Super Urban Master

Chapter 253

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Long Yubai's fierce fists fell on the floor of the arena. It was shaking heavily and produced a "chiii". It seemed that it would soon collapse.

And Qin Hao had disappeared from the place where Long Yubai just hit, and he used Phantom Cloud Trace to the utmost. Standing behind Long Yubai, he was watching coldly at Long Yubai who was in a rage.

Now there was no audience on the grandstand. There were only bodies lying around and the colored flags on the ground and seats here and there.

But a pretty black figure was standing there on the damaged audience grandstand, and she was wearing a veil. She was the only audience watching the two fighting on the arena.

It was Shadow. She didn't attack Qin Hao because she thought two well-known and aged people should not attack a young person. It was a shame for her. Qin Hao was already a shame to her, and she didn't want more.

She wanted to clear her name. But the more she watched, the more disappointed she became. She thought it was hopeless to clear her name.

Qin Hao's skills were beyond her imagination. She already tried to overestimate him but ended up underestimating him. He was an equal to the Boss Long of the Dragon Group, a skilled master in the Spirit Stage. And he didn't seem to be trying his best. Long Yubai, on the other hand, was almost crazy.

Long Yubai was just in the Spirit Stage. If she knew that when Qin Hao was still in the late period of the Third Stage Martial Cultivator, or the late period of the Perfection Stage, he had already killed masters in the Spirit Stage. It would be even more unimaginable.

On the arena, Long Yubai just missed a blow, and a huge hole appeared at where Qin Hao stood, and countless cracks went in all direction from the center, and the arena was full of cracks.

"Chi..." The arena produced a painful noise again. It would not last for long.

"You're good, but to kill me, you’re not enough." Qin Hao said mockingly behind him.

Long Yubai turned abruptly and stared at Qin Hao. As the leader of the Dragon Group, you could imagine how angry he was being laughed at by such a young boy.

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But he was no ordinary people. He knew he must calm down now. Qin Hao was much stronger than he thought, and if he failed to calm down he might lose.

If Boss Long of the Dragon Group was defeated by a twenty-something young boy, he could imagine people's reactions. He would not have the face to lead the Dragon Group and meet people.

So, he had to win. He didn't have a second choice.

And he calmed down. His heart was like still water, and his eyes were dark, deep and cold. And looking at Qin Hao, you could only sense the coldness and determination to kill in him.

Qin Hao noticed his change and was a bit surprised. And he was altered.

"Qin Hao, you're good. I have to admit that you're strong. You're my equal." Long Yubai could not get rid of his arrogance in his cold words.

Qin Hao smiled mockingly again. They had been fighting for so long, and he hadn't been hurt at all. Now he was still talking about me being his equal?

"You're shameless." Qin Hao simply said. Long Yubai seemed as calm as before, but he was annoyed inside. He just didn't let it show.

"I don't know why you're so condescending and confident. Do I need your authorization to fight you? Who are you?" Qin Hao continued to mock.

The leader of the Dragon Group being mocked by a young person was something beyond others' imagination.

"Well, well, you're good." Long Yubai gritted and said "well" for several times, each of which was carrying with him the determination to kill, "You'll certainly die today."

Words done, his hand moved and with a flash of light, a katana appeared in his hand, and it was clearly a Japanese one.

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It was dark and looked weird carrying a blood-thirsty Qi.

The moment the katana appeared, professionals would know it was no ordinary katana. Even the air around it was slowing down because of the cold Qi from it.

Qin Hao stared at Long Yubai's hand.

It wasn't because of the katana, which was a special saber but was nothing compared with his Scarlet Blood Saber. He was looking at the ring he was wearing. If he was right, it was the Space Ring. Otherwise, that saber would not have appeared from nowhere.

Space Rings were only a legend in the world of urban Martial Cultivators, but he hadn't realized that Long Yubai also had one.

Of course, it was not surprising for the Boss Long of the Dragon Group, the best urban Martial Cultivator to have one.

Long Yubai saw Qin Hao's gaze and thought he was surprised by the saber, and showed a mocking smile on his pale face. He said, "Qin Hao, now you've seen the Muramasa Cursed Saber, and you should feel honored to be killed by it."

