Chapter 1644: Captain, Don’t Shoot. It’s Me

Following Luke’s way of thinking, the system had named Elena’s ability “Foresight Drawing.”

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Just like with his three attributes, he named it based on the old games he had been especially familiar with in his previous life.

Foresight Drawing was simple and straightforward, and amply proved a certain person’s lack of naming sense.

This ability could foresee things, but the range and content couldn’t be controlled.

It wasn’t like Elena could draw whenever she wanted. Even when Luke tried to give her some mental suggestion, it couldn’t be triggered.

For now, however, Foresight Drawing was basically about major events related to Luke.

At the same time, he didn’t know if it was because the ability itself wasn’t strong enough, but Elena could only draw incomplete pictures.

Some of the details would be left in shadow, and were impossible to make out, while most of the drawing would contain blank spaces.

However, it didn’t matter.

In the two drawings this time, most of the people in the command center were nothing more than a few strokes – only one man and woman were clearer than the rest.

The man with curly hair should be a technician, and the woman with long hair should be a female agent — because she was armed.

Clearly, these two were the “main characters” in the drawing of the command center.

Luke was now standing in the middle of the scene.

Looking at it from this angle, the entire scene basically corresponded to the drawing.

The two main characters came into view.

Now that he was certain, Luke wasn’t in a hurry.

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As Steve spoke, most people in SHIELD stopped and listened silently.

However, the members of the Strike force, who were already scattered around the key departments, started to take action.

After hearing Steve’s announcement, Pierce quickly gave the order for Project Insight to be launched.

These Hydra members immediately took control of key locations.

For example, the control room underground, the command center in HQ, and Pierce’s office.

When one of the teams entered Pierce’s office, the four council members subconsciously stood together opposite Pierce.

One of them pointed at Pierce. “Arrest him.”

The Strike force team raised their guns and aimed at the four members.

A mocking smile appeared on Pierce’s face. “Sorry, it seems that I still have the final say here.”

What he didn’t know was that Agent Hill’s voice was in the ear of the female council member, Holly. “Don’t be in a hurry to take action. Try and get some information out of him. We need to confirm if he has a backup plan.”

Unperturbed, Holly said coldly, “Pierce, it’s useless. You should know that we will all go down together.”

Pierce shook his head with a smile. “No. You might die, but I won’t.”

Holly’s heart jumped. “Really? Then why aren’t you doing anything?”

Pierce shook his head, finding the question stupid. “As long as you’re alive, they can’t activate the contingency plan.”

Looking at his subtle expression and eyes, Holly roughly understood what was going on.

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The four of them could be used to delay any decision made by the higher-ups.

Whoever gave the order and got them killed would have to pay a huge price.

If they were still alive, there was no way to bypass the director’s authority over SHIELD.

But judging from Pierce’s expression, this was just insurance. He didn’t really value the four council members.

Once the operation was completed successfully, they might be killed, just like that.

While Pierce was feeling confident, a dozen fully-armed Strike force members entered HQ’s command center. The captain walked over to the technician and said, “Activate the launch sequence.”

Little Curly Hair turned around and looked at the brawny man whose arms were thicker than his thighs. He immediately turned back to face the screen.

He swallowed hard and said in a shaky voice, “I… I…”

The captain said darkly, “What’s the problem? Do as I say.”

Everybody in the command room looked at them.

The dozen or so Strike force members, however, raised their rifles slightly, ready to attack at any moment.

Several agents also bent down slightly as their right hands moved slowly, ready to draw their guns at any moment.

Little Curly Hair was nervous. He swayed slightly and gasped for breath several times before he said, “S- Sorry, I can’t do it.”

Then, as if he had made a difficult decision, he turned around and stared at the captain. “Captain’s orders: The Helicarrier cannot be launched.”

The captain drew out his gun, which he aimed at Little Curly Hair’s head. “Do you have a problem with that?”

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“I do.” A voice broke the practically freezing atmosphere in the command room.

Stumped for a moment, the captain turned to look at a corner of the command room. “You are…”

In one corner, Luke walked out with a friendly smile. “Captain, don’t shoot. It’s me.”

The captain: “Beech? Aren’t you…”

His face changed, and he suddenly turned his gun and pointed it at Luke. “No wonder you didn’t report in last night, you traitor.”

“Who’s a b*tch?” Luke’s smile disappeared. “You’re the b*tch. Your entire family are b*tches.”

The captain was dumbfounded. “What?”

Beech was usually unremarkable in the team.

Because his wife had cheated on him, this guy killed her in a rage.

Then, he developed mental issues, and he started killing women.

In the beginning, he killed women who were cheating on their partners, but very quickly, he started killing the professional sex workers who hung out on the streets. In the end, he just killed whoever seemed a little flashy.

This was what the captain had used to pull him into Hydra. This guy was cruel to women, but he was very obedient in front of a fierce man like the captain. He was usually very careful when he spoke.

The people in the Strike force didn’t think much of this coward who only dared to be ruthless to women, and had a very ordinary attitude toward the captain.

This guy was actually bold enough today to curse his entire family? The captain vaguely felt that something wasn’t right.

Luke, however, gave a strange smile. “Do you know what I’m best at?”

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The captain’s mind raced, and only then did he notice that “Beech” was actually holding a gun in his right hand. He immediately pulled the trigger without hesitation.

But Luke was faster.

He raised the gun in his right hand and swept it out, his arm leaving an afterimage in the air.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The captain was shot in the face and was the first to fall.

The team members who had come with him didn’t escape the bullets either. They were all shot in the face.

In less than two seconds, the dozen or so team members who had charged in with guns all fell.

Only then did Luke finish his sentence. “What I’m best at is rapid fire, Captain.”

Smiling, he unhurriedly pressed the release button and reloaded the empty clip.

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