Super Urban Master

Chapter 91

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In the place where Shi Bingying had left, two figures entered Wu Liu town in the darkness.

The persons who came in were two women, one young and one old. The elder was in her forties and wore dark grey clothes. The younger was over 20 and was dressed in a pink skintight suit. Although her look was ordinary, her figure was exposed under the restraint of the skintight clothes, revealing little bit graceful figure. However, in all, she was a woman of average look and figure.

"Master, that person looks like Junior Sister Bingying." The average looked woman stopped and looked at the back view of Shi Bingying.

The older woman looked in that direction and said indifferently, "Luoping, what nonsense are you talking about? How could your Junior Sister Ying come here?"

"Master, didn't she escape the marriage by herself? It's possible that she could be here." Luo Ping argued.

"Don't talk nonsense. Your eyes must be playing tricks. Let's go. We still have things to do." With that, she moved towards the town, no longer paying any attention to the young woman called Luo Ping.

Luo Ping didn't seem to give up. She cast a resentful gaze in the direction that Shi Bingying had disappeared and turned around to follow the older woman.

Shi Bingying had chased Qin Hao's car for the entire night. Not only she hadn't caught up him but also had lost the trace of Yun Yifei. What was even worse, she had gotten lost in a vast primeval forest and was also injured.

In this primeval forest, poisonous snakes and wild beasts ran wild. Those who were not familiar with the law of the jungle could be fatally attacked if they were not careful. The most frightening thing was that there were filled with poisonous and foggy miasma all year round, even in the daytime, one could not see far. If an ordinary person entered this place, if he were not poisoned, he would die from getting lost. Even if the person were a Martial Cultivator, like Shi Bingying, he would have been poisoned because of carelessness. Shi Bingying was attacked by a poisonous snake. It's somehow like adding insult to injury.

Shi Bingying wandered around in the forest for an entire night, but she still couldn't see the edge of the woods. Looking around, she could only see the vast primeval forest and white mist which mixed with miasma and poisonous fog. This made her feel despair.

Leaning weakly against a tree, she took a few deep breaths of poisonous air and coughed violently. She knew that this was called drinking poison to quench her thirst, but she had no other choice. Ever since she was poisoned, she had been holding her breath for a long time. If she continued to hold it in, she might suffocate to death. She had breathed again as so to live a little bit longer,

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Was she going to die here?

Shi Bingying raised her head and looked at the greyish sky through the gaps between the leaves. Her delicate face showed traces of regret. Why was there regret? The image of a person appeared in her mind, and she saw her young, slightly handsome, and somewhat demonic face.

In the past, when she was facing a desperate situation, it was him staying with her to protect her. Where was him, the one who had once saved her?

Gradually, her eyes started to blur, and the image in her mind froze on that young and somewhat charming face. A single drop of tear fell from her beautiful eyes.

This tear, for whom?


A sound of a bullet ejecting from a gun erupted from behind her. A rubber bullet with anesthetic penetrated the fog. With a 'swoosh' sound, it drilled into her soft body, causing the young girl's body to a sudden tremble and then fall to the ground.

Ding La Town, only a muddy road went through the town. On both sides of the street, there were densely packed houses of varying heights. Most of the houses were made of wood. Coming here was like entering a village in the 1920s and 1930s. You really couldn't imagine the poverty and backwardness here.

Countless children in rags, or naked, were playing or begging in the streets. Poor women walked back and forth around the unshaded, empty market or shabby little restaurants with different types of fruits and vegetables in their arms.

There were few men here. Where did the men go?

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After walking into the small town and seeing all of this, a strange and incredulous expression appeared on Qin Hao and Su Xue's faces. On the other hand, Ye Siyu's face was still as blank as ever. She walked like a zombie, entirely no response for what was happening in front of her. The baldy and Ayte were indifferent as if they gotten used for the scene of this little town.

When the poor children and women saw Qin Hao's group enter the town, seeing their neat clothes, they immediately surrounded them as if they had seen a god of wealth descending from heaven.

Ayte was experienced in dealing with these people. Seeing the children and women rushing towards them, he immediately stood in front of them, letting out a roar, and revealing a ferocious expression. He started babbling, probably in the local language.

The children and women who had been intimidated by Ayte did not rush over again, but they still looked at them as if they were looking at a piece of meat that did not belong to them. Even they couldn't get the flesh, but still, they wanted to look more to satisfy themselves.

"Hey-hey, my respected Qin, my beautiful ladies, you don't have to worry. With me here, no one will dare to offend you." Ayte turned around and smiled at Qin Hao and the two beauties. Especially when he looked at the two goddesses, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

He envied Qin Hao so much that he could swear to God that these were the two most beautiful women he had ever seen in this world. Unfortunately, these two beauties were brought over by Qin Hao. He could only look and did not dare to have the slightest thought of them.

"Mr. Ayte, aren't there any men here?" Su Xue walked beside Qin Hao and asked curiously.

