Supporting Role’s Aura

Chapter 54: 54

Arc 1.54 : The Baby is Coming

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Du Yao had only two days of vacation, and he was about to return to the brigade. Ye You’s appetite in these two days really shocked him. Of course he didn’t dislike Ye You eating too much, nor was he disgusted that he would get fat, but worried that he would break his stomach. He did not dare to tell Ye You to let him eat less. When he said that, Ye You was so aggrieved that he would cry. He could only let his mother watch Ye You. It was good to eat less with more meals, but can’t eat too much at a time.

After Du Yao returned to the team, Ye You continued to stay at home, eating, drinking, and sleeping every day.

Because of Marshal Cheng’s refusal, Marshal Bunaber could not see Ye You in the end, so he could only bring his troops back to their country. But more than ten days later, Ye You received a call from Ye Song, saying that there was a large food order from Aurico, and he was hesitant to accept it.

After Ye You thought about it, he asked Ye Song prepare to expand production again, and except medicine, everything could be exported.

Although the food products sold by the Ye family was difficult to buy in the country, Ye You still felt that he should take the orders from abroad. Because it was a seller’s market now, supply does not meet demand, and competition was low. Ye You predicted that the country’s economic development will progress rapidly in ten years or five to six years. When that moment comes, businesses and various food products will spring up like bamboo shoots. At that time, it will be the buyer’s market and the competition among sellers will be considerable, so it was necessary to seize foreign markets in advance.

After listening to Ye You’s analysis, Ye Song said that he and his father thought the same way. Since the three of them had the same idea, then they will took the order. He then told Ye You take care of the fetus, as for other things, he will take care of it so that Ye You doesn’t have to worry about these things. Ye You naturally believed in Ye Song’s abilities, and his dad was there, wherever needed to be managed, his dad would come forward to help.

Ye You take care of the fetus with peach of mind at home, and sometimes he would go back to his parent’s house to stay for ten days. When he was really boring at home, Qin Yuwei and Xu Yun would also accompany him out for a stroll, and he would occasionally go to the Cultural Regiment, talked to Ji Wen and them1Raw 跟季文他们(Gēn jìwén tāmen); with Ji Wen and them. I guess this 季文他们 might be JW and ZY. Tbh, I don’t know the exact translation for this, can only use what Google provided Orz If any of you know, please leave a comment below XD.

Speaking of Ji Wen, he finally decided that he would go to the Intelligence Department to study and train for a period of time. If he can pass the assessment, he will stay in the Intelligence Department right away. He felt that a person must go all out once in his life.

Ji Wen suddenly disappeared quietly in the Cultural Regiment, and naturally it was inevitable to be talked about.

“I haven’t seen Ji Wen for more than half a month. Even if he ask for leave to go home, shouldn’t he be back now?”

“I went to their dormitory that day and take a look. Ji Wen took away all his belongings. I don’t think he went home on leave, but was transferred.”

“Transferred? Where can he transfer to? Did he transfer to other Cultural Regiment?”

“Look at your brain, if he is transferred to another Cultural Regiment, will he leave quietly? The team must have a farewell party or something for him? I think he must have been transferred to other departments, and most of them are transferred up2Transfer from lower department to higher department.”

“However, Ji Wen’s performance is not particularly good at ordinary times, and he doesn’t have a big background in his family, so why can he transferred up?”

“Because he have a good roommate, Ji Wen has no background at home, but Ye You has it. I heard that there are many high officials in Du Squadron’s house. This is not an unknown secret.”

“Then, Zhao Yu and Ye You are also roommates, why hasn’t he been transferred?”

“I say you are stupid, you still don’t admit it. It’s too noticeable to transfer the two at once. Besides, Zhao Yu had a married engagement already, he must be decided to go back to the place after three years. The three of them have such a good relationship, Since Ye You helped Ji Wen, he will definitely help Zhao Yu too. If you don’t believe me, just wait and see.”

