The beginning: daily life 4

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After having been released from Ramon nii-sama’s attack, I went to go get dinner.
Since I was a small child, I couldn’t participate in the tatami room. That was why when the brothers went to the tatami rooms the kamuros got a break from their work. And then when the banquets in the tatami rooms ended, the kamuros and junior courtesans that had assisted them during the day would go and meet them, helping them take off their kimonos or putting their accessories back in their boxes, and so on.
After all that was done, then they would take a bath and go to bed.

But it was different when the brothers would spend the whole night with a customer.
It wouldn’t do to stay up all night.

In those cases, the nii-sama would let us know beforehand, so there wouldn’t be a case of having to wait all night, or interrupt during their fun.

The timing couldn’t be too early or too late.

The futon had to be set so it was still fluffy, so if it was set out too early, it would flatten out.
Even though the futon’s fate was to get all messed up later, we still had to be careful.

If it was too late, then there was a chance of bumping into the nii-sama and his customer coming to the room, so we could absolutely not be late.
It was more troublesome than being too early.

But even when you tried to put out the futon at the right time, there were occasions where the room might be in use until right before, so sometimes it was pretty hard to set things up.

I have experienced this once.

It was around two months ago.
On that day, I was working under Courtesan Kiyomizu.

“Today is a bedroom day, so could you lay out the futon in the camellia room? It probably won’t be open until the very last moment, so you’re to have everything ready so you can lay it out right away, okay? Nogiku”
“Yes, Kiyomizu nii-sama!”

This job of laying out the futon happened at a pace of once a week, so now after four months I was already used to it.

Today I’ll finish it quickly as usual.
This enthusiastic me would see hell in three hours.

‘Ah, ….Kiyomizu-sama….’
‘What is it?’
‘Please…give me a kiss…hh…,’


I am right now in the closet of the camelia room where Kiyomizu nii-sama and his customer are doing the ‘aahhh~ohhhh.’
I’m stifling my breath and covering my ears.

Just how did I get myself into this?
Let’s go back in time five minutes.

Just as Kiyomizu nii-sama had told me before going to the tatami room, the camellia room didn’t clear out until the last moment, until there were about five minutes before the scheduled time.

There weren’t any customers in the camellia room but the clean up of the room just wouldn’t end.

T-t-t-t-this is bad! What am I gonna do!?
Five minutes? They’re saying to do it all in five minutes!!

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No, wait, I don’t even have five minutes, do I!!?

With the number five completely filling my brain, I was panicking in front of the room when the door opened.

“Nogiku, we’re done cleaning!”
“Sorry, they were guests of honor so it seems like they couldn’t wrap it up quickly. We tried to finish quickly but, it’s already this late. We’d like to help but we still have work to finish so we can’t, we’re really sorry.”
“That’s okay! Then I’ll hurry and get everything ready!!”

Though he said it with an apologetic face, it’s not like the brothers were at fault.
I’m more thankful for their care for me.

But, there are only around three minutes left.

I hurriedly carried the futon to the camellia room.
The futons were in a box with wheels, so even with the body of a five year old child I didn’t have any trouble moving it.

But there were in total three futons that needed to be laid out stacked.
What a top class courtesan uses was three futons, but they all needed to be stacked.
The thickness of one was 30cm, but with three it was 90cm.
My height was 110cm.

“Let’s gooooo!”

This was my fighting spirit.

With the animal strength of someone at the scene of a fire, I managed to lay out all three in about one minute. It was my personal best score.

After taking out the comforters and pillows from the closet, the bed setting was complete.

Only one more minute.

The lantern that only illuminated the ground around it had been standing by in the hallway, and I put it up and to the side from the pillow.

All right, with this the preparations are complete.
is what I thought, but when I looked around, the wheeled box had rolled into the closet of its own accord.

Argh, geez!
Oyaji-sama, this building is messed up!

A bit irritated, I went into the closet to push it out, when it happened.

“We’ll be in here today. ….oh? the door,”
“The camellia room, right? Let’s hurry in, Kiyomizu-sama”

The voices of Kiyomizu nii-sama and his customer rang out from around the wide open door.

…..Seems like I didn’t make it in time.

I quietly shut the door of the closet I was in.
In any case, the only thing I could do was stay in here.
The courage to go out right now was no longer in stock.

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And then we go back to the scene before.

Though separated by a single door in the closet, the graphic voices and sounds were clearly audible. I covered my ears with my hands but,


easily bypassed my earplugs, as if they were meaningless.

Though on the inside I’m an adult, this is honestly pretty tough.
What kind of humiliation torture is this?
And on top of it all the inside of the closet was chilly, and my hands and feet were getting cold.

 I rolled to the backmost part of the closet and curled up.

“Ah…., I’m so happy…”

Well, I’m in hell.
….I’m begging you, please make it morning soon.

The end of the night.

“Nogiku—!! Where are you–!!”
“If you’re there please answer—!!”

I woke up with the sound of those voices.
It seems like I had fallen asleep before I was even aware of it. I was saved by the fact that the bodies of lil squirts follow their instincts.
But still, I’m definitely sleep-deprived. Though I’d need to check a mirror, I feel like I’ve developed massive under-eye bags.

