Super Urban Master

Chapter 226

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"Toot, toot." Harsh sirens rang over this district which was under military control. It reacted immediately to the gunshot, which made a splash like throwing a huge stone into the sea.

From this seemingly peaceful community ran out numerous heavily armed soldiers - they were the security guards. They knew that Li Zhanwu, the highest leader in charge of all the troops in this district, was here today, so they reacted quickly. “Go, go, go! Protect the general!” After a while, Li Zhanwu was blocked from spies of all directions. Soldiers around him made up a circle of a human barrier.

"Don't worry about me. Go catch the shooter!"

Li Zhanwu roared out of anger. Someone dared to commit murder under his nose! In the territory under his jurisdiction! He could not bear it, which was like hitting him in the face! At this time, Qin Hao also arrived. As soon as he reached the scene he found a woman lying in a pool of blood. It was Mu Qingyao, from whose chest blood was flowing like a stream.

"No, no...!" Qin Hao trembled as he was stroke by a thunder. At this moment, he forgot about resentment and rushed at Mu Qingyao. After all, she was his biological mother. The old saying "blood is thicker than water" was right. How could he watch her dying in front of him? "At ten o'clock, one kilometer away, on the top of the tallest building. Go catch the murderer!" Qin Hao rushed over and yelled out an order to the guard troops. The guards here had already known Qin Hao, the youngest major general in history. Having received his order, a leader immediately came out, shouted: "Team one, come with me!" ...

On the tall building a kilometer away, the two guys were packing things and eliminating traces in a hurry. "Be quick, TMD. Wow, that’s such a big move in this military-controlled area."

The man in windbreaker was a bit nervous. He said: "Fortunately you hit her in one shot, or the situation won't allow us to make up one more." "Oh, stop it. Let's go."

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The wallet man put his sniper rifle gun into a long leather bag and then rushed toward the skylight on the roof. When he was leaving the man in windbreaker heard engines from below. He looked down, and what he saw gave him quite a scare: Several military vehicles were rushing toward them, roaring.

"Damn it, go!"

He shouted and quickly rushed to the skylight, but his windbreaker flapping in the wind encumbered his speed. Windbreaker seemed cool and fashionable on TV, but in fact, it was more of a hindrance in real life...

"Step aside, take her to my house. Get out of the way." Qin Hao grabbed Mu Qingyao from Mu Qingsong, then ran to his house with Mu Qingyao in his arms. Mu Qingsong was puzzled, he asked: "Xiao Hao, we should send her to the hospital!"

"Brother Qingsong, don't worry. Just believe in Xiao Hao and he will solve it." Li Zhanwu who knew Qin Hao’s ability stopped Mu Qingsong's crying.

"Okay, good. Let's go for them." Mu Qingsong was still anxious. Cold sweat ran from his forehead.

"Brother, don't worry. Qin Hao won't let bad things happen. After all, she was his mother. Even though he didn't admit you two on word of mouth, in his heart he still hopes Qingyao will be fine.” Li Zhanwu patted Mu Qing on the shoulder, comforting him: “Let’s keep up and see what we can help.” "Okay." Mu Qingsong wiped the sweat on his forehead. When they were about to keep up, Li Zhanwu’s cell phone rang. Picking up the phone, Li Zhanwu recognized the number on the screen. His face changed slightly and hurriedly said: "Brother Qingsong, you go ahead. I got a call."

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Mu Qingsong realized that must be an important phone call which he should not hear, so he cleverly went ahead. "Hello, Director Wang, how are you doing? Is there anything I can help?" Li Zhanwu spoke in a polite manner. It was Director Wang, a senior leader, calling him in person. "Zhanwu, no matter where you are, come to me right now." Director Wang’s words were more like a command. Li Zhanwu puzzled: "Director, what happened? I'm on the scene of a serious accident. Someone assassinated..."

"I don't care about the assassination. As long as you can breathe, come to me right away. I'm making a command." Now it turned out to be a real command. Director Wang’s tone was irresistible.

"Yes." Li Zhanwu could tell from this tone that something serious had happened. He must come to meet Direct Wang in person. Therefore, he had to let the security captain, who was in charge of this district and took over the things here. He got on the car and asked the driver to rush to Director Wang's office. Within less than half an hour, Li Zhanwu’s car stopped in front of a building. The building was vast and solemn as a symbol of power. Li Zhanwu got off the car. Looking at the building with a respectful expression, he felt the atmosphere in this building was not like before. In a serious and solemn atmosphere, there was a hint of tension and chill.

