Super Urban Master

Chapter 147

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In the ancient martial sects, there was an evil and frightening sect called Elysian Land Sect. The strength of this sect was estimated to be not weaker than any seven major sects, including the number one ranked Dragon Soul Temple. However, this sect was too evil and was disdained by the other sects. Therefore, they wouldn't put them in the Seven Great Sects.

The evil side of the Elysian Land Sect was mainly manifested in their cultivation techniques, which is harvesting Yin to nourish the Yang.

In fact, during ancient martial arts cultivation methods, many cultivation methods gather Yin and replenish Yang. But not all of the people that practiced this kind of technique were evil, but Elysian Land Sect's way of harvesting Yin and nourish Yang requires a woman's life, and the cultivators in this sect also had a perverted hobby, likes to toy with women, who would not be released until they became unsightly.

Therefore, if there were a chance, any woman who knew this sect would rather suicide than be taken captive by them.

Maybe it was because they had done too many bad things, they finally received their retribution. Dozens of years ago, Elysian Land Sect's Sect Leader and his wife gave birth to a quintuplet, and in the end, all five of them were dwarves. The weight of each baby was less than half a kilogram.

When everyone thought that it was the punishment of heavens for the Elysian Land Sect, and they thought that the Elysian Land Sect would restrain itself a little, no one had thought that the situation would develop in a way that exceeded everyone's expectations.

Although quintuplets are dwarfs, all of them were geniuses. Each one cultivated the cultivation methods of the Elysian Land Sect to the extreme, and each of them also carried the spirit of "extreme joy," playing with women was more complicated methods than their father did, and the ways they used were crueler. Everyone's expression changed when they heard this, and once women heard it, they would just run away immediately. They were known in the underworld as the "five ghosts of extreme joy."

If An Ru was caught by this guy, it was easy to predict the consequence. This was what Wang Zhong was afraid of. If he could, he would smack An Ru to death rather than seeing her fall into the hands of this dwarf, but he wasn't able to take any actions except roaring, "Miss, leave quickly, quickly!"

When An Ru saw Wang Zhong's pale face and frightened expression, she also realized the severity of the problem. She wasn't one of those young girls, who had less experience in the world. She had never seen such a terrified expression on Wang Zhong's face before, so she knew what that meant.

"Hahaha, beauty, don't leave when you see me. I like you." The dwarf laughed strangely, looking at beautiful An Ru, he was drooling with a "hualala" sound without any good behavior.

"Hurry up, I'll stop him!" Wang Zhong pushed An Ru away anxiously.

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"Uncle Zhong, you must be careful." An Ru knew the severity of the situation, and knew that she would become Wang Zhong's burden if she stays. After being pushed away by Wang Zhong, she no longer hesitated, and immediately ran.

"Beauty, don't run. Brother is coming, Hahaha." The dwarf laughed and disappeared in the spot.

"If you want to touch my Miss, you have to pass through me first." Wang Zhong shouted and rushed forward, using all his strength and speed to punch at the dwarf.

"You're courting death!" The dwarf suddenly grabbed Wang Zhong's fist with his hands, which were as small as a child's. When the small hand grabbed onto Wang Zhong's huge fist, it looked extraordinarily comical and over-confident, but Wang Zhong's fist was not able to move even an inch forward. Instead, it emitted a "ge ge" sound. That's the sound of bones being broken

Wang Zhong had long known that the dwarf was powerful, but he never thought that he would be as powerful to such a terrifying extent. He was simply not his match, and if this continued, he did not doubt that his fist would be shattered by the dwarf.

"Haaargh!" In order to escape from the fate of fist crushed, Wang Zhong endured the sharp pain that came from his fist, spitting out a loud shout from his chest. His next gesture was "annihilate army leg," with which he swept the bottom of the dwarf.

"Scram!" Seeing that An Ru had already run out of the forest, the dwarf was too lazy to continue talking with Wang Zhong. He exerted more strength in his hands and directly flung Wang Zhong out. The kick of Wang Zhong was missing in mid-air, and he fell down on his back and smashed into the jungle in the distance.

"AH!" Just as An Ru ran out of the forest, as if she felt something had happened to Wang Zhong, her feet suddenly turned and fell to the ground. At this time, she did not care about the pain, and crawled up, wanting to see how Wang Zhong was. But halfway through, her ankle seemed to have ramped up, and with another "Ah!" of painful crying, she fell down once again. Her ankle was sprained, and it wasn't light either.

"Hahaha, little sister, I knew you would wait for me, Hahaha." The dwarf rubbed his small hands together and walked over with a lascivious smile.

"Stop, don't come over!" An Ru pointed at the dwarf and bellowed, "You, you dared to come over, don't blame me for being ruthless." When she said this, even An Ru herself felt that it was meaningless.

"Hahaha …" The dwarf raised his head and laughed. He laughed so hard that his entire body was trembling as if he had gone insane. "Little sister, don't be polite to me."

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"Whoopee." After the dwarf finished laughing, he licked the saliva on his lips. "So beautiful, I like you." With that, he rushed forward impatiently.