“Sigh~ How come I don’t have that luck, to be assigned to a dormitory with Ye You?”

“Didn’t you really hate Ye You because of the turmoil between Ye You and Du Hao? Are you sure you can really have a good relationship with him in the dormitory?”

“Didn’t it because I don’t know that Ye Chen asked Ye You to take the blame? If I share the dormitory with him, then I can also know that he did not leave the dormitory that night, and then went to testify for him.”

“That said, who made us not so lucky and not having such a good fate?”

“Right now Ye You is the one who gains achievement, even the people in his dormitory also rise in success. I feel envious when I think about it.”

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Ye You’s belly grew bigger day by day. After more than five months, eventually he didn’t have such a good appetite, and he was about to vomit immediately after eating something. The face that had been rounded up before, began to become thin again.

When Du Yao went home, he felt distressed when he looked at Ye You’s uncomfortable appearance, thinking that he might as well eat and drink like before.

Ye You was sitting in the hall today, talking to the Old Madam and Qin Yuwei, when suddenly the phone rang, and Qin Yuwei answered.


“Yes, this is Du’s house.”

“Wh, what?!” Qin Yuwei’s eyes widened in shock, just when she saw Sun Ting walked into the hall, she said: “Wait a moment, I will let his mother-in-law pick up.”

“Something happened to Ye Chen, you quickly come and answer the phone.” Qin Yuwei said while looking at Sun Ting.

“Something happened?” Sun Ting walked over in confusion, “What’s the matter?”

“Hello, what’s wrong with Ye Chen?” Sun Ting asked after answering the phone.

“What?!” Sun Ting exclaimed: “Had a miscarriage! How could this happened?! You, are you sure, are you sure that the child can’t be save? No matter what, you must save the child!”

Sun Ting let go of the phone and slumped on the ground, and then lay on the edge of the Old Madam’s sofa and cried, “Mom, my grandson is gone. The grandson I’ve been looking forward to for so long is gone!”

“What are you doing, don’t frighten Mom, why don’t you quickly take someone to bring Ye Chen back and take care of him.” Qin Yuwei said.

“The child is gone already, what else to pick up!” Sun Ting shouted loudly: “He can’t even keep a child, just let him die with it!”

“What are you talking about?!” The Old Madam who was sad and wiped her tears immediately angered after hearing what Sun Ting said, “Your heart is too vicious! He is a child that his parents raise up like a treasures since he were young and sent to our house, and now he had a miscarriage, it’s fine that you, as a mother-in-law, don’t feel distress, you actually still want to curse him! You, you…”

The Old Madam was so angry that she didn’t know what to scold her, so she didn’t bother to pay attention to her anymore. She just turned her head and said to Qin Yuwei, “Call Du Yao’s father and ask him to pick up. He is a man, it’s not good for him to go alone, you have to suffer a bit and go with him(DZ) to bring him(YC) back.”

“Oh, okay.” Qin Yuwei replied immediately: “Mom, don’t worry, I’ll go to the hospital to see how Ye Chen is doing. If it is not good, he might have to stay in the hospital for two days before bringing him back.”

The Old Madam nodded and said, “Go ahead.”

Qin Yuwei turned to look at Ye You again and said, “Ye You, if you are tired, go back to the room and rest.”

“Okay.” Ye You nodded.

Qin Yuwei winked at the helpers standing next to them, and told them to protect Ye You, and not let Sun Ting, who suddenly went crazy, to hurt Ye You.

After Qin Yuwei left, Sun Ting, who was crying non-stop, suddenly raised her head and glared at Ye You fiercely.

Ye You felt baffled, it was not he who caused her to lose her grandson. What was she glared at him for. But lunatics were unreasonable. Even just for the child in his belly, he didn’t want to care about a lunatic. After telling the Old Madam, he got up and went back to the room to rest.

