Supporting Role’s Aura

Chapter 42: Become A Spare Tire In The Love S

Arc 1.42: A Lively Reunion of One Big Family

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After the driver drove the car into the front yard and parked it, Qin Yuwei got out of the car and gave a few paper bags that she carried to the helper, and then walked quickly into the hall. Seeing that there were already many people talking very lively in the hall, she walked over with a smile and said, “Sorry, sorry, I’m late. I’ve hurriedly come back, but I still couldn’t get back in time to welcome you guys.”

“Sister-in-law, quickly sit down. We are all family, what’s to welcome.” Zhao Lingling was pouring tea when she heard Qin Yuwei’s voice and before she had time to looked up, she immediately said such a sentence. When she putting down the teapot and looked up with a smile, she was immediately stunned.

Not only Zhao Lingling, the others who hadn’t seen Qin Yuwei for almost a year, were also stunned when looking at her, they did not recovered their senses for a long time. In their impression over the years, Qin Yuwei has always been a person who was plain without color. She has a good temperament, but compared to Sun Ting, she still lacked the bright and colorful feeling that can moved people. Her facial features were beautiful, but it was just that, and she hasn’t left people any feeling of beautiful for many years. But now, it was only been a year since they haven’t seen each other, why it was like she had change to a different person. Not only she looked much more younger than Sun Ting, but also much more beautiful than Sun Ting.

“What’s the matter?” Qin Yuwei was a little uncomfortable with them looking at her like that, she put the scattered hair behind her ear and said, “Did I look weird?”

“Sister-in-law Yuwei, why do you look like a changed person, suddenly look so beautiful?” Zhao Lingling stood up, looked at Qin Yuwei’s new dress, took her hand and said: “And this dress, it’s too pretty. I took a look suddenly and thought that I saw a fairy!”

“Only you very good at talking. I’m old already, and still said I’m a fairy.” Qin Yuwei said with a somewhat embarrassed smile.

“Really sister-in-law Yuwei, you must tell me how exactly you became so beautiful. I also want to be younger and beautiful like you.” Zhao Lingling looked at Qin Yuwei’s face seriously and said: “Why your face still as smooth as when you were younger? There are no wrinkles at all, and it is also fair and tender. Aiyo, I’m so envious!”

When Zhao Lingling first entered the door, she said that Sun Ting was young and beautiful. That was really a polite remark. What she said to Qin Yuwei now was really the truth from her heart. Every time when Zhao Lingling comes, she will silently observed the state of all the wives. When she finds that other people were the same as her and slowly getting older, she felt more at ease. Otherwise she would felt that she was the only one who getting older every day, it terrified her when she think about it. But this time when she saw Qin Yuwei and found that she had suddenly become so beautiful, she(ZL) was surprised, curious, and envious.

“Go to the kitchen and see if the dishes are prepared. If they are not ready yet, urge them right away. Everyone must be hungry already.” Du Zhenfeng turned his head and said to Sun Ting.

The smile on Sun Ting’s face was stiffen, but she could only agreed, then got up and walked to the kitchen.

Du Zhenfeng stood up, took Qin Yuwei’s hand, had her sat beside him and said, “Sit down and talk. Standing with such a high shoes is quite tiring.”

“It’s still second brother knows how to love people.” Li Yan, the wife of Du Zhenfeng’s third cousin, patted her husband’s thigh and said, “Don’t just look, follow and learn, too.”

Du Zhenxing froze for a moment, nodded and said, “I will learn.”

The others couldn’t help but laughing. Sun Ting, who had not walked out of the hall, with her back facing them, gritted her teeth, and walked out of the hall with an ugly expression. Of course, she was reluctant to give up her seat to Qin Yuwei, but Du Zhenfeng asked her to go to the kitchen, which was already gave her a way out of embarrassing situation. If she just sat there didn’t move and let the helper to go and see, Du Zhenfeng would directly sit next to Qin Yuwei, and she would even more embarrassed.

“Sister-in-law Yuwei, your dress is really too beautiful. Where is it made at? I want to make one, too.” Zhao Lingling looked at Qin Yuwei’s new dress with envy and said, “Look at how delicate this embroidery is. It is more beautiful than the real flowers. Please take me there to make one tomorrow.”

“This dress was given to me by Ye You. It was a style that he designed. The pattern on surface was drawn by him and then embroidered by the embroiderer.” Qin Yuwei said: “This is also not something you can make when you wanted to, this fabric are very rare. Just for this dress, I have to wait for half a year. What’s more, it’s near holiday now and the workers are on vacation. How is it possible to make when you said so?”

