Super Urban Master

Chapter 186

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Seeing the changes of E Guantian, Qin Hao's pupils suddenly contracted. He was curious about what kind of fantastic medicine that E Guantian had swallowed earlier, and it had such a powerful aura.

"Young Benefactor, come over here quickly." At this moment, the wizened voice of Withered Leaf came from behind.

Qin Hao turned around and saw the emaciated monk sitting on the ground in a meditative posture. His face changed between black and white, and the corner of his mouth had turned green. With Qin Hao's medical skills, he could immediately tell that he had been severely poisoned.

"Young Benefactor, what he has swallowed is a Burning Breath Pill."

"Burning Breath Pill?" Qin Hao's expression changed.

"Burning Breath Pill will burn his potential and vitality, causing his strength to improve in a short period. You, you are not his match." Withered Leaf gasped. If it were anyone else, he would have died several times. However, he could still be alive and able to speak properly, it could be seen how powerful he was.

"Young Benefactor, quickly, take this and eat it." With trembling hands, Withered Leaf took out a small jade bottle.

Qin Hao rushed over and took it, then he looked at the jade bottle and curiously asked: What is this?

"These are Explosive Spirit Pill, there are three pills left in total. " Quick, pour one out and swallow it." If his hand were not trembling so badly, he would have taken one out and stuffed it into Qin Hao's mouth.

Qin Hao was a little hesitant. He was not acquainted with Withered Leaf, who knew what this pill was.

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Withered Leaf saw the hesitation on Qin Hao's face, and he could only explain: "I obtained the Explosive Spirit Pills by chance when I entered the Ancient Martial World."

"Ancient Martial World?" Qin Hao looked at the old monk in shock. He had entered the legendary Ancient Martial World before. "You are from the Ancient Martial World?"

"No, I am just an old monk from Dragon Soul Temple. Benefactor, it's too late. Quickly consume the Explosive Spirit Pill. " Withered Leaf urged anxiously.

"Explosive Spirit Pill can provide you with incomparably powerful Spirit Qi in an instant, and it can forcefully increase your Martial Cultivator's realm. However, your veins may not be able to bear such a powerful Spirit Qi, so you must turn it into a powerful attack and release it … "Cough, cough, cough …" After these words, Withered Leaf violently coughed a few times, and a trace of black blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

"It may harm you, but compared to the negative effect of the Burning Breath Pill, its negative effect can be ignored."

Withered Leaf was right, the Burning Breath Pill was burning the potential and vitality to increase the strength. After using it, one would be scrapped, and the cost would be huge. One would never use it unless he had no other choice. Earlier, Smiling Tiger tried to stop E Guantian from using it, precisely because of the cost. As Martial Cultivators, they couldn't bear it.

The negative effect of the Explosive Spirit Pill was that the Spirit Qi might be too plentiful, causing a person's veins to burst, so an ordinary man would not rashly use it. If he were forced to use it, he would have to release the excess energy. Otherwise, the consequences would be severe.

Withered Leaf had no choice but to take it out to Qin Hao. In this way, he would have a slim chance of survival, or else it would be a dead end.

Under the urge of Withered Leaf, Qin Hao did not hesitate. He opened the bottle and poured it into his mouth, with a "Creak Creak Creak" sound, he poured all the pills into his mouth.

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"Benefactor, don't —, cough cough cough …!" Withered Leaf was shocked, a single pill was enough to kill him. Qin Hao had swallowed three pills in one go, making Withered Leaf cry out in panic, he used too much energy, and his injuries were affected, causing him to cough violently once again.

"Hahaha, little bastard, old bald monk, go to hell!" E Guantian released a loud roar that resonated through the mountains and rivers, the roar was like a thunderclap that shook the world, in the next moment, he turned into an insane tornado, howling and rushing towards Qin Hao.

