Super Urban Master

Chapter 263

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Qin Hao put Long Yubai's Space Ring into his ring. In Long Yubai's ring, there was something left but no Spirit Stones and spiritual herbs, and they are useless to Little Monster. He could only count on Leng Feng's body on the ground.

"See if this guy has something good." Qin Hao walked to Leng Feng. His Spirit Sense scanned the body on the ground.

As a master in the late period of the Spirit Stage, this guy definitely had something good, and he might also have Space Rings.

But unfortunately, he didn't find any Space Ring on Leng Feng's fingers. Not everyone had the chance to own a Space Ring. It depended on one's luck.

Well, he did get some trophies from Leng Feng. There were a few high-grade Spirit Stones and some pills and cultivation recipes that were very precious to urban Martial Cultivators.

Qin Hao put the pills and cultivation recipes into his Space Ring for later use and threw all the Spirit Stones to Little Monster who was looking at him with eager eyes.

Little Monster was so excited that it rushed at immediately and made a clean sweep of the Spirit Stones.


Having eaten up all the Spirit Stones, Little Monster howled at the sky. Qin Hao thought it was going to upgrade, however, it only made a sound and then quieted down, looking at Qin Hao with eager eyes again, which meant: I wanted more.

"Damn it. You are teasing me. No more." Qin Hao taunted, picking up a long black saber from the grass beside.

The saber was dark and cold. Qin Hao could feel the coldness on the blade penetrating into his body. There were several small gaps on the blade, which was the Scarlet Blood Saber's work during the fierce battle just now.

Qin Hao was surprised at the hardness of this saber. Other sabers' blades would have been chopped into saws in the battle, but this one only had several gaps left.

"Nice saber." Qin Hao praised this saber named "Black Owl” and stored it into his Space Ring.

Now it was totally dark. The night was dim. Grass shook slightly in the hazy moonlight.

"Time to return." Qin Hao thought aloud, then he turned to Little Monster, "Come in, kiddo."

Although Little Monster was reluctant to enter the Space Ring, it couldn't go against Qin Hao’s order. It purred and disappeared and entered the Space Ring.

When Qin Hao was about to leave, he looked at somewhere in the dark grass and calmly said, "You are not leaving?"

That was where Shadow hid. Although she was invisible, with Qin Hao's strength, Shadow couldn't escape his eyes.

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Shadow realized that she was exposed, and walked out of the darkness. She looked at Qin Hao with a cold face, then turned around and walked without saying anything.

Qin Hao shook his head at her back. He had no patience to care about this woman, because everyone had his own way and thing to do. So, he left in another direction.


Qin Hao just walked more ten meters, and a cry of pain from Shadow's direction stopped him. He looked at Shadow, puzzled.

Suddenly, a cramp broke out in Shadow's chest, giving her a spasm through her whole body. Then she fell softly on the grass. It seemed that there was something inside her body biting her heart.

Qin Hao was unwilling to lend a hand, but after all, she was a woman, and as a man, if he just walked away when a woman needed help, he would despise himself.

Therefore, he came to Shadow after a moment of hesitation.

"What happened?" Qin Hao asked, looking at Shadow who was twitching on the ground.

Shadow raised her head. This was the first time Qin Hao had seen her face for she used to be veiled. To be honest, she was very young and beautiful, but now her beautiful face was as pale as paper and her lips were trembling and bitten to bleeding. Drops of sweat ran from her forehead. She was suffering from great pain.

"I, I..." Shadow wanted to say something but failed.

Qin Hao worriedly said, "Show me your pause." As he spoke, he took a step forward and seized Shadow's hand without hesitation. He was a good doctor after all, so he would know Shadow's problem as he felt her pause.

Spirit Qi explored in Shadow's body through their hands. Qin Hao’s face suddenly changed. He looked at Shadow in astonishment, “How, how come? There is a bug in your body!”

Shadow also remembered that, previously, Leng Feng did put a bug into her mouth, saying that it was to keep her obedient. But now Leng Feng was dead, so the bug was out of control.

"It is the man with a black mask who put it in my mouth. I, I... I can’t take it.” Shadow looked at Qin Hao with her big eyes, pleading, as if she had been begging him to help her, but she couldn’t open her mouth, so she could only show her pleading with eyes.

Of course, if it were just ordinary pain, she would have rather born it than begging for Qin Hao's help. However, the pain caused by that bug was deep into the bone marrow that it was worse than death. She preferred to be killed by Qin Hao.

"Sit down. I will help you to force it out." Qin Hao didn't say anything more but ordered Shadow to sit down. Then he pressed Shadow's back with his palms. An overwhelming Spirit Strength was infused into Shadow's body with Qin Hao's press.

