Summer in Seoul

Chapter 3.2

Tae-Woo closes his cellphone while daydreaming.

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“Have you asked her to come to my place tonight?” asked Park Hyun-Shik to interrupt his daydream.

“I have,” he answered quietly.

“You too, don’t come late tonight,” said the manager while wearing a suit. “Come on, let’s go for lunch. What do you want to eat?”

“Hyong,” Tae-Woo called suddenly.


“Hyong once looked for information about Han Soon-Hee. Is Hyong already checking whether she has a boyfriend or not? “

“So what?”

“When I called her, she was with a man. If indeed she has a boyfriend, her boyfriend can know about us. “

Park Hyun-Shik thinks. “Tonight we can ask it directly to Soon Hee. Come on, let’s go eat and after that you have to get ready for the Interview.”…

“So you told the reporter?” Sandy asked, pinning a piece of roast beef with chopsticks and putting it in her mouth.

The three of them — Jung Tae-Woo, Park Hyun-Shik, and herself — have gathered at Park Hyun-Shik’s large and luxurious apartment. When Sandy arrived, the two men were just about to start grilling meat. Hyun-Shik said this dinner was a thank you for Sandy’s help.

“You can read the news yourself in the newspaper,” Jung Tae-Woo said, turning the pieces of meat on the grill.

Sandy grimaced, then turned to Park Hyun-Shik who was gulping down soju.

“You didn’t eat, uncle?” she asked when she saw the man not holding chopsticks.

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Park Hyun-Shik grabbed the chopsticks and said, “Soon Hee, ssi …”

“You can just call me Sandy,” Sandy interrupted quickly and looked at Park Hyun-Shik and Jung Tae-Woo alternately.

Jung Tae-Woo snorted softly, but didn’t answer.

Park Hyun-Shik cleared his throat and continued, “Okay, if you don’t mind. Sandy, I don’t think I’ve ever asked, but do you have a boyfriend right now? “

Sandy choked at the question of Park Hyun-Shik. “Boyfriend?”

Park Hyun-Shik quickly said, “I don’t mean to interfere in your personal matters, but if you do have a boyfriend, it can be rather difficult. You can’t possibly hide this from him. “

Sandy nodded slowly. “Oh,” she murmured. “Don’t worry, I don’t have a boyfriend.”

“This afternoon when I called you, weren’t you with your boyfriend?”

Jung Tae-Woo chimed in.

Sandy turned to her direction. “This afternoon? Aah … he’s not my boyfriend. “

“Sounds like a boyfriend,” Jung Tae-Woo insisted.

Sandy looked at the two men with narrowed eyes. “All right,” she finally said. She put her chopsticks on the table. “Because you are suspicious, I will tell the truth.”

“Is he your boyfriend?” asked Jung Tae-Woo directly.

“No,” Sandy stressed. “He and I were once in a relationship, but that relationship ended eight months ago.”

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“Then are your relationships still good now?” This time it was Park Hyun-Shik who asked.

“It’s hard to say,” Sandy said, somewhat confused. She leaned on her chin and frowned. “Actually after we separated, we didn’t meet again.

Then about a month ago he started contacting me. I also don’t know what he wants. “

“That means he wants to get back to you,” Jung Tae-Woo said. “Why did you break up with him last time? That’s also if we may know. “

Sandy’s eyebrows raised. “Who says I made the decision? He himself asked to break up with me because he was attracted to other women. “

The two men looked at her with strange eyes. Is that stare caused by pity? Sandy indeed felt very sad.

A boyfriend she trusted left her for another woman.

“Don’t look at me like that. I am alright. At that time I was sad, but I am not the type of woman who is hysterical. There are many things that can make me happy. Many…”

Feeling awkward having talked about her personal problems with the two men, before Sandy could stop herself, her lips kept blabbering, “Mmm, I like listening to music, like potato chips, flowers, fireworks, rain, and stars. So at that time to calm down, I ate a lot of chips

potatoes and I often buy flowers for myself. Sounds strange maybe, but my feelings immediately get better. “

“Then why is he approaching you now?” Jung Tae-Woo urged.

