Super Urban Master

Chapter 100.

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Qin Hao looked at the shaking ground beneath his feet in astonishment. He was wondering if there might be an earthquake. Just as he was about to leave, he felt a sudden pain in his head, and a mass of black Qi emerged.

"Evil Yin Pearl?" Amid Qin Hao's screams, the Evil Yin Pearl flew out from his forehead with a 'whoosh' sound. Then, it drilled into the ground and disappeared.

Qin Hao felt pity. Damn, this was Evil Yin Pearl, the cultivation treasure that everyone want-ed. It disappeared just like that. However, it's not time to feel pity. The ground under his feet was shaking more and more violently, and the surrounding trees began to topple over. It was as if something was about to break out from the ground and he needed to leave as soon as possible.

Just as Qin Hao was about to leave, a loud "boom" rang out. A vast crevice appeared on the ground beneath his feet. It startled Qin Hao, and he ran away without any hesitation.

"Huff … huff …"

Before Qin Hao could run a few steps, there was a violent tornado which chased him and swept him. No matter how fast he was, he couldn't be faster than the tornado. In an instant, he was engulfed by the tornado and was dragged into the crevice.

Qin Hao was extremely shocked. Ever since he started cultivating, he had rarely been afraid of anything. This time, he was terrified.

Unfortunately, no matter how much he feared, he was still unable to withstand the tornado in the end. He was swept into the vast crevice and disappeared without a trace.

Once Qin Hao disappeared from the crevice, the tornado also stopped. The huge crevice slowly closed, returning to its original state. The ground also returned to its previous peace and stopped shaking. Everything returned to its previous calm.

Su Xue stood on top of a massive rock at the dock of Dingla Town, gazing into the deep ocean and the passing ships. All the time she didn't see Hawa ship that Qin Hao took, she felt more and more uneasy.

"Young sister Yu, it has been so many days, why the ship that Qin Hao took has not returned yet?" Su Xue helplessly looked at Ye Siyu, hoping to find the answer from her. She only wanted to receive a few words as comfort from Ye Siyu. How could Ye Siyu know the answer?

Ye Siyu walked over and smiled bitterly, "Sister Su, it won't be that soon to return from the sea. Let's be patient and wait for a few more days. Furthermore, you know how capable Qin Hao is. Even if something wrong happens, others will get troubles, but he will be fine, so don't worry. "

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"But, but …I'm always unsettled these days. Last night I even had a nightmare and discov-ered that Qin Hao, he … " Thinking of that nightmare from last night, Su Xue couldn't help worrying unceasingly. Last night, she dreamt that Qin Hao was fighting against a considera-ble python on an island. In the end, Qin Hao couldn't fight against the python, and it opened its bloody mouth and swallowed him without leaving a little bit of his bone behind.

Ye Siyu smiled bitterly again. "Sister Su, you are too worried, so you had the nightmare. Moreover, this was just a dream. How could you take it seriously? All right, let's go back. He will look for us if he comes back. Look, it is about to turn dark."

Su Xue also felt that Ye Siyu was right, so she nodded in agreement, "Okay, let's go back. We'll come here tomorrow."

"Eh …" Ye Siyu almost fainted. In these past few days, she had been coming here every day. Why couldn't she take a rest for a while? It seemed that Su Xue was genuinely ab-sorbed in Qin Hao.

Maybe this was love.

"Sister Su, do you love Qin Hao?" On the way back, Ye Siyu casually asked Su Xue.

Su Xue was stunned as she didn't answer immediately. At first, she lowered down her head bashfully, and her white and tender face slightly flushed. After a long while, she raised her head, looked at Ye Siyu and asked, "Young sister Yu, have you ever loved someone?"

Ye Siyu could not help laughing in silence. She asked her first, but why did Su Xue ask her instead? However, she still replied very seriously, "This, I'm not sure. I don't know what can be considered as loving someone."

Su Xue smiled. Her smile was lovely and moving, "I didn't know it before, but now I did."

"If you fall in love with someone, your whole heart will be attracted by him, fascinated by him, worries about him. You will wish that you can see him every minute, and you will think about him every minute when you can't see him. You will feel excited, happy and sweet when you see him. You will feel very warm and safe when you're together with him…"

Ye Siyu listened to Su Xue's feelings for love quietly. After hearing, she shook her head, "If that's the case, then I haven't loved anyone."

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Su Xue was a smart person. From these words, she seemed to sense that Ye Siyu had some thoughts. She immediately smiled and said, "So, you must like someone. Who is he? Is he even more outstanding than my Qin Hao? "

"Oh, sister Su, there's nothing. Don't make such an assumption." Ye Siyu blushed and pout-ed her lips.

"Ha-ha." Su Xue laughed happily, "Little girl, even you deny it, from your looks, I could tell that you like somebody."

"Sister Su, you're kidding me. I won't talk to you." Ye Siyu stamped her feet like a little wom-an, pretending to be angry as she walked forward.

Su Xue smiled as she caught up with Ye Siyu and held her hand, "All right, all right. I won't say any more. If there's no one, then there's no one. However, if you have someone you like in the future, you must let big sister have a look and check for you. "

"I don't need. You even like the man like Qin Hao. I don't believe in your appreciation." Ye Siyu still didn't like Qin Hao, but it wasn't as intense as before.

