Super Urban Master

Chapter Chapter252: Chapter252

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Outside the headquarter of Dragon Group, dense heavy-armed soldiers besieged this building. In front of the gate, there was a confrontation between dozens of martial cultivators of Dragon Group and a group of soldiers.

However, there were only twenty of them, and they weren't the most powerful masters - the most powerful ones were all mobilized to the arena at Sunset District.

Facing the black muzzles outside, they were a bit nervous. The soldiers had not only guns, but also other advanced weapons. They even brought gun carriers here and headed the muzzles to Dragon Group's headquarter building.

Were they going to capture Dragon Group's headquarter? Now, Dragon Group's core figure Long Taibai was out, so the person in charge here was Cang Ying, but nobody knew where did Cang Ying go.

At this moment, Cang Ying was actually in the headquarter of Dragon Group. He went into Long Taibai's office with several subordinates.

In this office, there was a secret that only Long Taibai knew. However, Cang Ying had already discovered it, but he used to pretend that he did not know.

This time he and his subordinates broke in because of this secret. After groping around for a while in the office, he opened the passage behind the cabinet with a tough method, revealing that dark and narrow tunnel.

People behind Cang Ying looked at the passage in surprise. They didn't know there was a secret passage hiding in Long Taibai's office.

"Go." Cang Ying asked his people to follow him and rushed into the tunnel.

At the end of the tunnel was the secret chamber. In the secret chamber, the leg-broken man was still sitting on the bed, stirring the Buddha beads and reciting scriptures. On the table next to him was some food which his brother prepared for him. Today Long Taibai could not come to offer him meals, so he prepared him food for these days.

The food was untouched since they were left on the table, for he didn't have the mood to eat. He was a bit blundering today. He had recited those scriptures thousands of times before, but today he made several mistakes and had to stop time and again.

As he made another mistake and was going to recite from the beginning, he heard a noise from the outside. Someone came. Was it his younger brother?


In the booming sound, the thick iron gate was pushed open, and several people rushed in. The leader was a middle-aged man with half of his head bald.

In the past three years, only one person had come into this chamber - his younger brother. He had never seen anyone else, but today, in this secret chamber, he met other people, and they were quite a few. He knew the leader was Cang Ying from the Cang Hai Sect.

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"Why are you here?" The leg-broken man looked at them and asked. His voice was gentle but august.

"Boss Long?" Those who came in were also stunned at the man on the bed. Boss Long should be in Sunset District. How could he be here? Moreover, if this man was not Boss Long, why did they look exactly the same?

When the Cang Ying saw the people on the bed, he paused, then felt relieved. He thought, "The truth is just as I expected."

"Cang Ying, you don't recognize me?" The leg-broken man stared at distracted Cang Ying sharply.

A chill ran through Cang Ying's spine roused his reaction. He rushed on and bent himself to the ground, deliberately brewing a sad mood. "Boss Long, I'm so sorry for what you've been through. I am late." He said in a trembling voice.

After speaking, a drop of tear slid out of his eyes, making him seemed very grieved.

The leg-broken man stared at the goshawk for a while, then let out a heavy sight. He turned his face against Cang Ying, speaking in a calm and low voice, "Is Yubai who let you come?"

"No, he led all elites to the Sunset District, launched a desperate upheaval. Now he is besieged by the military, struggling." Cang Ying replied.

Hearing this, the leg-broken man's white face paled. A mixture of expression covered his face: regret, pity, and a bit of resentment that Long Taibai never learned to do the right thing.

"Still, he did it anyway..." A sigh wasn't enough to tell his pain. After a sigh, he turned his eyes on Cang Ying again. This time his voice turned cold, and a hint of majestic expression appeared on his face, "Since he didn't send you here, how did you know this secret?"

"Uh…" Cang Ying paused and hurriedly explained: "To tell the truth, I knew this by accident for a long time. I just couldn't confirm it until now. I didn't expect your younger brother treated you so bad that he broke your legs and imprisoned you here for so many years. Now he masqueraded as Boss Long. He was so cruel to you. You are his brother. Boss Long, I really feel unworthy for you...!” As he speaking, tears streamed down Cang Ying's chest.

By now Cang Ying's subordinates had understood what was going on. It turned out that the man on the bed was their boss Long Taibai, and the one in the Sunset District was a fake, who was the twin brother of Long Taibai, named Long Yubai.

The two were exactly the same, and they were twin brothers. So, it was hard to see through Long Yubai's disguise.

Committing this kind of crime to his own brother, Long Yubai was really a crazy and unscrupulous man.

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"Boss Long, in fact, I wanted to come to save you, but I have never had a chance until today. Boss Long, I will save you from here and let you see the outside world again.” Cang Ying continued to speak in a moving tone.

The leg-broken man, no, now he should be called Long Taibai.

He looked up to outside the door. His face was blank.

"Go out? See the outside world again? ”

He hadn't thought about this for a long time. In the past he was eager to go out to see the sky and the sun, but now the eager had faded as if his heart had died. Did it mean anything to him if he left here?

After thinking for a while, Long Taibai’s blank look turned into dejection. He drew his eyes back from outside the door and slowly closed his eyes. Stirring the Buddha beads in his hands, he faintly said: "You can leave. I have forgotten things about the outside."