Sandy shrugged. “I do not know.”

“Could he have parted with the woman from before?” asked Park HyunShik.

Sandy tilted her head. “I think not yet.”

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“How about you?” asked Jung Tae-Woo, staring at Sandy curiously.

Sandy returned his gaze. “What do you mean by that?”

“Do you still want to go back with him?”

Sandy paused for a moment, then she tapped her chopsticks on the plate and said, “Never mind, don’t talk about it anymore. What’s important is that now I don’t have a boyfriend and it won’t make any difficulties for you two. Come on, eat again. “

Jung Tae-Woo still looks unsatisfied, but this time Sandy managed to control her mouth. After all, she had only just known the two men, it felt uncomfortable to discuss her personal problems with them.

Sandy cleared her throat to change the subject, then asked, “Then what’s the next plan? Will you take our picture again? “

Park Hyun-Shik shook his head. “No. You can relax for now. Even though you have to stay prepared if we suddenly need your help. “

“I understand,” Sandy said. “The two of you are the boss.”

“Oh yes, on Saturday Tae-Woo will hold a fan meeting to promote his new album,” Park Hyun-Shik said suddenly. “Do you want to come?”

Sandy choked and coughed. The chopstick slipped from her hand and fell to the floor.

Sandy picked up the chopsticks that had fallen and handed them to Park Hyun-Shik.

“Sorry, it seems I ate too hastily,” she said as she rubbed her cold sweat palms into her jeans.

“You don’t need to be greedy like that,” Jung Tae-Woo said. He does not help.

Sandy ignored him and asked Park Hyun-shik, “Meet the fans? Just like the last time?”

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Jung Tae-Woo stared at the grilled meat. He was surprised Sandy knew about the last fan meeting he did before taking a break from the celebrity world.

“No, not like before,” Park Hyun-Shik quickly interrupted before Tae-Woo’s mood turned bad. “This time it’s not as busy as before. We will limit the number of viewers. How? Do you want to come? “

“Oh, I see? Hmmm … “Sandy received a new chopstick that Park Hyun-Shik give out. “Can I come?”

Jung Tae-Woo snorted and sipped his soju, apparently Park Hyun-Shik was late in saving the situation. “What did you come for? Are you one of my fans? “

“I’m not,” Sandy answered bluntly, then pinched the grilled meat and put it in her mouth. She saw Jung Tae-Woo looking at her questioningly, as if waiting for an excuse.

Somehow Sandy felt uncomfortable with the way Tae-Woo looked at her, she chuckled. “Yes, I will not come. Besides, I’m also tired of seeing you. It’s strange, why do my friends like you so much? “

Tae-Woo had opened his mouth to reply to Sandy’s comment, but Park Hyun-Shik hurriedly interceded, “Don’t be like that. I’ll give you two tickets. Come with your friends next Saturday. You’ve never heard of Tae-Woo singing, right? “

Sandy grimaced and looked at Jung Tae-Woo who ate grilled meat with annoyance. “Actually, I have. On television …, “she said.

After a few moments Sandy decided to soften, “How? Can I come or not? Who knows, after going to the program, I will be able to see what I haven’t seen so far. Who knows, later I will be able to understand why so many people like you. “

Jung Tae-Woo looked at her and sighed. “Just come if you want. But don’t do any foolish things.”

Sandy smiled mischievously, suddenly she felt teasing Tae-Woo was fun and said, “Okay, you want me to pretend to be your most fanatical fan? I can run towards you and hold you tight. Then screaming calling your name. Tae-Woo Oppa! I love you! That which is usually done by your fans, right? “

“Maybe you shouldn’t come,” Tae-Woo said, putting his chopsticks hard. “Correct. Don’t come! “

Sandy wiggled her index finger. “You agreed earlier. Cannot be withdrawn. Anyway my friend Kang Young-Mi is a big fan of yours. I already feel bad because I have to hide this problem from her. She really wants to get your autograph. So, I will definitely take her to your fan meeting next Saturday. “

Jung Tae-Woo could only take a deep breath. “Yes, yes, whatever you say.”

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