The little bug inside Shadow also felt the danger outside. It began to dash around madly, making Shadow more painful. It was like her body being impaled by something. This pain was beyond human's endurance and she screamed and almost jumped up. Fortunately, Qin Hao stopped her in time and blocked her veins with a few moves to keep her still.

“Hold on. I’m gonna finish.” Biting his teeth, Qin Hao infused another stream of strength. Strings of Spirit Strength outflanked the bug from several routes.

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The bug was forced to have nowhere to go but to dash into the sensitive position of a woman ‒ the plump hill, from her breast.

Qin Hao paused. He lowered his head and looked at Shadow's breasts. Although he was sitting behind, he was taller than Shadow, so he could see her plump breasts just by lowering his head.

Damn it. You really found a good place to hide. Well, even you entered there, I wouldn’t let you escape.

Shadow also felt the bug ran into her breast where drew her attention now. She was both shy and angry but didn't know what to do with it.

How to drive this out from here? If Qin Hao... but he was a man.

Shadow was flurried. And she blushed.

Just as she was in a mess a big hand suddenly appeared in the front, which scared her into a twisting face. She trembled, "What, what are you doing?"

Instead of words, Qin Hao replied with hands. In a ripping sound, the buttons on Shadow's clothes on the front were forcibly opened, revealing a large piece of skin.

"Ah, stop, stop!" Shadow screamed while grinding her teeth. Red flush covered her pale face.

However, now she could not move and was unable to resist and to shout aloud even with mouth open. Qin Hao's big hand continued to move, pulling down her clothes. In another tipping sound, half of her clothes were torn apart, revealing a white breast in the air.

"Ah, stop‒!" Shadow made a shrill scream, but she couldn't make more, for her dumb acupoint was hit so that she couldn't make any sound even when her mouth was opened. Her chest heaved on and on.

Extremely angry as well as extremely frightened, she was afraid of what impulsive things Qin Hao would do.

Qin Hao completely ignored her and continued to do what he was supposed to do.

Suddenly, Qin Hao withdrew his hand from Shadow's back, therefore, the force outflanked the bug disappeared. The bug felt that there was no more pressure, so it turned around and wanted to get back. However, a stronger strength pressed down, forcing it to give up the previous intention and to desperately getting out.

It was Qin Hao. He quickly flashed to the front, grabbed the white breast with one hand, and infused in a strong stream of Spirit Strength, directly attacking the bug in a more efficient way.

This action undoubtedly broke the bottom line of Shadow. Fierce flame of hatred was burning in her eyes, and her face was so red that as if there had been blood oozing out.

But she had to admit it that Qin Hao's action was effective. The bug dashed inside and finally found the exit. It went out from the hole on Shadow's red papilla, then opened its wings and flew high.

"It’s not that easy to escape." Qin Hao quickly let go of Shadow, jumping up into the air, and sent a palm. A dark mist squirted from his palm wrapped the bug, and totally corroded it in a second.

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That was Yin Wind Bone Erosion Palm which Qin Hao hadn't use for a long time. Now, with the growth of his strength, he could directly squirt Yin Energy out against the enemy without touching.

Landing to the ground, Qin Hao looked back at Shadow, who was still sitting and unable to move. He reached her calmly, unchoked her acupoint and then said, "Don't thank me. Just take it as I have never saved you." After that, he turned around and was going to leave.

"Stop!" Shadow shouted.

Qin Hao stopped, "Anything else?"

Shadow did not answer by words, but by the cold wind attacked from behind.

Qin Hao did not turn his head. A sneer appeared on his face. It was until he felt that the dagger was going to stab him when he suddenly turned around and grabbed Shadow of the wrist easily.

Shadows looked at him angrily, grinding her teeth.

Qin Hao knew why she attacked him. As a woman who was treated like that by a man, her performance didn't surprise him. Qin Hao could understand, so he didn't fight back. Otherwise, he could directly kill Shadow with a palm. With his current strength, killing Shadow was easy.

"I know that you hate me, but you also know the situation just now. I was trying to save you. Listen, I didn't mean to offend you, and I didn't have any improper thought to you. Otherwise, I could have done anything to you. You had no ability to stop me, and you cannot resist what I am going to do to you now either.” Qin Hao said coldly and let go of Shadow's hand.

Shadow stood there painfully. Tears fell from her eyes. She also knew that she couldn't blame Qin Hao for that. That was to save her. However, she couldn't convince herself. She had maintained her body chaste and undefiled for many years, but today, it was seen and touched by a man. What's more, she couldn't blame him or even kill him. What should she do?

