By the way, what is a『douchuu』?

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A courtesan(oiran) of the highest-rating within the Yuu-Otoko red-light district, is rarely seen, so the guests must ‘request’ them through the hikitejaya.

It is called douchuu for the courtesan(oiran) who are called to go back and forth between a courtesan(oiran) and managing the hikitejaya. They wear hitatare in to be identified as hitatare-shinzukuri when accompanying women.

The term『hitatare-shinzukuri』refers to a courtesan-educated, but not yet fully-fledged courtesan. Should I say that they are more like oiran Jr.?

Anyway, the Kiyomizu is working as a hitatare-shinzukuri today, but this going to be a pretty flashy thing like a parade! So noisy.

Though beauty is worn like an attire, tens of people of flock around the courtesans like bodyguards and it is arranged like that so the next, two or three courtesans dressed up in hitatare accompany by. No one in this neighborhood is allowed to meddle in Yoshihara Modoki event as it runs through town.

It’s not something that is done frequently, but when it does happen, there are tons of onlookers. It is superfluous because an oiran is a person who you rarely see outside.

By the way, a yuuotoko, basic clothing that is worn underneath.

Just that. That is to say, but they are something a man wears. It could have a fancy pattern or a gorgeous decoration.

The difference from the attire of an oiran is whether one wears or does not wear a large haori with it.

The distinction can be made just by looking.

Long hair is not an issue since people can make their own hairstyle by tying their long hair with paper cord or Kanzashi, or by braiding colored cord with short hair into their hair.

「Nogiku is here.」
「Oh, it’s true.」
「It cannot be helped.」

Because I finished the preparations of Kiyomizu, I am on my way to cleaning up with sushi Shusui.

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There are a lot of things that I don’t understand yet, so I sought to be taught by him, and kimono is being put on steadily.

Kiyomizu occasionally says unnecessary words, but I like him because he’s funny. In a Lycian sense.

I think that extra words also reverse of affection of me… No, I’m sorry, it’s not love.

If you noticed, one month ago, changing clothes in front of the man had also lead me to become accustomed to seeing the nakedness of the man. To help change clothes is, in other words, to say so…it is seen directly. A lot…

At first, my older brothers, who saw my face turn bright red, laughed at me saying, ‘You have the patience to get used to it,’ but it is a problem that I can not laugh at all because I am not a 5-year-old.

However, familiarity is an awesome thing, and it is no longer possible to turn bright red if you look at this every day.

Looking at me like that, my brothers were amazed at my mental force but felt a little regrettable.

They also feel embarrassed about changing for the body of a 5-year old’s, I’m going say it, there is nothing. I was looking in front of my elder brother I and was being changed and dressed up, but I think I lost something as a women.

Change of clothes huh, there is nothing such as hiding shy in the body of 5-year-old children. I felt like I lost something as a woman in various ways though I was doing it again in front of my brothers.

「Here, try to comb and I’ll tie it.」

When I finished changing clothes, I was called by Kiyomizu Nii-Sama, and pampered with his luxurious hair that extends to the shoulders. I also had Shushi ready in front of me.

In the beginning, I was told that it would take care of various older brother, so I was being puzzled while being puzzled I was told that,

「This is also where Nogiku may be going down in the future. It’s a chance to learn the gestures of your brothers with your own body. Please be glad to have this opportunity. 」

 See? This is what, Kiyomizu Nii-sama told me.

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I remember what the father said.「Take care of your surroundings, and learn how a courtesan(oiran) work is done.」

No, I say many times, but my aim is not a courtesan, it is a geisha, not male Geisha. A female.

「Which reminds me, Nogiku,」

Kiyomizu Nii-sama, who is messing with his hair, stopped his hand on the way.

「Would you like to get your hair done?」

Nii-sama turned and tilted forwards looking at me with a serious face, I can’t read the intention of his question, but I will answer it.

「I am here to assist you.」

I will become a man from now on, but I think it is funny to grow my hair.

However, since a courtesan is a man, there are many people who grow their hair regardless. Even if the number is compared with a person with short hair, the ratio is probably about five-or-a-half.

In short, if it’s suitable, it’s good, right? I’d like to see.

But in my case, I am a woman just pretending to be a man, the customer should not be taken into account badly. I have to exclude any suspicion even if it’s just a little.

「Un. That’s not good.」


You didn’t mishear me, I think I just gave you a word of denial.

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It was asked again unconsciously, but Nii-sama opens his mouth again with a smile.

「What’s wrong with that?」

「Um… 」

I was told the same thing twice for some reason.

I was puzzled when he laughed at me with a smile, I started stroking my head that was to say that my hands were tied.

I thought of it vaguely that I could not keep up with this person who continues to laugh.

「You have beautiful dark hair. There’s a lot of guys out there with long hair, right? You can grow it out.」
「But I’m a woman?」
「You don’t look like a woman. You’re okay.」

Ah, an Ikemen auditory hallucination.

「You don’t have to worry about it.」
「But … 、」
「Stretch the Horn Grow it out.」
「But my gender…」
「Nogiku. Do you understand?」

This time, I was told with the feeling of being unable to reject the demand.

I wonder why I feel so threatened. This is just a story of whether or not I want to touch his hair.

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「What is your answer?」

At the same time as I uttered my voice, Kiyomizu Nii-sama’s hand moved away from my head. Instead, I can hear the sound of a bell attached to my hair.

And when Kiyomizu Nii-sama stood up, the black haori that I and Shushi Nii-sama dressed him up earlier and the blue haori string wavered. Inside is a red fabric with black butterflies dancing, perfect for the black-haired Kiyomizu Nii-sama.

He, like usual looks, cool today too.

「Okay, that’s a good answer. Well then, I finished the outfit for Nigoku and Kiyomizu, so let’s head out quickly. You two ready? For the sake of the future, I will remember it.」



In this way, I continued to practice this practice that far from the practice of a geisha.

Chibiko Era – not an actual Japanese Era, but like the period where she is still young Hikitejaya – teahouse that introduces clients to prostitutes A few sentences in and I already want to kill myself hitatare – ancient ceremonial court robe; I accidentally read that sentence as “Bald men are to accompany young late 20 women”  Huh…if you minus the prehistorical things, it’s pretty much easy to understand. (4 hours on one paragraph) yuuotoko – Knowing this it’s something like an attire that courtesans can wear. Haori is a traditional Japanese hip- or thigh-length kimono-style jacket, worn over a kosode “kimono is being put on steadily” literal -> she’s changing; Not literal -> she is slowly understanding things and how it works. On her way to be a courtesan “It’s a chance to learn the gestures of your brothers with your own body” What the FUCN WHAT FUN TO LEARN THE GESTURES OF A MALE BODY WITH YOUR OWN BODY WHAT ARE YOU TEACHING A 5-YEAR-OLD LOLICON POLICE//though its understandable at the time and age and situation Stretch the hair, the hair of which part of his body =_= auditory hallucination is like drama cds, contagious and dangerous. It’s like blessing ear rape porn voice service. 「兎に角伸ばしなさい」-> I’m sorry I translated it into “Stretch the Horn” but got disgusted and looked up synomymssss, He basically tells her to touch, and I believe back then idk what touching the hair of a courtesan means. I’m just a lowlifetranslator.

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