The dress on Qin Yuwei’s body was added with fleece inside. When the weather gets warmer, she can remove the fleece layer. Now that she put on a coat outside, it wouldn’t feel cold even when she went out in this weather.

“Then when can I make such a dress?” Zhao Lingling was very disappointed. She really liked this dress, but she also couldn’t asked Qin Yuwei to give it to her.

“What’s the hurry, just wait for the opportunity in the future.” Qin Yuwei said with a smile.

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Li Yan moved to Qin Yuwei’s side, she took a deep breath and said, “Sister-in-law Yuwei, what perfume did you use? How come it smells so good? I have used famous perfumes from local and abroad, but I have never smelled one with such a good smell.”

“I also don’t know any perfume. All of my stuff ah, it was Ye You who bought them for me. I just use whatever he gives me. I’m not very understand about brand or fragrance. Anyway, they are all very easy to use, that’s it.” Qin Yuwei said.

“As I said before, if Yuwei dressed up a bit, she would be very beautiful, and none of us can compare to her, you can see that I was right. As soon as she came in just now, I was stunned. Just like Lingling said, I thought I saw a fairy.” Elder cousin’s wife, Su Min, said.

“Elder sister-in-law has learn bad things with Lingling now, just to make fun of people.” Qin Yuwei was a little embarrassed by their praises, she quickly changed the subject and said: “I bought you Xiangyunji‘s snacks on my way back, knowing that you guys love to eat, I have bought a lot of them, and they have all kinds of flavors.”

“Quickly let me taste it. When I was in Pingcheng, what I wanted to eat the most was Xiangyunji‘s snack.” Li Yan said immediately: “This time when we leave, I must bring more with me, otherwise I always don’t have enough to eat.”

Qin Yuwei beckoned the helper to take out the snacks. Sun Ting just walked out and saw it, she said with a smile: “The food is almost ready, why did you have snacks again? Let’s eat it after the meal.”

“I’ll just try a small piece to relieve my craving, and the others can wait until we have tea as we chat in the afternoon.” Li Yan couldn’t wait to take a piece snack and ate it.

“I also want to try it. I haven’t eat this for a long time. I really miss the taste.” Zhao Lingling also took a piece.

The others also took a piece to relieve their craving, especially those of Du Yao’s generation, who were young people and had a lot of appetite, so they tasted a few more pieces.

Sun Ting glanced at Du Zhenfeng’s hand which was holding Qin Yuwei’s1Original text typo was 孙婷(sun ting) hand, enduring the unhappiness in her heart, she sat down on the furthest empty sofa.

When the meal was about to start, Du Yao and Ye You came back. Du Hao and Ye Chen also followed behind them and entered the door. The family was very lively as they gave introduction. Several aunts looked at Ye You and Ye Chen as they keep talking and praising them, then they collectively moved to a large dining room to have lunch.

Once people getting older, they would liked the lively atmosphere. The laughter sound at home really makes even the Old Master who always had solemn attitude show a rare smiles, the Old Madam was even more cheerful.

When each went back to their rooms in the evening, Ye You still felt that there seemed to be the talking and laughing in his ears. This one big family of people, if said it nicely was lively, if said it badly or exaggerating a bit,  then it was noisy. And Du Yao’s biological2A bit explanation of why I’m using biological uncle instead of uncle only;  DY’s biological uncle 亲叔叔(qin shu shu) is his father’s biological little brother from the same parent. The others that arrived before them is his father’s cousins. As I said before, Chinese term in addressing elderly are a bit complicated. You call your father’s brother [叔叔(shu shu) for lil brother or 伯伯(bo bo) for older bro and 姑姑(gu gu) for sisters]. As for mother’s brother [舅舅(jiu jiu) for bro and 阿姨(ah yi) for sis]. As for cousins [堂(tang) from father’s side. Example; 堂哥(tang ge),堂弟(tang di),堂姐(tang jie),堂妹(tang mei). And 表(biao) from mother’s side. Example; 表哥(biao ge),表姐(biao jie),表弟(biao di),表妹(biao mei)] . 表(biao) and 堂(tang) also used when addressing our parent’s cousin brother and sister. Ex; 表叔(biao shu),堂叔(tang shu), 表舅(biao jiu); cousin uncle from father or mother’s cousin who is younger than them, etc. uncle’s family still hasn’t arrived yet. When tomorrow they arrives, it will be even more noisy, oh no, it was lively.

