say “I’ll disinfect it!” there really wasn’t anything I could do about a wound that had dried up and become a scab.
There didn’t seem to be a way I could show my thanks.

“Don’t think about tryin’ to do something,”

Rangiku still on his futon said, turning to me suddenly.
E,even though I haven’t said anything! He’s a considerably sharp god.

“Besides, even if you do something for us, most of the time it’ll end up failing anyway,”
“Well, don’t tell her that”

It seemed like what I was completely seen through by Nagikaze and Shuusui too.

….well, for now.
I shall magnificently ignore these rude words, and once again say this.

“Shuusui, Ran-chan, Nagikaze, t,thank you! Um, I love you a lot,”

But with a little extra. Adding the warm love I felt yesterday.

“When did you even get hurt?”
“Shuusui… I told you, when we were playing koto”
“Is that something you’d even do at this age?”
“Well, you know, Oyaji-sama was stricter than usual”

“…Oyaji-sama is surprisingly pretty soft on Nogiku, isn’t he”

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