After Ye You returned to the room, there were two helpers guarding the small living room outside. This was ordered by Du Yao. Even at home, Ye You must be accompanied by someone at this moment. When he was alone in the room, someone must also guard outside.

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Ye You sat in daze on the sofa in the bedroom, thinking about the cause of Ye Chen’s sudden miscarriage. Now he has no training and no performance. It was very likely that Ye Chen accidentally miscarried during practice. But what kind of dance practice, with the intensity that was so strong that it will cause miscarriage? Could it be…po zhen dance?

Ye You guessed it right. Ye Chen fell off the drum while practicing the breaking dance, fell heavily to the ground, and then had a miscarriage.

Because of Ye You’s pregnancy, Sun Ting was naturally more anxious, so every time Du Hao and Ye Chen went home, she kept urging them to have a baby soon. Du Hao was so annoyed by his mother that he told Ye Chen, let’s just have a child first. Ye Chen also couldn’t withstand the pressure, but he still wanted to be promoted to the next level while Ye You was pregnant and giving birth. He discussed with Du Hao, that when Ye You finished giving birth, they would start preparing for pregnancy. Du Hao hesitated and agreed, but he was reluctant in his heart, thinking that as long as Ye Chen pregnant, he would have to give birth anyway, but he didn’t expected such a result.

When Du Zhenfeng and Qin Yuwei rushed to the hospital, Ye Chen’s parents had already arrived. Ye Chen knew that Sun Ting would definitely be angry about his miscarriage, so he let people called his parents first, but he didn’t expected that it would be Qin Yuwei who come, and Sun Ting didn’t even bother to see him.

Although Ye Chen had a miscarriage, but it didn’t affected him to get pregnant in the future. But it was quite an injury to his body, need to carefully nurse back to health for a period of time at home.

Ye Chen’s parents took him home, because they lived close to the military area, the Old Madam and Qin Yuwei visited him at Ye family’s house, and they also gave him some tonics and consoled him to take care of his health with peace of mind.

Sun Ting never showed her face from beginning to end, and she didn’t mention about bringing Ye Chen home, let alone sending tonics to Ye Chen and visited him.

Ye Jianxian and Su Ping waited at home for a few days, but Sun Ting never came to see Ye Chen, they were naturally angry.

“If I knew earlier that Sun Ting was such a person. I shouldn’t have agreed to let Ye Chen marry Du Hao. Our family’s Ye Chen, from a child until he grew up, where have he ever mistreated like this?!” Su Ping felt angry when she thought about it.

“What’s the use of talking about these now? Is it possible to get them divorced?” Ye Jianxian sighed and said: “The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law3Raw 婆媳关系(Póxí guānxì); in laws relationship. I guess what YJ means the bad relationship between mother-daughter in law has existed for thousands of years. And yet what can you do?”

“I really didn’t see it before, that Sun Ting would be such a person. After living in the military area for so many years, I usually see her as a person with a particularly good personality. I didn’t expect her to be this good at pretending!” Su Ping gritted her teeth and said, “Even the Old Madam of the Du family and Du Yao’s mother came twice, and they gave so many things. We are also comfortable listening to what they said. But as a decent mother-in-law, she didn’t even show her face, she is really capable4Sarcasm!”

Ye Jianxian glanced at Ye Chen, who was sitting on the bed, staring blankly, and said to Su Ping: “Okay, okay, don’t talk about these useless things, you yourself will only get angrier, Ye Chen’s heart also will not feeling good, let’s go out and let him rest well.”

Su Ping stood up, walked to the bed and sat down, and took Ye Chen’s hand and said, “Don’t worry, Dad and mom are here, and we won’t let anyone bully you, even your mother-in-law. You can rest at home with ease, and we can talk about everything else after you get better.”

Ye Chen nodded.

“Then you rest well. There is soup in the kitchen. Mom will bring it to you later.”

Ye Chen nodded again.

Su Ping and Ye Jianxian got up and walked out, then gently closed the door.

