Super Urban Master

Chapter 159

Chapter 159 Liu Yan Getting in Trouble (2)

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Liu Yan had long targeted the weakest one in front to take action first so as soon as he moved, she took a step forward first and struck her palm towards the Martial Cultivator who only had the strength of peak of Beginning Stage.

"Bam." With a dull thud, followed by a miserable scream, the Martial Cultivator was simply not Liu Yan's match. With a strike of a palm, he was sent flying and died in the air. Actually, he couldn't blame her for her ruthlessness. She was trained by the Special Force, and all she learned were methods and techniques to kill people. She didn't know anything else, either.

The old man taking the lead did not expect Liu Yan to be able to kill a person in one move, the strength she displayed shocked him. They had information on Liu Yan and the others, and it had only been a month or so since they followed Qin Hao. It's terrifying how strong she had become in just a month. This person had to be taken away, and even if they didn't take her away, she had to be killed to avoid future troubles.

After Liu Yan killed that person, in front of the shocked look of the rest, she rushed out of the encirclement and rushed up a tall, concrete building.

"Trying to run? It's not that easy." The old man was already an expert in Perfection Stage, in a few seconds, he had caught up with Liu Yan.

Liu Yan was merely a martial cultivator in the early stage of the Second Stage, there was a massive gap between her and the Perfection Stage Expert. Even if her cultivation technique was a lot higher, allowing her to fight against Ancient Martial Arts, but to fight against a Perfection Stage Expert, she had to be at the Peak of the Second Stage.

"Go down." The old man shouted as he struck out with his palm towards Liu Yan's back, bringing a violent gust of wind with it.

When Liu Yan felt the strong wind behind her, it was already too late. Facing the Perfection Stage Expert, she was also not a match for him.

"Bam." This palm strike landed solidly on Liu Yan's delicate back.

"Wuuu. Puff ~ ~ ~"

Dark red blood blossomed like flowers in the sunlight. Then, like alluring plum blossoms falling from the sky, they began to fall down.

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The young girl's delicate body and beautiful figure floated down from the tall building like a falling leaf in the morning sun.

… ….

"Little Hao, Miss Liu Yan has been gone for so long, and she still hasn't returned. Did something happen?" In the hotel room that Qin Hao stayed in, Ye Tianping said to him impatiently.

Qin Hao also felt that something might have gone wrong. Just now, his eyelids jumped, he did not know what the situation was. Normally speaking, Liu Yan only went out to buy some plane tickets, and she would not fight with others, so nothing wrong would happen to her.

"Little Hao, why don't you go take a look?" Ye Tianping urged. He really wanted to get on that plane and rush to Banyan City.

Qin Hao actually wanted to go, but if he left, leaving such a heavily injured person like Ye Tianping here, he was worried.

"But Uncle Ping, if I leave, you …" Ye Tianping could tell that Qin Hao was worried about him. He was moved, but at the same time, he was slightly ashamed.

"Little Hao, don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. Besides, nothing will happen to me here, hurry up and go take a look. " Ye Tianping urged.

Qin Hao also had a bad feeling in his heart, so he did not insist anymore. After enjoining Ye Tianping a little more, he left the hotel and rushed directly to the airport.

On the way, he took out his phone from his spatial ring to call Liu Yan and ask about the situation.

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As soon as he turned on the phone, a text message popped out. It was from Liu Yan's phone, but strangely, there were only three letters: SOS. These letters were sent out when Liu Yan kept her phone, they were sent with an extremely fast speed that ordinary people would not be able to detect. Unfortunately, Qin Hao's phone was in his spatial ring then, and he did not receive this message in time, only now did he receive it.

"SOS?" What does it mean?

If there is anything you don't know, just Baidu it. Anyhow, this phone could access wireless internet.

SOS, International Rescue Signal, this was also the signal that Eagle force, the special force that Liu Yan belonged, would use to call for help.

"Call for help?" Qin Hao was startled at first, but then he realized that something was wrong. Something terrible had happened to Liu Yan.

"F * ck!" Qin Hao really wanted to slap himself. It's all because he did not put his phone outside; otherwise, he wouldn't have received the text message so late. If he received the message in time, he might even be able to rush over in time to save her.

