Chapter 66

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Nasser’s Combat Team.

Translated by SoundDestiny
Edited by Kaepinned


“You know what I’m talking about. Hero Koji!!!!”


Screaming with all his feelings.


Nasser couldn’t resist saying this one word.


From that day,


From that moment,


From that moment───!




‘I did it..I seriously did it!!!’


“I beat the hero…!!!!”


Nasser roared while standing on top of the Tiger I.


By the time his cries were heard throughout the city, the Hero Bodyguard Blaze had lost their will to fight.


Moreover, they had been battered down by the anti-aircraft weapon and witnessing the defeat of the hero made them feel completely defeated.


It was impossible to maintain the will to fight.


Without the hero, there would be no reason to fight further.


“Get out, get out!”


“Run, runnnnnnnnn!!!”


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The high level of skill shown when they first appeared was now a shadow of its former self and they began to scatter and flee as if they were defeated soldiers.


“『Don’t let them escape─── shoot them down!』”


They were further reduced in numbers due to anti-aircraft fire fired by the relentless pursuit of the Germans.


Troops that fell to the ground,the wounded and downed flying wyverns and monstrous birds, were carefully burnt to crisp by the Engineers’ III flamethrower tanks.




It also chipped away at their will to fight. ────


“No, we can’t!!”


“An army of monsters! Abeshi──”


Finally, a crushing retreat.


Only a few flying wyverns and a monstrous bird remained.


The unit was originally built by pouring a lot of resources in searching and teaching these tamers.


After this mess, it was doubtful if it would ever be able to be rebuilt again.


Now, Nasser had come this far.


There was only one person left. ─────


‘……..Liz. Hang on. We’re almost done. Then I’ll be there soon. I’ll fly. I’m going to run…!’


“But first, let’s visit ────────.”






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“Ohhh, Alicia……my dear wife. I’m going to see you.─


─Your husband is going to see you. Welcome him with a smile────!!!─


─Let’s smile cheerfully and embrace each other for the first time in a very long time.”


Nasser started to sing loudly, 


Singing in a loud and clear voice,


“We’re all going! My Germans, let’s go!!! Come on out, ──── Germans!”




Numerous summoning magic circles shone in the vicinity.


Due to Nasser’s magic power, he could not summon high-level summoned beasts but many lesser summoned beasts could be summoned.


However, as a limitation, The Tiger I must remain like this for a while.


There was a probability that the hero under the Tiger I is still continuing to revive.


No matter how invincible the Tiger I was, the hero could crawl out from under it if it was not careful.


‘This is all well and good for now, but ……’


But Nasser couldn’t keep summoning Tigers for the rest of his life, so countermeasures would have to be considered in the future.


But so far he had been able to contain it. 


Nasser didn’t think it would stay like this forever. As it was, Koji could not move even if he was resurrected.


Nasser didn’t know when and how the hero would escape. 


It was hard on the magic power to keep summoning Tiger I, but it was not depleting quickly, so it did not seem to be a problem for the time being.


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───More importantly, it was Alicia.


Nasser had to think about Alicia, who was waiting for him at home.


Nasser got into the sidecar he summoned.


As he did so, he looked around at the German troops lined up behind him.


“『End of assembly!!!』”


Bashin! It was the lvl 2 German infantry who saluted.


To summon them, Nasser didn’t feel much of a reduction in his magic power.


The effect of the Fountain of Magic might be to summon large numbers of these low-Lv summoned beasts.


Three or four single platoons would merge as a company. . Automatic summoning of 『Company Commander』would take place right after this company was formed.


Three or four of these companies were then grouped to form a battalion. The 『Battalion Commander』 was automatically summoned. ─────……






For a moment, Nasser thought he saw his beautiful, former boss ──── but it was a black-clad German soldier.


The captain Nasser saw was only an illusion.


‘Calm down …… forget about it…!’


He then summoned more of those battalions.  After he summoned 3 or 4 of them, they would form a regiment.


The 『Regimental Commander』 was automatically summoned.



『Regimental Commander』 was the overall commander of the compact combat group. 


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──『Nasser’s Kampfgruppe』had emerged.

[TL:Kampfgruppe can refer to a combat formation of any kind戦闘団]


“『To the commanderーーーーーSalute!!』”


Babababababa! and a controlled salute was given. It was so controlled that the black coat fluttered.


While receiving it, Nasser..


“Well, gentlemen……I have finally come this far.”


Against all odds..


Through hardship….


He was coming home…




“──── sing it loud.”


‘Dear, Alicia. We’re ready for you to welcome us.’


“………..Song. Aa,That’s right…── A song of return. Sing me a song……..It can be any song you, the Germans like.”


“『『『Roger that, Commander!』』』”


“Thank you, my dear summons…Come on, let’s get moving…”




“Go!───To our target home!!”





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