"It was only a Japanese saber. Nothing to be proud of." Qin Hao said with despise. A red light appeared at his hand and a cool scarlet saber suddenly appeared.

It was even more special, and the blood-thirsty Qi released with the red light was even distorting the air, making it red.

Long Yubai's eyes narrowed, and his heart was also shaken. He said with surprise, "That is, the Space Ring?"

He saw Qin Hao's ring and the scarlet saber that suddenly appeared.

The Space Ring was legendary, and even he had a super rare chance to get it. But Qin Hao also had one.

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He confirmed one thing at the moment. Qin Hao's unbelievable opportunities were real. Needless to say, there must be more rare stuff in the ring. And that was why Qin Hao was so strong now. There were no other explanations.

Looking at the Space Ring, Long Yubai's eyes were lit with desire and greed. Qin Hao used the resources inside and grew to be an equal to a Spirit Stage master in one year, completing something that would take others decades and even centuries.

If he had Qin Hao's resources today, how fast would he grow? He thought, perhaps he would grow rapidly to the peak of the Spirit Stage, and even enter the legendary Void Stage.

The Void Stage masters were top Martial Cultivators in the Ancient Martial World, let alone the fake Ancient Martial World outside. If he was in the Void Stage, he could conquer the world himself and destroy anything. He would not need the Dragon Group at all. He alone would make the country shake.

Thinking of all that, Long Yubai was almost frantic with desire. Qin Hao's Space Ring was his. It must be his.

He didn't know Qin Hao's ring was empty. Those resources from corruption were used to equip the Sky Group. So there was nothing left in the ring.

Comparatively, the resources in Long Yubai's own ring were a hundred times richer. After all, they were collected and accumulated at the cost of blood and even the lives of the elites in the Dragon Group.

But Long Yubai was too focused on the ring and didn't pay attention to the Scarlet Blood Saber.

When the red glimmering blade of the saber was right in front of him, Long Yubai finally reacted by defending himself.

"Dang!" Sparks were flying everywhere, and the two backed off because of the strength in the opposite direction.

This time, Qin Hao regained his balance after backing off a bit. But Long Yubai wasn't prepared and stepped back all the way to the edge of the arena, and nearly fell off.

Once he found his balance, Qin Hao dashed ahead again and didn't give him time to rest. The Scarlet Blood Saber's blades produced a red crack in the air and went down like a falling star. It was targeted at Long Yubai's head and cost Qin Hao almost all his Spirit Strength.


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With this deafening sound, Long Yubai was attacked by Qin Hao's strongest Spirit Strength. His arm was numb, and the Muramasa Cursed Saber was therefore shaking. The arena finally collapsed, and with a painful sound, it went down with a boom and Long Yubai started to fall down.


Qin Hao was roaring and determined to kill. He attempted a bigger blow.

This time his eyes were glimmering with scarlet light all over, holding the blood saber high, and falling from the sky, giving Long Yubai, who was falling but hadn’t reached the ground, a final blow.

Now Long Yubai was in the middle of nowhere and could not land on anything. He could not deal with it.


But he was a Spirt Stage master after all, and at the last moment, Long Yubai produced a deafening roar. The Muramasa Cursed Saber crossed the air, leaving a strange black line, and was aiming at the Scarlet Blood Saber from above.

That was the best he could do. He didn't know whether it would work or not. It was all luck. He, the Boss Long of the Dragon Group, was trapped by a boy, and if he was really killed, he would not be able to even close his eyes.

On the grandstand, the only audience, Shadow, moved.

The pretty dark shadow suddenly disappeared and reappeared above Qin Hao. Her soft sword, with a thunderous momentum, was pointed to Qin Hao, who was also in the air.

Anyway, she would not watch Long Yubai die on Qin Hao's hand, so she finally took action. It was a killer trick, and she picked the best timing.

Qin Hao felt the flow of cold wind behind him and was more than surprised. But he was in the air and was already attacking, so he couldn't stop. He could only accelerate and went down to land his blow.

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