Chapter 79

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Look at the 80cm train gun!

Translated by SoundDestiny
Edited by Kaepinned


Is the train gun indeed too excessive?


No, no, it was needed.


It seemed a bit excessive to summon it just for targeting his own wife, but, the target was not only the ex-wife.


‘Really, it’s just a bonus that whore was in it.


Ooohh, wait, wait.


Was it mainly to beat the shit out of my wife?


───Well, it doesn’t matter either way.’


For now, all Nasser could do was laugh at the brilliant surroundings.


After all, it was a train gun with a huge 80 cm barrel.


The perfect word for this aftermath was: horrendous.


Nasser’s house, as well as the surrounding houses, were crushed by the shockwave alone.


The royal capital was knocked down in a radial pattern, as if a giant had slammed its fist down on it.


If the houses did not collapse, its shattered glass jumped across the street and the ruffians strolling through the streets were blown away, their eardrums ruptured and even blew tears of blood.


Those near the train gun were even more miserable, blown to pieces by the shockwave of the firing.


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“Oioioioi……How much more danger can you do──?”


‘Oh, by the way, where’s Alicia?’


Nasser forgot to look at where she would drop.


“…………Well, that’s okay.”


With just one shot, the whole scene around Nasser changed.


The land had been cleared.


And this was ────.


‘It’s a launch point, right?


Not…..the point of impact, right?


Come to think of it, what’s the target again?’


“『Loading the next shell! Bullet type──high-explosive shell』”




The Germans ran around in a steady manner, as if to clear up Nasser’s doubts.


The orders were smooth and everyone understood the mission.


“『Finish the loading before the enemies comes! Hurry up!!!』”


Barabarabara The Germans jumped out of the shelters and attached themselves to the train guns and the shell-carrying wagons.


Nasser looked at them as they seemed to have no idea of taking a leisurely position.

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※ ※


On the other side────


Far away from the capital, the 1st Cavalry Regiment of the Field Division.


“We’re only a few hours away from the Royal Capital!! Hurry, all of you, hurry!”




The regimental flag was flying high and the commanders in their splendid armour were shouting in fury.


The sight of nearly 3,000 knights and more than 3,000 warhorses riding in order was something to behold. 


A few hours ago.


The elite soldiers of the Blaze came to give the urgent news of the royal capital in a battered state.


Incredible as it might seem, the report was that the royal capital had fallen. 


The king was currently missing, and it was said that even the hero might have been defeated.


The higher ups thought it was ridiculous, but there was no way that there was someone in the Blaze unit who would be dumb enough to tell such a lie.


The quick-witted higher ups of the field division immediately decided to dispatch a mobile cavalry regiment.


They decided to send them out to investigate and subdue the enemy.


Whatever the facts, it was not a trivial matter.


At the very least, it seemed that there was no doubt that chaos was brewing.

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Since it was an emergency, they chose a route over the mountains, knowing the risks and marched rapidly with the intention of using up all their warhorses.


Although they suffered some damage on the way due to falling rocks they managed to cross the route over the mountains and were able to advance to the royal capital within shouting distance.


As the regimental commander, he was thrilled by the speed of the army’s first-ever advance.


In addition, the thought that he would surely be highly promoted if he also gained the honour of liberating the Royal Capital naturally made his cheeks loose.




“Regimental commander! Up in the air────…… what is that?”


“Idiots! There’s no such report! …… hmm?”




‘──Is that the Blaze unit?’


One shadow transited the sky, making an eerie noise.


It was covered by the sun, which had begun to set, although only its silhouette was visible, it appeared to be a monstrous bird.


“──It must be the Blaze, who came from the Royal Capital with a message. If you’re distracted by that, you’ll fall off your horse!”


What the regimental commander said was right.


Speed was the key factor now.


They could not afford to be distracted by trivialities.


“Onward, gentlemen…before sundown!”


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Suddenly, the ground exploded in a huge explosion and ──── the career path of the commander of the 1st Cavalry Regiment was crushed on this spot.








The horses panicked and thick black smoke billowed up.


The leading group in the formation was suddenly obliterated.


Yes, it was obliterated.


The first thing that those who had escaped the explosion saw was such a view. The long marched soldiers were split into two.


The dismembered cavalry……


Burning ground and incredibly huge craters.


The rear group did not even know what had happened.


The chain of command was taken away in an instant, and the cavalry regiments were riding towards the royal capital as per their original orders────






…………on this day.


The 1st Cavalry Regiment ceased to exist before sunset.

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