"Sigh, you still haven't fully understood Qin Hao." Su Xue argued, "To be honest, I never thought I would fall in love with him. Moreover, he is my student. However, love is not con-trolled by us. Once he touches your heart, you will love him. If one day he touches your heartstrings, what will you do? Would you fall in love with him? " Of course, those words were just joking. Su Xue did not take it seriously, but everything in the world was unpredictable. How could Su Xue know that her joking words today would become true in the future?

"Shit, I will fall in love with him? Even if all the men in this world die, I won't fall in love with him." Ye Siyu's tone was filled with disdain. As soon as she said that, a familiar voice came from behind.

"Young sister Yu, young sister Yu!"

When Ye Siyu heard this familiar voice, she hurriedly stopped her steps and turned around. In her line of sight, there was an extraordinarily handsome young man walking towards her. It was her favorite senior brother, Yun Yifei.

Ye Siyu was stunned. She never thought that she would see Yun Yifei here. How come he also be here? At the same time, Yun Yi Fei's face was also filled with astonishment. He still did not believe that he would be able to see her here until he arrived in front of Ye Siyu. Just now, he only saw that she looked familiar, so he chased after her and called out. He didn't expect that she was indeed Ye Siyu.

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"Young sister Yu, why are you here?"

"Senior brother, why are you here?"

The two of them asked the same question almost at the same time.

The two of them were stunned by the other's question and stood there blankly for a moment. Neither of them knew who should answer first. At this time, it was Su Xue who came up to help.

"Young sister Yu, this is …?" Su Xue looked at Yun Yifei. She was also amazed by Yun Yifei's handsome appearance. He was more attractive than the one on TV. Could he be the one that Ye Siyu liked? Her taste was good.

"Oh, sister Su, this is my senior brother, Yun Yifei." Ye Siyu regained her senses and quickly turned to make an introduction. "Senior Brother, this is the sister I just met, Su Xue."

"Hello, Miss Su." Yun Yifei revealed that kind of smile that could instantly kill countless teen girls and extended his hand towards Su Xue. He was attracted by Su Xue's beautiful ap-pearance and figure as well, especially Su Xue's figure. Her unusually huge chest made her figure curvier and sexier, and more charming to attract men's attention.

"Hello." Su Xue politely extended her slender hand and pressed against Yun Yifei's fingertip before quickly withdrawing it, causing Yun Yifei to feel very awkward.

Damn it. A handsome guy like him, not to mention touching a woman's hand, even if he were to touch their body, they would vie with one another and rush to him eagerly. However, this time, he was the one who took the initiative, but he got perfunctory feedback as if his hands were covered with dogshit.

"Eh, young sister Yu, this is not a good place to talk. Why don't we go back and talk?" Su Xue's suggestion broke the awkward atmosphere.

"All right, Senior Brother, let's go back and talk." Ye Siyu immediately said.

Yun Yifei nodded in agreement naturally.

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The three of them arrived at a simple bar. The bars here were usually like this, simple and without a private room. They could only make do with a quiet corner in the bar and sat down. Fortunately, it was time that the men put out to sea, and there weren't many guests inside.

They ordered a cup of wine for each of them. Then most of the time, Ye Siyu was talking with Yun Yifei. Su Xue felt that she seemed to be the third wheel here, but she was too embarrassed to leave so she could only continue to be the third wheel faithfully.

Ye Siyu didn't hide anything to this handsome senior brother. She told him everything in detail. From the kidnapping in Nanlin City to everything happened in Wuliu Town, including what her master, the Taoist nun Qing Yang did to her. (Except the part that Qin Hao bullied her.)

During the talk, Yun Yifei angrily scolded Qing Yang and said that after returning to the sect, he would remove Qing Yang from Profound Martial Sect. Even if this woman had died, he would make her name disappear from Profound Martial Sect's genealogy forever.

After Ye Siyu finished talking, it was Yun Yifei's turn. Ye Siyu asked why he had left the hotel alone when they were in Nanlin City.

Yun Yifei hid something. Naturally, he couldn't tell that he was going after Shi Bingying. He only said that he temporarily got something significant to deal with. When he returned, he did not see Ye Siyu and the rest. Thus, he was very anxious and followed to Wuliu Town, and finally to Dingla Town.

While the two of them were talking, a series of heavy footsteps came from outside. Amidst the "hula" sound, three people broke into the bar. One of them was a big fellow with a full beard. He shouted at the top of his lungs before arriving, "Boss, bring out the wine, the best wine." They were speaking Chinese.

Because they were speaking Chinese, Yun Yifei and the other two couldn't help but look towards the three men who came in. With a look, Yun Yifei frowned. The three of them were all Martial Cultivators. Could it be that they had also followed Qin Hao here?

The three men also saw Yun Yifei and the other two. It's good that they didn't see them, but once they saw Su Xue and Ye Siyu, they immediately acted as if they had seen the beauties from heavens.

The other two men didn't move while the big black-bearded man had already walked towards Yun Yifei's table.

"Hey, boy, get out of the way. I will take this seat." The bearded man was very arrogant and domineering. He said to Yun Yifei while staring at Su Xue and Ye Siyu.

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