Super Urban Master

Chapter 93

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"Oh, Captain Hawa, don't misunderstand. I didn't mean to interfere with your business. I just came in here and saw someone who dared to behave atrociously here, so I tried to stop them." Angela explained in a melodious voice, with a charming smile.

"Hehe, in that case, I must thank Miss Angela." Hawa replied with a smile.

Angela shrugged and made a cute face. "No need, I never ask for anything in return, but it's a pity that I'm still late." After saying this, she looked at the messy ground and the people lying in the pool of blood.

Old man Hawa followed her gaze and looked at those people. However, his gaze was cold, and he didn't care about those corpses even when he saw them like they were not humans but ants. At last, his gaze landed on Ayte.

Ayte was trembling uncontrollably under the gaze from the dull and dry eyes, like getting an electric shock. Tremendous fear raised in his heart and he said, "Honorable captain, I, I..."

"Ayte, did you kill Oka?" The old man's hoarse and low voice was calm and sounded like it came from a demon in hell, making one feel chilly from head to foot.

"No, no, Captain, listen to me. It was an accident, this, this..." He didn't know how to explain, because he did kill Oka. Since he didn't know how to tell, he became more frightened and trembled. At last, he couldn't even speak clearly.

"Since you've killed him, then his position will be yours." Old man Hawa spoke in a dull and hoarse voice. However, his words were entirely unexpected.

Ayte was unable to react for a moment, "Captain, I, I'm sorry, I did not mean to … Ah, Captain, what did you say?" At this time, Ayte came to his senses. His blue eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at Old Man Hawa with an exaggerated expression which contained astonishment, excitement, and fear.

Not only Ayte had this kind of expression, but also the onlookers. They couldn't believe in Hawa's words either. They thought that since the Old Man Hawa came out personally, he would avenge Oka because Oka was one of the leaders of his team, and there was no doubt that Ayte would die miserably, maybe worse than death.

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However, the situation changed rapidly, which made it difficult for everyone to react. Ayte was safe, and he could even take Oka's position. What was the hell going on?

"What? You don't want it?" Old man Hawa asked, staring at Ayte who was stunned.

Ayte swallowed saliva and said with joy and grief, "No, no, no, dear captain. Serving you is the greatest honor in my life."

"Haha, very good. Is he your friend? "Old man Hawa looked at the domineering baldy who was covered in blood.

"Yes, sir, he is a friend of mine. Moreover, these people are also my friends. " Ayte introduced immediately, and he pointed to Qin Hao and the rest.

Old Hawa nodded, and his gaze finally landed on Qin Hao and the rest. The dry and dull gaze that was shot out from his shriveled eyes stopped on Qin Hao and Su Xue for a moment before it landed on Ye Siyu, who was beside them. Looking at Ye Siyu, his wrinkled brows furrowed, like an old piece of bark. His pupils also began to constrict.

Seeing that he noticed Ye Siyu, the surrounding people were all cursing him in their hearts, "This old goat targets another beautiful woman." If he had taken a fancy to a woman, no one dared to compete with him.

Ye Siyu's unusual appearance indeed attracted old man Hawa, but what drew him the most was the powerful inner Qi of Martial Cultivator that she exuded.

The reason he had come out personally, spared Ayte and given him great benefits was because he could tell that Qin Hao and Ye Siyu were both Martial Cultivators.

He didn't care about Qin Hao because he had already seen through Qin Hao's strength. He was in the middle period of the beginning stage.

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Qin Hao spent quite a lot of time to study Hidden Art during the days they came to Ding La. So now, he was able to suppress his strength down to a lower level. He was initially at the peak of the beginning stage, and now, he was in the middle period of the beginning stage. He was confident that soon later, he could completely restrain his internal Qi, making others unable to see his identity as a Martial Cultivator.

Hawa didn't care a person at the middle period of the beginning stage, but he couldn't see through Ye Siyu's strength. There was only one explanation. She was even more powerful than him. Such a powerful person wasn't someone he could quickly deal with. Especially the cold and wooden expression, it made her look as steady as Mt. Tai, and he felt even more uncertain.

However, the powerful woman was even more useful to him because he was cultivating the Enjoy Happy Technique and needed to harvest Yin energy to nourish his Yang energy. The stronger the woman was, the more effective it would be to raise his strength, not to mention that she was such a beautiful girl.

He had been stuck in the middle period of the inner stage for many years already. If he could get this woman and harvest her Yin energy, he believed that it wouldn't take long before he broke through to the late period of the inner stage. Ye Siyu's value was more significant than a thousand ordinary women.