When Qin Hao swallowed the three Explosive Spirit Pills, the surging waves of Spirit Qi poured into his veins like a flood. His expanded and empty veins were enriched by the Spirit Qi.

A sense of comfort spread to every corner of his body. Every cell in his body happily opened and greedily absorbed the surging Spirit Qi. In a comfortable feeling, Qin Hao could not help letting out a long whistle.

It had to be said that Qin Hao's luck was heaven-defying. In Chang Hai City, he didn't die from the poison of Tianyi Water, he even absorbed the power of the Tianyi Water to expand his veins.

With the expanded veins, he was just worrying about where to absorb more Spirit Qi, but in the end, in Banyan City, he met Monk Withered Leaf who unintentionally he helped Qin Haoa lot. As a result, three Explosive Spirit Pill that only existed in Ancient Martial World entered his stomach, coincidentally filled up his empty veins, and in a moment, his strength increased to the third stage of Martial Cultivator's late period. It was a pity that three pills were still insufficient, as his veins were not completely full. Otherwise, he would have reached the peak of the third stage of Martial Cultivator.

Monk Withered Leaf was worried that one pill would make Qin Hao's veins unable to withstand. Who knew that three of them would not be enough?

After that, Qin Hao really wanted to ask whether there were more pills, but he didn't have the time to ask right now, as the storm brought by E Guantian had swept over.

"Roar!" With an angry roar, the sound shook the heavens, and Qin Hao, who had just promoted by a small level, dived into the storm with an aura that could destroy everything.

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In the next moment, wind and clouds surged, sand and rocks flew everywhere, roaring was like thunder, and the dull thundering of fists and feet colliding could also be heard.


Both Withered Leaf and Smiling Tiger were so shocked by the battle that their mouths were wide open. They were surprised by Qin Hao, the young man, how could he fight against E Guantian, who had just eaten the Burning Breath Pill?

This is impossible? Was it an illusion?

Even if E Guantian was unable to let out his peak strength due to his injuries, at the very least, sixty percent of his power could be unleashed after eating the Burning Breath Pill. Sixty percent of his strength was equivalent to an early period of Spirit Stage. Does this young man have the power of the early period of Spirit Stage?

Impossible, absolutely impossible! Even if he were a ghost, it would be impossible to reach the early period of the Spirit Stage at such a young age.

However, even if they could not believe it was true, they could not deny the fact in their eyes. In the end, they could only conclude it to the three Explosive Spirit Pill. Perhaps the three Explosive Spirit Pill gave this young man the strength to fight against an expert of the Spirit Stage.

The battle became more and more intense. Fists came and went, and the shadows moved unhinderedly. The violent winds surrounding gradually turned into a sandstorm, and even the clothes of the Withered Leaf and Smiling Tiger outside the battlefield fluttered with a li li sound.

What kind of battle was this?

… ….

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"Bang, bang, bang!"

"Wuu —!"


Suddenly, after a violent collision sound, the two men in the middle of the sand suddenly separated and quickly retreated backward.

"Thump, thump, thump …" Qin Hao retreated as though he could not stop, and he kept on retreating quickly. He was indeed unable to stop his footsteps, behind him there was a street lamp, the lamp had a weak light shining out, it was one of the few bulbs that still had a bit of light left.

However, the next moment, with a loud bang, the street lamp violently shook a few times. The lighthouse shook for a moment, and finally, the weak light was extinguished.

Qin Hao's back fiercely collided with the lamppost, which completely extinguished one of the few remaining lamps.

As the light went out, the lamppost could not stand the impact of the dominant force. With a "kacha" sound, the lamppost broke from the bottom. After shaking a few times, the lamppost fell onto the ground with a "boom" sound, breaking into many pieces after hitting on a concrete pier.

Qin Hao did not care about the situation behind him, at this moment, the blood waves were rolling, he could not withstand it anymore, his throat tightened, and with a "Wa" sound, he spat out a mouthful of blood, staining the ground in front of him red.

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