Maybe she still had a way to go.

Thinking of this, she raised her head and shouted at the dark sky, "Ah‒! Ah‒! Ah!"

Qin Hao looked at her, stunned. He knew this woman needed to vent now, so let her vent here, and he'd better leave.

"I know that I can't kill you, and I can't blame you." After shouting, Shadow uttered loudly a sentence to Qin Hao. She spoke while crying. Tears blurred her eyes, flowing down her delicate white cheeks.

"So, I can do nothing but, but...Ah!” She replaced the latter words with a scream. The dagger in her hand suddenly went for her neck, leaving a cold light in the air. She was committing suicide.

"You are insane." Qin Hao reached in an instant, and again grasped Shadow of the wrist. Shadow couldn't catch up with his speed, "What are you doing? It's a new era now. Why can't you let such a trifle go?"

"Trifle? Of course, you don't care because you are a man. But do you know how important it is for a woman? You don't know. Let me go! Let me die!” Shadow struggled to free herself, but her strength was too little to get rid of Qin Hao.

"Well, you don't let me go, and then I will bite my tongue to death." The determination for seeking death of Shadow was so decisive that she bit her tongue as she finished her words.

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In fact, Qin Hao never believed in the saying of "committing suicide by biting one's tongue". Those martial arts fictions all talked nonsense. Tongue was not the deadliest weak spot in the human body, and one who bit his tongue off might not die either. This unreliable tale was usually used in martial arts fictions.

However, words were words. Seeing that Shadow really wanted to bite off her tongue, he had no other thought but rushed up and grabbed her chin to prevent her from doing stupid things. If one lost his tongue, even if he didn't die, he would be handicapped.

However, this time Qin Hao seemed to be left behind. From Shadow's cherrylike mouth, a hint of red blood slowly flew out.

"You…?" Qin Hao was speechless, and he didn't know what to say. He sighed and let go of Shadow. At the moment he loosened his hand, in a muffled sound, and a whiff of fragrance spurted out from Shadow's mouth.

At that time, Qin Hao’s face was very close to Shadow’s, so the fragrance went straight to his face. He paused, and his face instantly turned cold, as well as his body.

"In this way you think you can deal with me?" Qin Hao shook Shadow off angrily. His face was as cold as frost, "You should know that I am immune of all kinds of poisons. In the past you used Tianyi Mystery Water, but it was useless to me. This time, no matter what kind of poison it is, it is also useless."

Shadow staggered a few steps and almost fell. When she stood firm, she looked up at Qin Hao. Her beautiful face and eyes became so calm and quiet, and her seductive mouth even showed a pathetic smile.

She whispered, "This is a unique scent of mine. It is not poisonous, and won't cause any harm to you, but you will lose your cultivation and strength in a certain period of time. Of course, I know you are very powerful. This medicine may not be very useful for you and soon you can defuse it, but it doesn't matter. I don't need much time. A little is enough.”

"What the hell are you doing?" Qin Hao asked while trying to use Spirit Qi to defuse it. But as Shadow said, this was not poison, so even Earth Spirit Pearl could do nothing to help.

Gradually, he was horrified to discover that the Spirit Qi he could use was less and less, and he felt the weakness of his body.

"Your scent..." Qin Hao's face changed greatly. If he really lost his cultivation, he would become a lamb to be slaughtered. Today, he would be killed by this strange woman. He did not dare to waste any time and quickly sat down, arousing Qi to expel the toxin, but it still had no effect. He had used all the methods he used before but none of them made it. What the hell was that?

"I've told you. It's useless. It's not the poison. You can't defuse it." Shadow walked over with a beautiful smile. Qin Hao looked at the smile on her face. A chill ran on his back. What was she doing?

Soon, he knew.

Shadow went to his back, crouched down. Her face gently leaned against his back, and a soft hand reached from behind his neck, touching his handsome young face.

"You, you...What are you going to do with me?" Qin Hao’s voice trembled. His voice had never trembled since he became a Martial Cultivator.

"Qin Hao, tonight, you belong to me." Finished speaking, Shadow put the young man's body down with her soft hands, and gently made him lie on the ground.

"No, no... Shadow, listen to me. Don't do stupid things. Previously I was forced by the situation...”

"I know, so I don't blame you, maybe this is my fate." Her delicate face was covered with a pathetic smile, like a lonely flower blooming in this cold night. Although desolated, it could not overshadow her beauty.

Her soft hands slid through the buttons on the front, stripping her clothes. Black voile clothes flew into the air, and then fell in a floating manner, hanging on the tip of the grass, trembling.

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