Chapter 71.1

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I'm home, Alicia...

Translated by SoundDestiny
Edited by Kaepinned


“I’m home───…….”




‘… bright?’


That was Nasser’s immediate impression when he opened the door.


Even though all the windows in the room were closed, a light source of magical origin was set up on the ceiling, shining brightly and illuminating the room.


And then there was the strange smell.


It must be the smell of a male-female tryst.


The smell was terribly sour, as if the room was not well ventilated.


The smell of Koji’s body fluid and Alicia’s body fluid.


How Nasser knew it…..


It was because……he was looking directly at….


His loving wife ────.

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Alicia ………….


The smell of the two bodies, Koji’s and Alicia’s, was in the air, and Nasser endured it even though he covered his mouth unintentionally.


His beloved wife, only lightly clothed, was sleeping soundly in a luxurious canopied bed.


She was sleeping in spite of the fact that the whole house was in a storm of destruction from gunfire and a hellfire ────.


“Oi,oi……what kind of nerve does she have?”


Nasser thought she was a crazy woman, but he didn’t know she was this crazy. ────


Unintentionally, Nasser gently stroked the wall.


He felt a magic flow in his fingers that covered the entire room.


‘Hmm ……──What is this?’


Speaking of which, the moment Nasser entered the room, the sound outside suddenly became distant and at the same time he felt a slight movement of magic power.


It was not entirely silent, but that was because the door was left open.


The room itself was indeed very quiet.


……In other words, once the door was closed, this room would be completely silent.


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That was the true nature of the unnatural flow of magic that Nasser felt.


“──Is this a sound barrier……?”


The walls were detailed with magic circles in inconspicuous paint, which seemed to block the sound between the outside and the inside.


“I see……..No wonder you can’t hear me…”


‘They did a good one……how long is she going to stay in her dreams?’


Then a question popped inside Nasser’s head.


‘When did they do this?’


When Nasser was at home, he was completely unaware.


At least, when Alicia and Nasser shared a bedroom, there shouldn’t have been anything like this.


With this, Nasser could tell what they had  been doing even when he was at home────…….


“Oooo, that’s what I’m talking about, Koji the Maotoko, and Alicia the whore!”


For a long time now, it had  been an ingenious way to keep Nasser from noticing.


Doing it every night, even when Nasser was sleeping in the next room, every night───!!!


“I see……”

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So it was crafted so that the two of them could enjoy themselves together.


‘Since when did you start ────?’




It was not about the number of times or when!


It didn’t matter if Nasser was there.


The fact that they both agreed to it was the problem.


‘You really are a damn crazy bitch……!’


Just thinking about it made Nasser’s head spin.


Nasser wondered if he ever loved this kind of woman.


“──── hmm~? Kojiii?”


Alicia’s voice was glazed over and she was moseying on the bed.


She seemed to have been awakened by a strange noise coming from the door and the presence of someone in the room.


Her young, beautiful appearance remained unchanged.


Her moist skin was slightly upturned and pink.

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Her breasts that pushed up her shirt were beautiful and full of themselves. ────…… Nasser’s wife Alicia.


She looked at Nasser, still in dazed.


“What’s the matter? Is the urgent request from the king over? Then, quick, ……. Let’s continue from the las────…….”


Alicia and Nasser’s eyes met.




Frozen up───.


Humans seemed to really freeze up when they did not understand the situation that was happening around them. 


Nasser also stiffened when he was betrayed by this woman.


And the look on her face…


Those were the eyes of a bitch when she was  flirting with a man.


“Kojii, Kojiiiii….?”


“Yo…….I’m not Koji, Sorry.”




“………………──I’m home, Alicia.”

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