Qin Hao kept his phone, this time he kept it in his pocket, he did not dare put it in his spatial ring again.

Along the way to the airport, Qin Hao's Spirit Sense explored in the largest area, with a radius of a kilometer being scanned by his Spirit Sense.

Very quickly, he found the place where Liu Yan was fighting against the Dragon Group. There, he saw drops of blood on the ground.

"Little Monster, come out." Qin Hao called out. An Earth Spirit Beast with the size of a kitten crawled out from Qin Hao's embrace. To make it more convenient to bring it, Qin Hao specially made a cloth bag and tied it around his waist, where Little Monster hid.

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Little Monster was soundly sleeping just now. It was heavily injured last night and needed to rest, too. However, when it heard Qin Hao's summons, it still forced itself out.

"Wu-wu-wu."Little Monster started shrieking at Qin Hao as if asking why he had called it out.

"Little Monster, good boy. Smell the blood, then let's go save Liu Yan. This time, I'll have to rely on you! " Qin Hao gently caressed Little Monster's head and said gently.

Hearing that he had to rely on it, Little Monster was happy, it immediately sniffed the blood, and with a 'chi' sound, it rushed out, Qin Hao followed in haste.

Following Little Monster, the man and the beast walked out of the city and into the suburbs.

The more Qin Hao walked, the more he felt that this road was very familiar. When he arrived at the foot of a mountain, he finally remembered that this was the Western Mountain where he had come yesterday to save An Ru.

So, it turned out that the people from the Dragon Group had captured Liu Yan.

"Humph humph, the Dragon Group has finally started fighting in advance." Qin Hao's face revealed a bitter smile.

Deep in the western mountain, inside a villa with a tall wall and barbed wires, in an interrogation room, Liu Yan was hung on a beam, and a burly bare-chested man was whiping her tender body with all his might.

A few pieces of her clothes had already been broken into pieces, revealing lines of shocking, bloody scars and snow-white skin underneath.

In front of the interrogation desk sat three people, and in the middle sat a man with a sallow complexion. He was Cang He from the Canghai Sect, and he specially rushed over from the capital city's headquarters. He was an expert in the medium stage of the perfection stage, specially invited here to cope with Qin Hao.

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Ever since Qin Hao left the capital with Liu Yan, the Dragon Group had formulated an emergency plan to deal with him. It was to do everything possible to keep Qin Hao outside and never give him the chance to return. Of course, it would be better if they could kill him.

Cang He couldn't wait to slaughter Qin Hao, because his brother Cang Hai was killed by Qin Hao on that nameless island in the Indian Ocean, he wanted to avenge his brother.

Sitting on the right side of the table was the old man who caught Liu Yan just now. He was a vulgar disciple of the Shang Qing Taoist Temple. He had a psycho name: Dongfang Busi.

On the left, there was also a member of the Canghai Sect, a tall and sturdy middle-aged man named Cang Kui. He was the one who had previously imprisoned An Ru here.

The three of them tried to question Liu Yan. They wanted to force out the secret they wanted to know, but Liu Yan refused to speak. That's why they started to torture this girl who was already seriously injured

"Speak, are you gonna speak? If you don't, I'll beat you to death, to death." The executioner roared, and the last whip made Liu Yan pass out, he had no choice but to stop.

"Seniors, she fainted." As the big man spoke, he wiped the sweat off his face. He never thought that there would be such a tough woman in the world. He beat her so hard that he was sweating like a pig, and his shoulders had begun to ache.

"Wake her up with cold water." Cang He ordered coldly.

"Yes." the few people immediately brought a basin of cold water and splashed it at heavily injured Liu Yan.

"Ke …ke…ke…" Liu Yan shuddered, and after coughing a few times, she woke up from the coma.

One of the men immediately rushed forward and fiercely pinched her delicate mouth and maliciously shouted, "Are you gonna speak? If you don't, I'll slap you to death!"

"Bah!" Liu Yan spurted out a mouthful of blood on the face of that man, which made him extremely furious, he raised the whip in his hand and roared: "I'll beat you to death!"

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