Super Urban Master

Chapter 224


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"Huh? Why are there two cars? Shouldn't there be only one?" The man in jacket aimed at the two cars arriving at the gate, the first of which was a military truck. They knew about the latter one. It was their target.

Of course, the man in jacket noticed too, and said in a low voice, "Don't mind other people. We will just kill the one Mu Guangming told us to kill."

"OK." The man in jacket answered and targeted the gun at the second car, the one of the Mu family.

And down there, Li Zhanwu's car, leading Mu Qingyao and Mu Qingsong's car, parked at the parking lot in the residential area, and they all got out.

They didn't realize that a kilometer from here, a gun was pointing at them, at Mu Qingyao.

But luckily, as a woman, Qingyao was shorter than Qingsong and Li Zhanwu, and she didn't wear heels.

And when they got off, Qingyao did not get off alone. The guard helped her open the door and helped her out. She was covered by the guard entirely.

"Qingsong my brother, here's the place where Qin Hao lives. Come with me." Li Zhanwu said and led the way.

Qingsong and Qingyao followed, and Qingyao was standing in the middle. She was quivering with nervousness and excitement because she'd see her son.

A kilometer away, on top of the building, the man in jacket could not find a good target and could shoot her shoulder or hand at best.

He must kill the target with one shot, because it was a military area, and a gunshot would startle the guards, and he wouldn't get the second chance. .

So, he could not shoot without a good target.

He was anxious. Seeing Qingyao and others walking into the complex, he shouted, "Why don't you shoot? Shoot, just shoot!"

The man in jacket ignored him, and didn't shoot even when all of them disappeared into buildings. He lowered the rifle and started chewing gum.

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"What are you doing?" The man in coat asked angrily.

The man in jacket glared at him, "You saw the situation. It was meaningless to shoot and would only startle people."

The man in coat understood, and hesitated, "What do we do? Shall we return?"

"Of course not. They would come out again." The man in jacket said firmly.

"But what if the situation is the same after they come out?" The man in jacket was speechless. He frowned and stopped chewing gum.

After a while, he spat out the gum and said with evilness, "Then we would have to kill more people."

"You're sure that you can kill with a second shot?" The man in coat looked at his partner and was worried.

The man in jacket held the gun firmly and said, "99% sure, if not 100%."

"But what if Mu Qingsong or the general is in the way?" The man in coat continued to ask.

"Kill them all!" The man in jacket produced these simple words.

"Really?" The man in coat hesitated. He didn't care about Mu Qingsong but didn't want the trouble of killing the general.

"What? You don't want to? Are you scared?" The man in jacket was sarcastic.

The man in coat frowned, "I'm not. Or I won't be in this industry. Then kill them all, and we'll go abroad and they can do nothing."

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"OK." The man in jacket complimented, "That's my partner."

They were getting ready, waiting for the target to show up again.


In the dining room of Qin Hao's apartment, Shi Bingying cooked a lot of food good for people who lost blood and was trying her best to persuade Qin Hao to eat.

He lost a lot of blood and needed to eat better.

Actually, Qin Hao already had some medication from Li Zhanwu and other people and was doing fine. But Shi Bingying worried for him and wanted him to eat more.

Qin Hao admitted that the food she cooked was delicious, but he couldn't eat anymore.

"O, OK, can't eat anymore. I really can't." Qin Hao put down his chopsticks and said with a full stomach.

Seeing that he really had a lot, Shi Bingying spared him and said with a smile, "Take a rest. I'll do the dishes."

Seeing her working hard, Qin Hao sighed that she was a really good woman. What else could he desire with her as a wife?

"Ding dong, ding dong..."

The doorbell rang.

"Someone's here. I'll get the door." Qin Hao wanted to answer it but Shi Bingying was quicker.

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She opened the door. It was Li Zhanwu. She greeted him with a smile, "General Li, welcome. Please come in."

Qin Hao heard "General Li" and understood it was Li Zhanwu. Here for food again?

"Hi, how are you, Miss Shi? Where's Qin Hao? Someone's here for him." Li Zhanwu said with a smile.

Shi Bingying saw the two people standing behind them, "They're..."

Qingyao and Qingsong also looked at Bingying. She was wearing an apron but still very beautiful, and they still realized that Qin Hao had such a beautiful partner. The felt happy for Qin Hao and admired him. Ordinary people could not win the heart of such a girl.

"Well, let's talk inside. Tell Qin Hao to come." Li Zhanwu said, and came in with Qingsong and Qingyao.

"Old Li, you're here so early this morning to freeride on our food, right? But lucky you, there's a lot. Come and have some." Qin Hao said in the dining room.

His words arouse different reactions.

Li Zhanwu was embarrassed. What did he mean? He completed lost his face as a general in front of Qingsong and other people.

Qingsong was surprised that Qin Hao could talk to Li Zhanwu like this. He was a person that didn't care about the master of the Four Families. But Li Zhanwu didn't seem to be angry. He wanted to lost his temper, but it wouldn't help anyway.

Qingyao quivered at the voice. It was her son, her son's voice. And she heard it for the very first time.

"Hao, my little Hao." Qingyao shouted and burst into the room.

On the sofa of the dining room, Qin Hao was picking his teeth, and a woman suddenly rushed in, calling him "Hao", and he was startled. He looked up at her and immediately froze. He dropped the toothpick without knowing it.

He hadn't seen the woman by the door for more than a decade, but she didn't change much. She was as familiar and as important.

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When he was helpless and teased, and waited to die, he wanted to see this woman so much. He wanted her love and care. He wanted to tell others that he also had a mother and was not an orphan.

But he was disappointed once and again. He was desperate and started to hate this woman. He thought for countless times what he would do when he saw her again.

Now that was the case. What would his reaction be?

He was lost for a moment and really calm. He was cold to her, as if he didn't know her. He didn't show any emotion.

"Hao, I'm your mother. Don't you remember me?" Seeing her son's expression and reaction, Qingyao was heartbroken and tears streamed down her face.

Shi Bingying overheard their conversation and did find them to look alike.

It was Qin Hao's mother. She was a bit nervous as a future daughter-in-law. She wanted to say something, but decided to remain silent after seeing Qin Hao's expression.

"My mother? I don't have a mother." Qin Hao's words hurt Qingyao, and she was crying even harder, "Who are you? What's the matter?"

"Hao, don't treat your mom like this, okay?" Qingyao was crying, "I know I'm not a good mother, but I had my reasons!"

"Reason?" Qin Hao laughed with sarcasm, "To marry other people and abandon your son, and let him take care of himself? You still think you can call yourself my mother?" Qin Hao showed hatred on his face and raised his voice.

"No, it's not like that. Son, I didn't mean it. No mother in the world wants to abandon her child. I was tricked." Qingyao could not continue her words and was crying hard.

"Sister, don't be too anxious. Let's sit down and take our time." Qingsong quickly came to support her. He knew it would not be easy, but judging from Qin Hao's expression, it was really not easy.

And Li Zhanwu could not say anything as an outsider and gave Shi Bingying a sign to fetch a glass of water for Qingyao, hoping that she would calm down.

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