Chapter 72

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Couple Quarrel

Translated by SoundDestiny
Edited by Kaepinned


『love』 was it────……




That was what Nasser was laughing about.


He didn’t see it anywhere!








It was a hollow laugh.


And yet, Nasser continued.


“───I was crazy to love a woman like you…..”


Nasser had a resigned voice. But his loving wife Alicia was on his case.


“Y,you’re so noisy! You’re nothing but a stepping stone!”




“Your words are too cruel, Aliciaaaah!”


Say it, say it, say it!


I’ll say it, I’ll say it, I’ll say it!


“That you hate me so much, I’ve fallen out of favour that much, huh?! Ha, my eyes were glazed over, my dear wife!”


“Shut up! Guards! Guards! Come on, you stupid fuck!”




‘At this stage, she still relies on others?’


“They ain’t coming even if you shout────. There’s only Germans around the house.”


“What? Guards! Fucking useless bastards!!”

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With a quick manoeuvre, Alicia reached under the bed and pulled something out.


The glistening, over decorated thing was a strange, shiny, bonny rapier, despite its slender appearance.


“──Hou? A magic sword?”


“Hmph! Koji sent me this sword for self-defence! This is the legendary sword on loan from the Empire!”


Shi ────!


Alicia threw a sharp thrust.


It was not a move she used to make.


It was more refined than when she was an adventurer. 






“You’re doing well, Alicia.”


Nasser narrowly avoided the blow with his sword.


“Hmph…! This sword absorbs mana and improves physical ability! And ────”




A series of sharp blows struck Nasser.


“──Koji taught me how to do it!!! On the bed, everywhere!!”




“────Consecutive attack!!”


Alicia’s movements, which were as supple as a cat’s, were , as it turned out, more than that of an average swordsman.


It seemed that Koji’s teaching certainly benefited her, as well as the effectiveness of the magic sword.




“───There’s no way you can match me, even if you’ve taken a few sword’s lesson!”


“Shut up! The only thing you have going for you is your dragon summoning skills────”.



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“I don’t want to be told only by a bitch whose only brain is to flirt with men!”


Alicia raised her sword.


“I got you!”


“You didn’t, idiot!”


A blow.






Alicia’s rapier was knocked down from above by Nasser’s broadsword.


As expected of a legendary thin sword, it did not break, but the impact of the hard-hitting smash caused it to bend and bounce on the ground.


“Ah, I went and did it……”


Jinjin Alicia stared petrified at her shaking hands.




The rapier rolled away with a clear metallic sound.


“Ha! You’re good at that.”


“Kuku……! Ko.”




Alicia stoutly looked at Nasser, who was looking at her, and quickly ran to escape.


Nasser would not miss this chance.


Alicia’s slender body fell as Nasser tripped her legs.


“Hyah! Dagh….!”


She was hit hard in the face, but she was not ready to give up yet and glared at Nasser.


Koji ain’t coming……


Kicking away the rapier that rolled on the floor, Nasser shouldered his broadsword and said.


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“Haha. You haven’t gotten much stronger, have you? What…..did Koji teach you?”




“───That little shit’s arms are no better than a kid’s arm. He looks strong because he has the physical strength of a hero and the luxury of equipment.”


“W,what? You said that because you lost!”




“──…… that little shit’s sword skills are below that of an average swordsman. I don’t know about it during in bed, though.”


“Kuu, you can talk all you want!”


‘Houu? You’re all talk…….well, whatever.  Koji is no longer my enemy, he’s just a small fish.’


“──Ko,Koji! KoーーーーーーJiiiiiii!!!”


Thinking he was somewhere, Alicia kept on screaming Koji’s name.


‘She’s utterly……stupid to no end.’


“Koji is not gonna come.”


“──he’s coming! Koji is coming!”


Ha……such great confidence.


“He ain’t coming, take this.”


Nasser took out something like a necklace and tossed it to Alicia.


“W,what is it? This too,────……, eh?”


Alicia looked at it seriously as she received it out of reflex.


“Eeh, what? This, this is the tear of God……..Eh? Why? Huh?”


‘So she knew the item? Seeing it’s from Koji, he probably brag about his items’


“After the little bastard used it. You deserve a second-hand one. I’ll give it to you…….”


“What? This …… doesn’t work anymore……. what?”


‘She’s not very good at understanding things.’


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“Anyway, I’ve killed him five or six times already and it’s still ongoing.”


“────…… you’re lying.”


Alicia would not admit it.


She could not admit it.


The strongest and bravest throughout the kingdom.


It never occurred to Alicia that Hero Koji would disappear.


She never thought that the royal capital would be destroyed while she was sleeping.


She never dreamed that the church was crushed and the guild collapsed.


And her own house was on fire ……


She couldn’t even imagine that everything had been obliterated except this room.


“It’s all a lie!”


I don’t believe it. I don’t believe it!


“I don’t believe it! I don’t believe it! I don’t believe it! I don’t believe it! I don’t believe it! I don’t───”


Oh, I guess so.


“I, too, can’t believe it either.─


─I can’t believe you were a whore and I loved you”


“──── out”




“────Get out of here! Go away! Get out of my sight! Dead spirit!!”


Alicia began  to curse at Nasser.








Nasser’s fist reached towards Alicia’s face.

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