"Men, ha, of course, there are, but they are all ugly and dirty men, not as handsome as I am, hey-hey." Ayte boasted shamelessly, and the baldy showed a look of disdain.

"Ayte, stop showing off your dog like face. Find a place to eat something, and then go to find a boat to sea for me. Otherwise, I don't mind turning you into the ugliest man in the world." Qin Hao interrupted Ayte with an impatient expression on his face.

Ayte's heart turned cold. He hastily smiled and said, "All right, respected Qin. There's a pretty good restaurant ahead. Let's go there to eat." After saying that, Ayte led the way to a restaurant in front of them. It was the best restaurant in this area.

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"Hey, Ayte, damn you, where have you been these days, son of a bitch. Captain Hawa has been looking for you for a long time, you know, he said that if he didn't find you before going out to sea tomorrow, he would cut off the things in your pants and throw them into the sea to feed the sharks. " A lean, swarthy Southeast Asian man was coming from across the street, and when he saw Ayte, he let out a shout. Of course, he spoke in the local language, which Qin Hao could not understand.

Ayte did not show any weakness and spat, " Nguyen, shut up you monkey. Is it the tradition of your country to say such dirty words in front of ladies? Do you believe that I can smack your foul mouth? "

When the lean man called "Nguyen" heard the word "ladies", his gaze immediately fell on Su Xue and Ye Siyu. At that moment, it was as if a magnet was attracting his eyes, and he was unable to move. Not only that, a long trail of saliva flowed out from his mouth.

"Oh, two beautiful ladies, please don't take offense to it. This ugly monkey never knows what a gentleman is. He is just a monkey that has yet to evolve, ha-ha." At this point, Ayte laughed heartily. Then, he walked over and gave the monkey a massive slap on his shoulder, causing the stunned 'monkey' to let out a blood-curdling yell.

"Ayte, what are you doing!" Monkey rubbed his sore shoulder and snarled at Ayte while gritting his teeth.

"Go away, you ugly monkey." Ayte roughly pushed the monkey aside and led Qin Hao and the others into a restaurant.

The restaurant was also a tavern. As soon as they entered, they heard deafening noises and the stench of men filled with various flavors.

The restaurant was full of men, all bare-chested. They were sitting around tables by groups of two or three, drinking wine, eating meat, and talking vulgarly. Most of them were about women.

Anyone who didn't know what was going on would think that this wasn't a restaurant, but a bandit stronghold.

It turned out that all the men gathered here. They squandered their only money, and here they were drunk and dreaming, which boosted the prosperity of the tavern and the restaurants, while their women and children begged and sold vegetables. Sometimes their women even sell their bodies to sell a little more cabbage, and then gave the money to their men to squander.

It was a freak place. People who had never been here would never be able to imagine that people would live like this, but these men and women took it for granted that they would live like this.

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Of course, Qin Hao had no interest in what kind of life the people here were living. Right now, he was angry at the men who were staring at Su Xue and Ye Siyu with drunken eyes, their gazes were like that of a male dog who had been thirsty for countless years, suddenly seeing the two women, the dirty beast blood in their bodies was immediately activated, and boiled up instantly.

"Isn't that Ayte? He's brought two women with him. Oh my god. This is the sexiest thing I've ever seen. I want to break that woman's breasts."

"I want to fuck her. I like that woman's beautiful face, sexy lips, and that raised butt. Oh god, I can't control it anymore, this is a gift from the heavens!"

"Don't even think about it, they're all mine. I want to throw them onto my boat and enjoy their tender bodies every day, ha-ha." A naked, boorish man stood up and gulped down a bottle of wine. Then, he glared at them with fire-burning eyes as he walked out step by step with the bottle in his hand.

Qin Hao didn't understand what the people here were talking about. Otherwise, he would have already taken that person's life who was the first said those dirty words.

Looking at those rough men who were staring at her like wolves and tigers, Su Xue was so scared that she grabbed onto Qin Hao's hand and tightly stuck to his side.

Qin Hao held her shoulders and comforted her softly, "Don't be afraid." Then he asked Ayte, "Is there a quiet place, Ayte?"

Ayte shook his head and waved his hands helplessly, "Respected Qin, I'm sorry. All the place like this. It is a better one,"

"Ayte, where did you bring these women from? You've already enjoyed them. Now it's time for me to have fun with them." While Ayte was talking to Qin Hao, that rough western man walked over while swaying his vast body. The wild hair combined with ferocious tattoos on his body made him look exceptionally hideous and savage.

Qin Hao didn't understand these words, but Ayte did. This ignorant fellow dared to have ideas about these two women. Was he tired of living? Ayte rushed forward and shouted, "Hey, Oka, you idiot. If you still want to live, you'd better stay away from these two ladies."

"Ayte, what did you say? How dare a lowly fellow like you could call me an idiot? I'm going to break your head." Oka shouted. Amidst everyone's cries of surprise, the bottle in his hand smashed onto Ayte's head without any warning and exploded on top of his head.

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