The guards standing in front of the gate increased, and all of them were heavily armed. They vigilantly watched everyone passing by with cold faces. Judging from their equipment and temperament, Li Zhanwu guessed they were from a crack troop transferred here recently. Needless to ask others, a soldier's instinct had already told him something big happened. "General Li, you are here. The director has been waiting for you for a long time." A young man with glasses hurriedly picked him up. Li Zhanwu recognized him. It was Director Wang's new secretary whose surname was Zhang. "Secretary Zhang, what happened? Anything wrong?" Li Zhanwu came forward in a haste and asked.

"You can ask Elder Wang directly later on. Please come with me." Secretary Zhang answered.


A few minutes later the two arrived at Director Wang's office. In his office, the kind and majestic old man appeared serious and cold. He signaled Li Zhanwu to sit down. Since they were going to talk, Secretary Zhang went out and closed the door. "Director, what happened?" Li Zhanwu asked anxiously. The old man did not give him a direct answer but handed over a copy of a top secret document. Li Zhanwu took the file with doubts and opened it. He stunned. This was a document about the Sky Group.

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"Director, this is..."

Li Zhanwu looked at the old man, puzzled. "It's the first time you see this document, isn't it? Take a look." The old man said.

"Yes." Li Zhanwu opened the file right away and read it carefully. The document was not thick. It had only three pages in total about setting up the Sky Group and letting it replace the Dragon Group. Li Zhanwu thought it was not necessary for him to read this document, for he had already known this information in previous conversations with Director Wang. This document was almost a written record of those conversations.

"Director, I have finished. Is there any problem with this?” He thought there's nothing wrong with this document. "How about it be seen by Dragon Group? What do you think will happen?" The question Director Wang asked was like a bomb exploded in unprepared Li Zhanwu's ears. Are you kidding me? If Dragon Group saw it, could they stay calm? These contents about replacing and disbanding Dragon Group would easily trigger a huge storm. The reason why Sky Group was still under the name of special troop Eagle Force was they were afraid of the serious consequences of Dragon Group knowing their intention. For Dragon Group, they would never await their doom.

However, it was impossible for the Dragon Group to see this document. Dragon Group was not a state department, and none of them was working in official government. Dragon Group was a self-government organization which had its own system. Accurately speaking, it was simply a peripheral organization of the state. Therefore, they had no access to core secrets...

But information about the Sky Group was the core in the core. Even a core figure as Li Zhanwu hadn't seen this document until today, let alone Dragon Group members.

"Hey, director, if someone in Dragon Group sees it, we will have big trouble, but they are impossible to reach this document, I think." Li Zhanwu replied.

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The old man sighed: "There is always something out of our expectation. What we think impossible have already happened."

Hearing this, Li Zhanwu’s face changed: “What, director, they saw it?” If it were true, it would trigger an unimaginable upheaval. Li Zhanwu did not want this to be true. "You are taking the copy. I am afraid the original one is on Long Taibai's hands." The old man’s answer completely shattered Li Zhanwu’s hope.

"How come? The original one is the core in the core, and even the best agent in the world could not reach where it was stored. Although there are many powerful martial cultivators in Dragon Group, I don't think they could pass all those high-tech traps to reach this document.” "What if they have someone inside us?"

"Inside us?" Li Zhanwu's face quivered: No matter how firm a fortress was, it was always easy to broke it through from the inside. "And that was not a small potato." The old man added, then he spoke a name Li Zhanwu was quite familiar. Li Zhanwu could not believe his ears. He could not accept that person did such things. But the fact was checked out within half an hour after the document was leaked. Special security officers quickly solved the case and arrested the main suspect. The suspect confessed it was the Dragon Group who instigated him to steal the top secret file. What was worse, he was not the only one that Dragon Group wooed. There were more people liked him.

"Director, this is so terrible. How can they be so arrogant!"

Li Zhanwu snorted angrily: "They dare to reach into our core. This is unforgivable."

"You are right." The old man sighed: "They have reached what they don't deserve. That is our bottom line. Superior leaders were furious after knowing this, and even those who used to have reservations about Dragon Group have turned their backs. They all agreed to crack Dragon Group down. Zhanwu, we don't have much time, neither do the Sky Group.” He continued: "I thought we could take our time to deal with Dragon Group in five years, ten years, or twenty years, but now I am afraid we only have less than a year. Dragon Group is likely to launch an attack at any time. We have already added guard in key departments and assembled some elite forces. Your Eagle Force must be prepared to respond to emergencies, too.”

“You can rest assured because the Eagle Force is ready at any time. Please give instructions to the Sky Group. Should we continue to challenge Dragon Group tomorrow?”

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