Cang Ying and others were puzzled. They did not expect Long Taibai would refuse them.

Having been imprisoned in this dark room for so many years, Long Taibai didn't want to leave. Was he a freak? If they had been him, they couldn't have even born staying here for days, let alone for years. They would go crazy, and would do anything to escape, including hitting the wall.

"But Boss Long, you have to go out. If you don't, Dragon Group will be completely terminated, and so will we." Cang Ying was anxious. If Long Taibai didn't cooperate, his plan would go up in smoke.

"Boss Long, your brother is struggling in the Sunset District, and our headquarter is surrounded by soldiers. Our brothers are falling down one after one, and the foundation of the Dragon Group will collapse. Only you can save those brothers and the foundation of Dragon Group.”

"The brothers are mostly cultivated by you. The foundation of the Dragon Group is also established by you. Now they are all going to be ruined. Can you bear to watch our brothers falling down and Dragon Group's foundation be destroyed and remain indifferent?” Cang Ying made an eloquent short speech and shed tears to impress Long Taibai.

Long Taibai seemed to be moved. He stopped chanting silenced. After a long time, he finally looked up and sighed, "Well, I will go with you. Not for the Dragon Group, because its fate is already doomed. No one can change it. I just want to alleviate the sins of my brother.”

"Boss Long, you have a wise vision. Let's go. Come and help Boss Long out." Cang Ying climbed up from the ground, excited. He didn’t care about Long Taibai's purpose as long as he went with them, so that he could implement his plan, and survived this upheaval. Maybe he could even gain the power of Dragon Group.

They hurriedly left the secret chamber. But as they were going to leave the office, they were blocked at the door. People who blocked them was leaded by Chen Feng, the fierce-looking Chen Feng, who was nicknamed Madman Chen.

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Seeing Chen Feng, Cang Ying's eyelids jumped. A sense of foreboding caught him.

"Chen, Chen Feng, you should fight against the enemies outside. What are you doing here?" Cang Ying enjoyed a higher status in Dragon Group than Chen Feng, so he asked in a reproachful tone. However, this madman always despised him, so although he reproached him, he was frightened. His composedness was only a disguise.

Chen Feng gave Cang Ying a dismissive sneer, then turned his eyes on Long Taibai, who was carried by Cang Ying's subordinates behind. Chen Feng's pupil slightly contracted. Surprise flashed on his face. He took a few steps forward and looked a bit excited, "You are the real Boss Long, right?"

Long Taibai raised his eyelids and looked at Chen Feng. He nodded indifferently, "Yes, it seems that you have known this secret, too."

"I used to have doubts about why you changed your acts and style, but I couldn't find the reason. Until a few days ago, I knew it from Cang Ying.”

Chen Feng’s words made the Cang Ying tensed up. He couldn't remember anything wrong. He didn’t tell anyone about this secret. Besides, even if he wanted to share it with someone, this hostile madman was the last one he would talk to.

Did he give it away unintentionally? No, his wasn't close with Chen Feng, so how could he let the secret out in front of him?

"Boss Long, let's move on. We can discuss it in the future. Now the brothers of Dragon Group are bleeding, and so do the elites of Huaxia. They are our precious treasure and should not die in an internal conflict which doesn't worth their lives.” Chen Feng looked serious and solemn.

Not to mention crafty Cang Ying, others also felt that there was something wrong with Chen Feng's words.

Did Huaxia’s matters have anything to do with him? He cared about it so much.

Long Taibai also stared at Chen Feng's face coldly.

Chen Feng did not avoid eye contact. He directly confronted Long Taibai.

"Chen Feng, who are you?"

"Boss Long, I think you've had the answer three years ago. Just that you didn’t expose it.”

The two men fell into silence after the question-and-answer. Others didn't understand what they meant, except Cang Ying.

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"You are from the government." Long Taibai sighed because he confirmed his conjecture.

"Who I am is not important. What matters is that we must immediately go to stop the meaningless killing in Sunset District." Chen Feng said firmly with a serious look.

"Okay, I'll go with you." Long Taibai nodded. He did not want the brothers he trained sacrificed in a meaningless conflict.


On the arena of Central Plaza in Sunset District.

At the center of the arena, with a loud slam, two men collided in the air and then suddenly separated, each landing on one side of the arena.

They were Long Taibai, no, Long Yubai and Qin Hao.

They were all ragged, with blood on their clothes.

Just now, when the two were separated from the collision, they both suffered from boiling blood and Qi. Red blood slid out of the corners of their mouths.

The top-level battle made Long Yubai astonished. He was extremely shocked that Qin Hao could actually fight with him to a draw. How could this possible? He couldn't believe it and didn't want to believe. Actually, he was unwilling to accept such a fact.

Qin Hao was simply an inexperienced young lad, while he was the highest leader of Dragon Group and was acknowledged as the strongest urban martial cultivator. How could Qin Hao contend against him?

It would be a joke if it was well known by the public. It would become his shame.

He had to overwhelm Qin Hao, completely tearing Qin Hao into pieces to wash his shame and prove his strength to the world.

"Ahhh!" A roar exploded from his chest. All the Qi of his whole body was mobilized. The Qi drove the air surrounded him, forming a strong screaming wind and a murderous atmosphere. The next moment, like an angry lion, Long Yubai roared and lunged to unsettle Qin Hao again.

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