After Ye You took a bath, he leaned on the bed to rest, Du Yao pressed on his body, hugged and kissed him.

Ye You pushed Du Yao away, blocked his mouth and said, “Tonight I am going abstinence and recuperate. Doing too much cause my back pain very much. Tomorrow all family are here, I definitely have to accompany and chat with them. You don’t want to see I’m making a fool of myself, right?”

“Tomorrow I will take you out to have fun.” Although Du Yao could not continue to kiss Ye You, but his hands still continued to do naughty things.

“Humph!” Ye You squeezed Du Yao’s nose and said, “Do you think I don’t know what your plan is? It sounds nice when you said take me out to play, but in fact you just want to drive out to do that again, right? It’s already winter now, you are not afraid of the cold but I am afraid, are you not worry that I’m going to freeze?”

“I asked someone to build a wooden house on a big tree in the mountain. One side was installed with a few large glass windows. You can see the outside from the inside, but you can’t see inside from outside
Moreover there is a heater inside, you won’t be freeze.” Du Yao looked at Ye You and said.

Ye You let out a muffled groaned, trying to pushed Du Yao’s hand away but didn’t success. His breathing become more and more faster as he said, “No matter what you said, I won’t go. It’s near festival celebration now and there are so many relatives in the house. What would it look like when it just the two of us going out? Mom and Dad’s faces would also be unsightly.”

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“Then we just go in a few days. I will only do it once tonight then let you sleep. I will be quick3Raw 速战速决(sù zhàn sù jué); a blitzkrieg strategy (idiom), to resolve sth in the shortest time possible, to get sth done quickly. With how much DY like to do that, I start to wonder if I should put on mature tags even though it is just implied?! (´`;) ?.” Du Yao said in Ye You’s ear.

“When have you ever make it quick…” Ye You’s voice became smaller and smaller.


Early the next morning, Du Yao’s biological uncle arrived. Sun Ting did not go to the gate of the compound to greet them like she was to others, but stood at the door of the hall to greet them.

“The kids’ uncle and aunt are back?” Sun Ting said with a smile, “Xiao Ze, Xiaojie has grown a lot taller.”

“Well, I’m back.” Lu Jinlan just looked at Sun Ting and nodded, then strode in.

As soon as Lu Jinlan entered the hall, she first greeted the Old Master and the Old Madam, and then greeted everyone in the room, and began to rattled and talked about the situation on the road.

“I was already said a few months ago, it would be nice if we could go home before it snowed, otherwise it would be inconvenient to even drive when it snowed. Fortunately, the snow was late this year and we drove smoothly all the way.”

“Oh, this firecracker made my ears hurt as soon as she came back.” The Old Madam pretended to be disgusted and said to others: “You don’t have to buy fireworks this year. Just listening to her is noisy enough.”

As soon as the Old Madam finished speaking, everyone else were laughing.

Lu Jinlan squeezed to the side of the Old Madam and sat down, holding the Old Madam’s hand and acting spoiled: “Aunt, you don’t know how much I miss you outside. I finally can come home and you can’t despise me, otherwise I will be sad.”

“How old are you still acting like a baby, are you not afraid to be seen by the children and laugh at you.” The Old Madam’s eyes showed disliked but it held some affection.

“Just let them laugh. I will act like a baby with you for the rest of my life.” Finished speaking, Lu Jinlan leaned on the shoulder of the Old Madam, suddenly she stood up again and said, “Where is my sister-in-law? I’ve arrived already and why I didn’t even see her figure?”

“I’m here.” Qin Yuwei answered as she walked into the hall from the back door.

After seeing Qin Yuwei, Lu Jinlan was stunned for a while, and then quickly walked to Qin Yuwei, exaggeratedly circled her twice and said: “Are you really my sister-in-law? My sister-in-law was not so good-looking before, are you someone who pretend to be her?”

“Exactly how ugly I am before, that you can’t even recognize me now.” Qin Yuwei said as she tapped Lu Jinlan’s forehead.

Lu Jinlan immediately pulled the hand of Qin Yuwei and said: “Hey, it is really my sister-in-law. Sister-in-law, are you taking some elixir? If it’s true, you can’t eat it alone, give me a bit, I also want to be beautiful.”

“Okay, I will give it to you tonight.” Qin Yuwei also tapped on her nose.