But what time is it now?
If they’re using such loud voices and looking for me like this, it must be around noon.
Because there were no customers, the afternoon was free time for these male prostitutes.
Training or eating or sleeping, they mostly did what they wanted.


That was Kiyomizu’s voice.
Oops, I have to get out of here quickly.
Since Kiyomizu nii-sama and his customer aren’t in this room anymore.

“Nogi—…. , Nogiku!!”

The one who opened it was Kiyomizu nii-sama.
Behind him were also the figures of the other brothers.

“You were here!?”
“Oyaji-sama—! We found Nogiku!”
“Looks like she was in the camellia room–!!”

The brothers called out one after the other.

“Were you by chance in here the whole time?”

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“….Ye, s…”

As soon as Kiyomizu nii-sama pulled me out of the closet, he hugged me tight and asked that question.
I twitched a bit after remembering what had happened last night.
Kiyomizu nii-sama, noticing my self-conscious behavior, showed a wry smile.

“With your hands and feet so cold…. Nogiku, why were you here?”


Hesitatingly, I started speaking about the details of the incident.

Though he was hugging me, sometimes rubbing my back to warm me up, Kiyomizu nii-sama had a bitter expression throughout, his eyebrows lowered.

“…..and then, I thought….that I should stay in there….”
“….Sorry, I’m sorry Nogiku”

It’s not like nii-sama was at fault, but for some reason he was apologizing to me.
If I had to say, then the one who was at fault was me who didn’t properly carry out my duty of laying out the futons.
Since the door was left open, in terms of completion it wasn’t any good at all.

“Um, I’m the one at fault. Please don’t apologize, Kiyomizu nii-sama”
“Ahh, why! I’m really sorry, Nogiku. Wasn’t it scary? In that kind of….ah…”

Seems like he wasn’t listening at all.

I got a knock on the head from oyaji-sama who came shortly after, but he then muttered, “I’ll have to look into dealing with the customers who were in the camellia room until just before…,” and rubbed my head affectionately.

Incidentally, it was Kiyomizu nii-sama who was suspicious of the fact that I hadn’t appeared to put away the futons even after morning had passed, and Shuusui who, when I never returned to our room who asked around about me that caused everyone to notice that I was gone.
Ah, I’m really sorry it turned into such a huge mess.

After that, Kiyomizu nii-sama spoiled me completely rotten.
Like he was trying to make up for doing something he felt guilty for.

“Here, it’s youkan. Say ahh~”
“Nogiku, you’re so cute. Oh, do you want a manju? Open wide~”
“Why don’t we sleep together tonight”
“Nogiku, Nogiku….”

“What is it?”
“I respect you, nii-sama. That’s why it’s okay”

The sweet, sweet one week was forcibly put to an end in this moment.



Well, anyway, I don’t want to do that ever again.

“Do you want more miso soup?”

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“I don’t need a lot like Nagikaze, so I’m okay”

While waiting for Ramon nii-sama’s time in the tatami room to end, I was in the middle of eating dinner with Nagikaze who also happened to be there.
Seems like both of our brothers’ times overlapped.

“Tonight I’ll bring the Go board over, so make sure to have the pieces ready.”
“Will Ran-chan be late?”
“Hmmm Rangiku, huh… I wonder? Well, if we wait he’ll come.”

Nagikaze was eight years old.
He was a kamuro three years above me.
His hair was a sparkly silver, and his eyes were grey. With slightly downturned eyes and a healthy skin tone, he was a handsome boy who liked Go. He was the same age as Shuusui, but Nagikaze was taller.
Apparently he had come to Amatsuki Brothel just a few days after Shuusui.
In that way, both of them were kind of like classmates.

What was impressive about Nagikaze was the huge amount he would always eat. But he never gained weight so I was honestly jealous.
It felt like all of the food he ate got reflected in his height.

“Huhh, we still have some time. What are you gonna do, Nogiku?”

Nagikaze, who had finished eating, asked me.
There was still about two hours until the tatami room banquets were done.

We could use our free time however we liked, so we could sleep or drink tea or play, but I usually this time to work on my arts skills.
I was aiming to be a splendid male geisha, after all. (courtesan: sexy times; geisha: no sexy times)

“Nagikaze if you’re fine with it, I want to play Go.”
“Go? Okay. Then let’s go to my room.”

We would be playing it again tonight, but it was one of the skills that needed to be acquired.
Nagikaze was really good at teaching, so I sometimes got him to teach me while playing against him.
If I do say so myself, I think I don’t waste any of my time.

After staring intently at the net-pattern board, I faced the boy in front of me once more.

“And then, it’s forbidden to repeat in a game.”
“If we do, the game will never end. No one can win, right? That’s why,”

Nagikaze’s teaching was easy to understand after all.
These two hours I learned the taboos of Go while playing, and it was really easy to remember.
Though I say we played, there was no way someone who had just started like me could win against Nagikaze, but maybe because he enjoyed teaching someone about something he liked, he was always happy to teach me.
Thangyou, thangyou.

“Oh, it’s almost time.”
“Ah, you’re right. Nagikaze thank you”
“You’re welcome. Then see you later—!”

After parting at the room, we went to our separate destinations.

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