Chapter 62

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Nasser, full burst!

Translated by SoundDestiny
Edited by Kaepinned




A Hit!


──It landed!













“Remember it!!!!!!”


The blast, the noise, the fire!


Nasser had no idea how many V-1s were fired in total.


The point of impact was enveloped in fire like a volcanic eruption.


“Haha! Suck it up and suffer!”


Nasser just let it blow out to the sky in anger.


Just like that, a tremendous amount of explosive was shot into a corner of the city, which exploded into flames.


Probably close to 10 tonnes of explosives were shot on the spot.


As a matter of course, a whole section of the city was obliterated.


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──literally erased.


Naturally, all the missiles hit the hero.


‘Can the hero still survive in that condition?’


“That’s not possible…….”


Nasser certainly felt the response of the missile landing. ──── He won.


He won!


No one could survive that explosion!


Nasser has won!


“…I wi..──────”


A sweet smoke, like burning nuts, covered the surrounding area.


In a section of the city burning like the fires of hell, no living thing should be alive in it.




A figure walked out of the black smoke that billowed up in a thick cloud of smoke.




“Gehogeho…! Ohhhheeeee…!”


A blackened figure.


Nasser was assured, it was a person.


The man was covered in soot, yet firmly planted on the ground.


“Hero Koji…..!”


‘He’s supposed to die!’


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Despite his dizzy gait, Koji lifted  his face up and looked at Nasser.


“Ossan….missiles, you’ve got to be kidding!”


The contempt that was in his eyes earlier was now gone.


Does that mean he’s more or less serious now?


“AaーAaーAaーdamn it, my legendary equipment is ruined!”


The hero shouted──


‘He was caught in that explosion and he can just say, [ damn it]?’


An unreasonable human being.


It was a fact that Koji was unhurt.


But, Koji was indeed right about something, the most supreme sword in the kingdom, known as the Holy Sword, was nearly worn out but still somewhat usable.


Furthermore, some of the numerous legendary equipment that was rented from neighbouring kingdoms was also damaged.


But that’s all…….


He was still standing with all parts of his body attached under the V-1 fire.


To Nasser it was an unbelievable sight.


“Really…….If it wasn’t for the legendary equipment, the barrier stone, I would have died the second time.”


With that, Koji threw away the necklace-like object around his neck.


‘Barrier  stones? I,I’m sure that it was…’


“Made by the General Authority of the Church….Tears of the Divine King.”


It was not made by the church of this country, but in the head temple of the church – a supreme defensive item made from the remains of a saint who died a long time ago.


It was said such items had an unbreakable shield and were able to repel all kind of attacks. 

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Nasser never thought Koji would use it at this moment.


As they could only be made from the remains of saints, there was a limited number of them.


Legendary items, only a few of which were made in the early days, exist, but the current Church ethics did not allow the saint’s remains to be harmed.


Some of the items were indeed stored in this kingdom.


It would have been kept in the church where that chief priest was. 


‘This hero…I don’t know how but it seems that he managed to obtain it.’




‘Then the second shot ────!’


If the Hero Koji couldn’t defend himself against that thing, then no one was safe.


In other words, Nasser could beat him.


He can win ──────!


“Come out───Germ”


“───I won’t let you! Those missiles are too powerful! That’s why you can’t use it when we’re close!!!!”


Koji cried out and charged again.


Although he didn’t have the speed he had earlier due to some of his equipment being damaged, he was still fast.


Even though he’s rotten – No, he’s rotten, but he is still the hero.


“Damn it! No time to summon?”


Don, don! Nasser had no choice but to counter with his current strength against the hero, who rushed in furiously as he was kicking off the cobblestone pavement.




“Ha! What’s with the guys back there? Looks like you hired some mercenaries! They’re in my way! Play with them, Blaze!”

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As if in response to the cries of the Hero Koji, flying wyverns and monstrous birds in the air furiously attacked the Germans.


The riders astride their monsters had their spears in their hands and they formed an orderly formation as if to show their high level of skill and attacked rapidly.


“Chi! Grenadiers, get rid of them!”




The Germans didn’t seem to have the time to back up Nasser.


Then Nasser would have to settle it by himself against Koji.


“Fine! Come at me, then!”


“Old man! I’m the hero!!”


[There’s no way he can compete with me!] ──Saying this in his heart, the Hero Koji faced Nasser head-on.


“I know you well enough to say, you’re a hero, a scum, and a mad man!──So, what about it? I am the German summoner Nasser Virginia!! Come here! You little shit!”


Nasse went to the rear of the half-track and opened a crate full of weapons that the Germans had been preparing.


“There it is, there it is! A huge number of weapons!”


Nasser mounted them quickly and then he was going to hit the hero with the first round.



“Wha, What the hell is that? Guns!?? I mean, aren’t those from the Japan Self-Defence Forces!?”





Nasser didn’t know what the word was from Hero Koji.


“───It’s the Germans!! Eat this!



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