“These two are going to have a private words tonight, if there is really some method to become beautiful, you can’t hide it, you have to say it and let us know too.” Zhao Lingling protested.

“I’m going to hide it, this is my biological sister-in-law, you guys just stand on the side.” Lu Jinlan was also a thirty something already, but still acting like a child, even the Old Madam said that she might not change her temper for a lifetime.

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“Hey, this is disastrous. They are biological in-law, and began to crowd us out who is just cousin in-law. She is going to start an internal conflict, what are you waiting for, quickly go and  tear her mouth.” Zhao Lingling said exaggeratingly.

Everyone burst into laughing again.

Lu Jinlan was a distant cousin of Du Zhenfeng and Du Zhensheng. Although they were not related by blood, but they have a good relationship because they grew up in Du family’s house and the four of them played together since childhood. It was a pity that Lu Jinlan has followed Du Zhensheng out of town all these years. It was rare for them to go home once a year. Otherwise, Qin Yuwei will have a helper in the confrontation between Qin Yuwei  and Sun Ting over these years.

“My sister-in-law, it’s rare for me to go home. Why don’t you go outside to welcome me?” Lu Jinlan complained to Qin Yuwei.

“You come back to your own house, and still want me to specially greet you? Even if I don’t greet you, didn’t you walk in by yourself.” Qin Yuwei took Lu Jinlan’s hand, walked over and sat down: “In addition, didn’t you called home a month in advance and said that you wanted to drink the fish soup I made myself, and that you want to drink it as soon as you walked in. I just went to the kitchen to see if the soup was ready, and you entered the house.”

As soon as the two of them sat down, Ye You came in from the back, behind him was a helper who was carrying fish soup on a tray.

“Mom, the fish soup that little aunt asked for is ready.” Ye You said after coming in.

“This must be Ye You.” Lu Jinlan stood up again, took Ye You’s hand, and said while looking at him: “Really good-looking. I used to think about what kind of person is worthy of our family’s Du Yao. Now he really able to find a perfect match, he is really lucky. No wonder your mother keep praising you every time I called home.”

“Hello, little aunt.” Ye You greeted Lu Jinlan with a smile.

“Oh, okay, I brought you a lot of gifts, I will let your mother bring  them to you in the evening.” Lu Jinlan liked Ye You when she saw him, thinking sure enough that someone who can make her sister-in-law keep on praising, she(LJ) also like him at first glance.

Sun Ting and Ye Chen felt very uncomfortable, because when Sun Ting asked Ye Chen to greet Lu Jinlan, Lu Jinlan was not so enthusiastic, she just nodded faintly then responded once, not to mention say about giving gifts or anything.

“Quickly sit down and drink your fish soup, boasting so loudly, don’t frighten the child.” Qin Yuwei took Lu Jinlan down to sit, took the fish soup from the helper’s tray, and handed it to Lu Jinlan: ” Hurry up and try how it tastes while it still hot, it won’t taste good when it’s cold.”

“It’s so fragrant!” Lu Jinlan took it and smelled it. The delicious smell immediately opened her appetite. She took a spoon and blew it, then put it into her mouth. After tasting, she immediately exclaimed: “Mmm, it’s delicious!”

Lu Jinlan ignored her scalded mouth, and continue drinking few more sips, one small bowl of soup quickly bottomed out.

“It’s so delicious. Sister-in-law, not only have you become more beautiful, but you also have better cooking skills than before. Don’t tell me it’s really because you took some elixir that made you look so beautiful and capable?” Lu Jinlan praised from the heart.

“Where is there any elixir? It was Ye You who made this soup. He saw that I was preparing the fish in the kitchen to make the soup. He was afraid that I was too tired, so he wanted to help me make it. Fortunately, I have a son-in-law who loves me, unlike you who doesn’t even know how to loves people at all. In such a cold day, you still asked me to make a fish soup for you.”

“I only can drink it once a year…” Lu Jinlan finished the last bit of fish soup, she immediately urged the helper and say: “Hurry up, get me another bowl, ah no, bring the whole pot here. Make a small stove to keep it hot, so you don’t have to  give me bowl by bowl, I can’t bother to wait.”

“Delicios, right?” Qin Yuwei asked.

“Very delicious!” Lu Jinlan nodded again and again: “I have drunk the fish soup for almost a lifetime. This time the one I drink is the best soup. What kind of stuff I used to drink before.”

