Super Urban Master

Chapter 255: 255

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Shadow ignored those cold guns pointing at Long Yubai while keeping bitterly yelling at her "Senior" to wake him up. However, the "Senior", who was lying on the ground, seemed to be dead for sure. No matter how hard she shook him, nothing happened.

His body was stiff, and he even had already stopped breathing.

Seeing such a scene, Long Taibai, who was sitting on the wheelchair, raised his pale face which was presenting extreme grief and despair. His face was shivering, with two rows of tears running out of his eyes.

"Yubai, my brother, this is what pursuing power has led you to! Why didn't you listen to my words..."

People surrounded, including Li Zhanwu, all kept silent. They couldn't stop sighing from inside.

Dead, the Boss Long of the Dragon Group was dead. No, actually it was the fake Boss Long that was dead.

He just deserved it. To get power and to fill up his unending desires, he dared to maltreat his twin brother by cutting off his calves, and then used the identity of the latter to become the Boss Long of the Dragon Group, thus manipulating the Dragon Group into expanding and grabbing power for him. So here he was, with such an end.

"Old Li, what's up?" Qin Hao walked over and asked while looking at Long Taibai who was on the wheelchair.

When Li Zhanwu came back to earth, he stared at Qin Hao weirdly, like watching a monster.

Damn! It was by just now that he had seen how exactly formidable Qin Hao was. He used to know that Qin Hao was strong. But he had never imagined that he could be as strong as such a horrible level. He killed the Boss Long of the Dragon Group, especially he was then fighting against two enemies. Qin Hao really impressed him a lot.

Of course, now that Qin Hao's power had been seen by everyone, his status became even more unchallengeable. Even if Qin Hao called Li Zhanwu "Little Li", Li Zhanwu could do nothing but to answer.

"Why looking at me like that? I was asking you," said Qin Hao impatiently.

"Um..." Li Zhanwu came back to earth again and immediately answered, "Here is the thing." Then he briefly told Qin Hao what happened.

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In fact, he didn't clearly know the details. He just knew what mainly happened, and he had known it by just now.

"So, he is just a fake. Since he has done such a thing to even his twin brother, I think he has totally gone mad. Such a person is no good for anyone. If he were killed, he would deserve it." While Qin Hao was speaking, a sudden cold aura of killing was forming around him, with people surrounded couldn't help being frightened into having a shock: What was he going to do? Hadn't the man already died?

Under everyone's curious looks, Qin Hao strode to the remains of the arena and stood behind Shadow.

Shadow could feel that someone was walking over. She turned her head only to find that it was Qin Hao. In her cold eyes, there were full of hatred and killing.

"You killed him. You killed him!" Shadow screamed at Qin Hao hoarsely.

Coldness was the only thing one could read from Qin Hao's face, "Didn't he deserve it? Maltreating his brother and usurping his position, treating the whole country as a plaything and causing countless people to die, isn't anyone of these sins can sentence him to death for a hundred times?"

"No, this is not true, not true. I don't believe it. I don't believe it." Shadow shouted while being nearly crying.

"Little sister, get real. This is true." said Long Taibai on the wheelchair while restraining his grief, "I have once told you that I have a twin brother called Long Yubai. He is exactly Long Yubai."

"No, you're lying. How can you prove that what you've said is true?" Shadow still couldn't believe it. In front of the man who was already dead, she preferred to trust the latter.

"Believe it or not, I believe it." Qin Hao responded to Shadow. He didn't want to listen to all these bullshits. Be it true or false, he didn't even care. He just wanted the man to die.

What's more, wasn't it even better to give a sin and reason for the man to die? It didn't matter to him if it was true or false.

"You...?" Shadow's eyes were burning with extreme anger and hatred.

What did his words mean? Wasn't it too unreasonable?

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Qin Hao was not unreasonable. He was just too bored with being reasonable.

"Don't look at me like that. All this is on your own. If I hadn't been lucky, I would have been killed by you for a long time. I once told you that all those who tried to kill me were dead, but I am alive. So, if you've chosen to kill me, then you should have prepared to be killed by me once you failed." The moment Qin Hao finished his words, in his hand a blood-red light was suddenly presented, the Scarlet Blood Saber was already held in his hand.

The blood saber was cold, sharp, deep-colored and creepy.

"Little master, please show mercy. My little sister was misguided by Long Yubai. Please let her live this time for my sake, will you?" Long Taibai, on the wheelchair, pleaded urgently, and then looked Li Zhanwu for help, "General Li, considering that I've persuaded the Dragon Group into giving up resisting, and saved countless people from being killed for nothing, please let my little sister live, okay?"

Li Zhanwu was in a dilemma. Long Taibai was right. If he hadn't come in time and commanded the Dragon Group to give up resisting, the battle wouldn't have finished yet, and more and more people would have continued to be hurt or killed. Even Li Zhanwu wouldn't have avoided being killed. He was just now almost killed by people of the Dragon Team.

So, it was undoubted that Long Taibai's contribution had saved countless people from being killed. From this perspective, his pleading was not excessive.

But Qin Hao was involved in this. He might not listen to him.