Old man Hawa's heart was full of excitement, but he didn't lose his mind as he knew that Ye SiYu was much stronger than him, so he had to think carefully before acting to get Ye Siyu.

After considering it, Hawa's wrinkled face revealed a smile to Ye Siyu and the others, and said amiably, "Ha-ha, everyone, welcome to our restaurant. I apologize for our negligence." This time, he spoke Chinese, and Qin Hao understood. He could not understand a single word those people spoke just now, and he didn't interrupt, because he wanted to see what these people were up to do. If they forced him to make a move, he wouldn't mind killing them all. Fortunately, this old man was very tactful.

"Ayte, you are doing Oka’s job. Bring your friends to the VIP room to take rest first. Serve them well." Old man Hawa instructed Ayte in a severe tone.

"Yes, Mr. Captain, I'll take care of them." Ayte said excitedly. Then, under the envious gazes of a bunch of men, he led Qin Hao and the rest to the inner part of the restaurant and went upstairs to the VIP room.

Those who knew Hawa's personality looked at Ayte and the others and sneered. How could Hawa be so easy to deal with? He must have taken a fancy to those two beauties. Otherwise, he wouldn't be polite. It's unknown what kind of method he would use to have those two women.

After Qin Hao and the rest left, old man Hawa looked at the western beauty Angela, "Miss Angela, what else do you want?"

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"Oh, of course, I came to discuss the business of this voyage with you." Angela smiled.

When he heard her words, Hawa's expression changed slightly. A strange light flashed across his dry eyes, and a strange smile appeared on his face as he said, "all right, this is not the right place to talk. Come in, but only you can come in. Your subordinates will stay outside."

"NO." A tall western man standing behind Angela rejected immediately.

"Hump, if you don't agree, then you can leave." Hawa sneered without giving face.

"You …" Seeing someone was about to lose his temper, Angela stopped him and smiled. "Well, Mr. Hawa, I'll go in with you alone."

"Miss Angela, it's hazardous, you …"

"Don't worry. I'll be fine, won't I, Mr. Hawa?" Angela stared at Old Man Hawa with her beautiful eyes, causing the old man's dry eyes to shine, but because of Angela's identity, he didn't dare to go too far, so he could only nod.

"Yes, Miss Angela, I am a gentleman, and I have never been rude to a lady." Others could say these words, but when he said them, people despised him. Of course, they only dared to do that in their hearts.

In the end, Angela and old man Hawa went inside.

Upstairs, Qin Hao and the others got clean and comfortable rooms under Ayte's arrangement. After the rooms were arranged, a sumptuous meal was served. They were rare seafood.

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After dinner, it was already evening. Ayte knocked on Qin Hao's door excitedly. Today was his happiest day, and he was excited to be a leader. Even when he was walking, there was a big smile on his face.

"Respectable Qin, I have good news for you." When Qin Hao opened the door, Ayte shouted.

"What good news?" Qin Hao stared at him curiously.

"I've already asked. Captain Hawa is going to sea at six tomorrow morning, and he's going to the island where we're going to find the smelly red grass (Blood Core Grass)." Ayte was excited because he felt that the colorful bills were coming at him. The smelly red grass was even more exciting than gold right now.

"Is that so?" Qin Hao was excited too.

"I swear to God, it is true, and I have asked Captain Hawa. He agreed to take you with him, and he said that all your friends could go to sea on his ship. My God, I can't believe it. Captain Hawa is such a nice old man, and he's the best captain in my heart." At this moment, Ayte was deeply moved.

Qin Hao sneered at Ayte in disdain. This guy was empty-headed. From the first glance, he could tell that Hawa was not a simple person. He treated them so well, but nobody knew what's behind it.

From the way he looked at Ye Siyu during the day, Qin Hao was worried that this old man might be targeting her. Of course, this was only his feeling, and there was no evidence, so he couldn't tell Ayte. "All right, Ayte. I got it. I will get on board on time tomorrow morning."

"No worries, I will come to tell you. Well, good night. Oh, I'll go and say goodnight to the two beautiful ladies. " As soon as he finished speaking, Ayte danced out of Qin Hao's room and knocked on Ye Siyu's and Su Xue's doors.

Qin Hao, who was standing behind, frowned. How should he arrange Ye Siyu and Su Xue, especially the helpless Su Xue, could it be that he had to take her on board? Once they were on board, it would be even more dangerous than the land.

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