“What are you even saying, how is it a lifetime.” Qin Yuwei tapped her forehead again: “Ye You’s cooking skills are better than me, so I let him do it for you, and I know you will definetely love to drink it. When you returned to Hongcheng and wanted to drink but couldn’t, I would be happy then. This is your punishment for making me make a fish soup for you on a cold day.”

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“Sister-in-law, you are so bad. You obviously know that I love to drink fish soup. After I leave, I will definitely think of it and can’t sleep.” Lu Jinlan frowned and complained and said: “I might as well not go to Hongcheng, I will live at home, let the three of them, father and sons, go there. Anyway, I won’t worry when I don’t see, also to avoid them from angering me again.”

“As long as you are willing, I have no objection. If you can stay, I will have a companion, too.” Qin Yuwei said with a smile.

“Sister-in-law, you are too annoying, you aren’t that bad before! How come you become beautiful, but your heart become bad?” Lu Jinlan still wanted to continued her complain, but the helper has brought the fish soup, and her attention was immediately diverted : “My soup, so fragrant, ah!”

Lu Jinlan drank the fish soup in a good mood. Although the people next to her had already had breakfast, they could not help but swallowing at the smell, wanting to taste this delicious fish soup. What does it taste like in the mouth, that can make Lu Jinlan had a very enjoyable expression.

“Mom, I want to drink fish soup, too.” Du Ze leaned over to the table, staring at the fish soup in the pot.

“Go away, you always come over every time I drink soup, just like a greedy cat, this whole pot is mine. No one is allowed to snatch it from me.” Even when facing her own son, Lu Jinlan was also quite protective of her foods.

“He is a little greedy cat, you are a big greedy cat, isn’t this inherited from your love to drink fish soup?” Qin Yuwei turned her head and said to the helper: “Bring another bowl, and give Xiao Ze a bowl.”

“Don’t give it to him, it’s all mine!” Lu Jinlan protested, but no one paid any attention to her. Every one of them asked to bring out a bowl and spoon for them too. Lu Jinlan was so anxious that in two mouthful she finished the soup in the bowl, then hurriedly served another bowl.

The fish soup in earthenware pot was immediately finished, and even the fish was all divided up. Those who drank the fish soup kept sighing in admiration.

“It’s delicious, I really haven’t had such a delicious fish soup.”

“Me too, my goodness, I may remember this taste for the rest of my life, and I also want to live here and don’t want to leave anymore, otherwise it might even appears in my dream.”

“After I drink it, the whole stomach feels more comfortable. People who have good cooking skill are really better than magic.”

Lu Jinlan glared at the earthenware pot that only left with residue. She hadn’t drunk enough herself, but they had robbed it all.

“Are you envious of me?” Qin Yuwei asked Lu Jinlan with a smile.

“I’ve decided, I’m going to stay and won’t leave again.” Lu Jinlan said as she put the bowl on the table.

“Don’t make decision in a hurry.” Qin Yuwei patted Lu Jinlan’s hand and said, “In the following days, you will probably feel even more reluctant to leave.”

Ye Chen looked at Ye You and felt very uncomfortable. Although he didn’t drink the fish soup, he could tell from the expressions of other people that it was really delicious. Ye You, who was the best performer in the Cultural Regiment and the most popular in the army, even has such good cooking skills. Could it be that his(YY) life was a life of the so-called son of destiny, and he(YC) was destined to only serve as a supporting role to set him(YY) off? Ye Chen felt even more unwilling the more he thought about it.

The next topic the family talked about has always revolved around Ye You, because Qin Yuwei was very proud and show off to them about how good Ye You was, saying how good he danced and how amazing his violin play was and how his singing voice was very pleasant to hear that many Legions rushed to asked for him to performed, and the others were amazed after hearing it.

In addition to Ye Chen who was very uncomfortable, there were of course Sun Ting and Du Hao. Du Hao didn’t show it at all, he just couldn’t help but glanced at Ye You and saw Ye You snuggled up next to Du Yao, he felt inexplicable sour. And Sun Ting couldn’t help but glared at Ye Chen quickly, thinking that it was because he was not up to their expectation that they all became foils4Raw 陪衬(péi chèn); to enhance by contrast, to set off, to serve as a background in order to bring out the subject with greater brilliance, to serve as a prop, a foil., moreover they were foils that couldn’t even put a word in.

Du Yao is like an insatiable beast.

See you next chapter! ε=ε=┌( >_

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