Whether he would listen to him or not, he had to bite the bullet and walked forward, "Qin Hao, Mr. Long is right. We wouldn't have won today's battle without his help. He has saved countless people's lives, even including mine. So, I think we can promise him the pleading and let the girl live. By the way, the girl hasn't killed our people. She doesn't deserve to die!"

Li Zhanwu had to be reasonable when talking with Qin Hao. He dared not to command him with a superior officer's tone.

He hadn't imagined that Qin Hao would be easily persuaded this time. In fact, he was also a reasonable man. He agreed with Li Zhanwu's words. Surely, the reason they could have finished the battle so soon and won the battle was mainly due to Long Taibai. For the sake of his work in saving so many people's lives, to let Shadow live was fairly okay.

In addition, he was a man. He didn't want to take a woman seriously.

"Okay, I promise you, and let her live. But I have to kill this fake!" Qin Hao was coldly staring at the "dead" man who was lying on the ground.

Everyone was wondering why Qin Hao still wanted to kill the man who was already dead. Was he going to abuse a body? This was too mad.

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"Get up, no pretending." Words done, everyone there including Shadow was stunned. What did that mean? Was Long Yubai pretending to be dead?

Long Yubai was pretending to be dead for sure. No one but Qin Hao knew what the strength of a Spirit Stage master was like. They couldn't have died that easily. Moreover, Qin Hao had Spirit Sense. No matter how effective Long Yubai's method was, it couldn't lie to the Spirit Sense.

"Of course, if you think resistance won't help, then continue to feign death. I'll let you die without suffering." Qin Hao shook his hand and the Scarlet Blood Saber vibrated with a trill. The moment Qin Hao was about to land the blow, Long Yubai, who had been feigning death on the ground, suddenly jumped up.

"Stop, one more step, I'll strangle her to death!" Long Yubai's sudden resurrection shocked everyone a lot. They were all stunned, including Shadow.

No one could have imagined that Long Yubai, who had just come back to life, would strangle Shadow with his only hand, staring at Qin Hao angrily, aiming to threaten him with Shadow's life.

Seeing this, even Qin Hao was shocked, let alone others.

But when Qin Hao came back to earth, he felt it was funny. To threaten him with Shadow, would it work?

"Yubai, you stop!" On the wheelchair Long Taibai came to his senses and angrily shouted, "Are you out of your mind? Let her go."

"I'll let her go. But you tell them to move out of my way and let me go." Long Yubai didn't loosen his hand but increased his strength instead, with a hideous look on his face.

Now Shadow eventually knew that this man was not the real Long Taibai. He was fake. The real Long Taibai wouldn't do this to her. What a ridiculous thing! Just now she was still grieving for him, a fake one.

Much to her surprise, he chose to threaten Qin Hao with her life for his own survival. This...

Shadow's mind was a blank now. She didn't resist and struggle, letting tears run out of her eyes.

"Little sister, sorry, for the sake of all those kindnesses I gave to you in these years, now it's your turn to pay back." said Long Yubai word for word while gritting his teeth.

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Shadow didn't respond to him. She couldn't make it anyway. The stranglehold on her throat made her unable to breathe. In her heart now there was nothing, but endless regret and anger caused by being deceived.

"Yubai, you listen to me. All are over now, you just stop. Let Shadow go. Surrender yourself and confess to your sins to ease your punishment. This is your only way out." Long Taibai persuaded kindly. He was the one who suffered most. Honestly, he didn't want anything bad to happen to his brother, as well as Shadow.

"Over? No, not over. As long as I'm alive, this won't be over." Long Yubai shouted madly, "Move away, you tell them to move away."

"Long Yubai, you've lost your advantages. Your brother is right, to surrender is your only way out." Li Zhanwu also shouted. Soldiers of his special troop aimed their guns at Long Yubai again.

"To surrender?" Long Yubai mocked, "To surrender means to die. Both you and he won't forgive me." He quite knew himself well. For the sake of his sins, he wouldn't be forgiven even if he surrendered.

"You're right. No one will forgive you, especially for me." said Qin Hao coldly. He moved a step forward, and Long Yubai was scared into screaming.

"Stop, one more step and I'll kill her immediately." Long Yubai increased his strength again. He was almost lifting Shadow up, which terrified Long Taibai into yelling.

"Master Qin, please stop. For the sake of my contribution, let him go, okay?" Long Taibai pleaded.

"Sorry, I have to refuse your pleading. He must die today." Qin Hao moved another step forward, staring at Long Yubai, "This girl is yours and has nothing to do with me, take my blow!" Qin Hao didn't waste words anymore. With a flash, the Scarlet Blood Saber went for Long Yubai immediately.

"No!" Long Taibai shouted from behind. But he couldn't stop Qin Hao from attacking.

Long Yubai, of course, wouldn't stand and wait. He threw Shadow at Qin Hao fiercely and flew toward behind with a rapid speed without a trace.

He thought that Shadow, the one he threw, could reduce Qin Hao's speed, and then it would not be a problem for him, with a Spirit Stage master's speed, to escape here.

However, when Qin Hao overtook him like a ghost and got him in the way, he found that he underestimated Qin Hao again.

He was shocked. He couldn't make it to stop but to grit his teeth and rush forward regardless. Meanwhile, he used his left hand to gather internal strength and launched a powerful attack on the shadow in front of him.

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