"Ah, what are you doing? Scram, scram! If you don't get off, I'll call for help. "

"Hahaha. Scream, scream as much as you can. I like more people. That's more exciting."

"Sha,sha, sha." The rustle of clothes being torn was heard.

"Help, help!" An Ru screamed with all her might.

"Scream, haha, it's useless even if you scream so loud that your throat is injured. Scream …" The dwarf stopped and raised his head. He felt something. "Someone's here?"

His feeling was very accurate, but it was still a bit late. By the time he realized something was wrong, the fierce wind was already blowing towards him. The speed and the force of the wind scared him. He did not dare to take this attack on. So he dodged hurriedly and jumped away in a second. His speed was shockingly fast.

"Eh?" A youth landed beside An Ru, and he looked at the dwarf that was jumping away, felt a little surprised. This little guy was actually able to dodge his sudden attack, so his strength wasn't inadequate.

"It's … Qin Hao, it's you!" An Ru saw a familiar person, and was both happy and sad.

The person who came was Qin Hao, who had arrived in time. Previously, he had gotten the address from the person of the Dragon Group in An Ru's villa. On his way here, he heard that someone is calling for help, so he rushed over. He had already investigated everything thoroughly using his Spirit Sense before he had even arrived. He discovered that it was An Ru, who was about to be assaulted by a powerful Martial Cultivator and was naturally furious to the point of punching him in the face.

Of course, to avoid harming An Ru, he did not dare to use his full strength. Otherwise, it would be hard to say if the dwarf could have dodged his sudden attack just now.

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"Chief An, are you alright?" Qin Hao had wanted to continue to teach that disgusting dwarf a lesson, but after hearing An Ru's shout, he anxiously turned around.

At this point of time, An Ru's clothes had been ripped to the point where even her snow-white skin was revealed, causing Qin Hao to hurriedly take off his jacket, squat down and put it on top of An Ru's body, covering the exposed body.

"Qin Hao, wuuuuu..." suddenly, An Ru did something that Qin Hao did not expect. She threw herself into Qin Hao's embrace and cried out loudly with a "wuwu" sound. The humiliation, fear, and helplessness just now caused her to cry out.

Only now did she realize that she was actually a weak woman. How much she needed a strong man to act as her harbor and give her a sense of security. In these past few years, she had always worked alone, experienced all the trials and hardships of the human world, and endured all the hardships of life. She thought that she no longer needed a man, and only now did she realize that she was still a woman.

"Who, who are you? How dare you spoil my plan, I will kill you!" The dwarf screamed and jumped up with a "Hu" sound as he struck towards Qin Hao's back with his palm.

"Haaargh!" The dwarf's palm was only halfway done when a delicate shout sounded out from behind him, and a strong gale assaulted his back.

If he did not care about what was behind him, even if he managed to hit Qin Hao with this move, he wouldn't be able to dodge that palm behind him.

Without any hesitation, the dwarf decided to give up attacking Qin Hao, and turned around to strike behind him with his palm.


The two palms collided, and the two were separated immediately.

"Haha, another beauty has arrived, and her strength isn't bad, but I like her even more, hahaha." When the dwarf landed, he saw the slim and beautiful young girl opposite him and was elated for a moment.

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The young lady was Liu Yan, who was following closely behind Qin Hao. She was one step slower, and when she arrived, she discovered that the dwarf was attacking Qin Hao from behind, so she immediately followed behind to attack him.

However, she didn't expect the dwarf to be so much more powerful. Not only did he manage to turn halfway, and he even collided with her. The force that erupted from that tiny body made her feel as if her entire arm was about to be crippled.

"Beauty, it's brother's turn to attack. Receive this attack. Hahaha!" The dwarf laughed strangely, he then leaped up and pounced towards Liu Yan, and before he even arrived, he started drooling saliva in mid-air.

The dwarf's speed was too fast, causing Liu Yan to be unable to dodge even if she wanted to. Before she had the chance to, a sharp gust of wind from his palm had already reached her breast.

"Shameless." Liu Yan didn't care about the numbness in her arm and struck back out with her palm.


Once again striking, this time the dwarf only retreated a step, while Liu Yan was blown away by the strike. With a loud sound of the collision, she struck a big tree, causing the big tree to shake violently.

This time, Liu Yan's body was in a mess. Finally, she was unable to endure it any longer, her throat tightened, and she spat out a mouthful of blood with a "wah" sound.

"Liu Yan." Qin Hao heard Liu Yan's weird voice, and immediately let go of An Ru. He stood up and looked in Liu Yan's direction, and just happened to see Liu Yan spitting blood, he gave a startled cry as he rushed over, and took out a high-quality healing pill to feed Liu Yan. He had embezzled this pill from Li Zhanwu's storage room since he couldn't refine this pill yet.

"How do you feel?" Qin Hao asked worriedly after feeding the medicine.

Liu Yan raised her head, just as she was about to answer, the dwarf had already come to attack from behind Qin Hao.

"Instructor, be careful!" Liu Yan cried out involuntarily. There was a moment that she wanted to rush towards and block the dwarf's attack, but she was slow.

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