After walking downstairs, Su Ping was still indignant and couldn’t help but said: “I thought he was married to a good family, and the two families are living close to each other and can meet at anytime. I didn’t expect to meet such a mother-in-law who you  may know her face but not her heart5Raw 知人知面不知心(zhī rén zhī miàn bù zhī xīn); one may know a person for a long time without understanding his true nature (idiom). If I knew it earlier, if I knew it earlier…”

Ye Chen looked out the window in a daze. He had clearly said to Du Hao that after Ye You giving birth, only then they would prepared to get pregnant. How could he suddenly become pregnant? If he had been prepared to get pregnant with a child, he wouldn’t be so desperate to practice po zhen dance.

He thought, Ye You was indeed the son of destiny. After practicing po zhen dance for so long and undergoing actual combat training, he still can keep his child. Yet his(YC) luck was so bad, he fell from the drum and lost his child.

Du Hao took the troops to the field for training. As soon as he returned home, he heard about Ye Chen’s miscarriage. He was shocked and sad. When he was going to see Ye Chen immediately, he heard that his mother was also ill. He turned around and go to the west wing to see how his mother first.

As soon as Du Hao entered, he saw his mother sitting on the sofa, holding her forehead and sighing. She looked like she was not sick, but rather angry.

“Mom.” Du Hao called.

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“You’re back?” Sun Ting raised her head and said as she looked at Du Hao.

“I heard that you are sick, have you taken medicine?” Du Hao asked as he sat down across from his mother.

“I’m just angry, and medicine doesn’t work.” Sun Ting said, clutching her chest.

“Have you seen Ye Chen? Let’s go and bring him back together.” Du Hao said.

“What is there to bring back?!” Sun Ting immediately said angrily: “It’s already nice that I didn’t go and scold him. Still wanted me to pick him up in person?! Useless things that can’t even kept a child!”

“How can this be blame on Ye Chen? He also doesn’t want to have a miscarriage. Don’t know how uncomfortable it is for him right now.” Du Hao wiped his face and said, “Mom, don’t tell me that you didn’t even take a look at Ye Chen?”

“I feel uncomfortable because anger just by thinking of him. If I see him, I’m afraid I will pass out of anger!” Sun Ting’s anger had nowhere to vent, so she could only point at Du Hao and cursed: “This is because of you insisted on marrying such a useless thing, who can’t do anything except to piss me off. Sooner or later he will make me, your mother, die of anger, only then you’ll happy, didn’t you!”

“Mom, can you not speak so badly? It’s not like Ye Chen won’t be able to get pregnant anymore in the future. There will definitely be children. Now the main thing is to let him take good care of his body so that he can get pregnant faster. The more you irritated him, the worse his health will be. If his health is not good, how can he get pregnant with child?”

“What?!” Sun Ting glared at Du Hao and said, “He couldn’t have a child, and it became my fault? Then he had a miscarriage, and it was also my fault?! You, this unfillial son who forgot your mother when you have a wife, you really want to piss me off, don’t you?!”

“Mom, what you said is too unreasonable.” Du Hao said tiredly.

“Get out of here! Scram!” Sun Ting shouted, pointing at the door.

Du Hao was exhausted physically and mentally. He really didn’t have the energy to persuade his mother, so he got up and went out, went to Ye family’s house to see what happened to Ye Chen.

As soon as Du Hao left, Sun Ting became even more angry, and smashed all the things that could be smashed in the house. The helpers heard the noise outside and all hid away.

Du Hao went to Ye family’s house and wanted to take Ye Chen back to Du family’s house, but Ye Jianxian and his wife disagreed, saying that they would wait for Ye Chen to recover. Du Hao thought, maybe it would be better for Ye Chen to stay in the Ye family to recuperate. If he returned to the Du family, he didn’t know what trouble his mother would make, so he didn’t insist on picking up Ye Chen.

In the next two months, Du Hao went to pick him up several times, but Ye Chen refused to go back with him. He said he didn’t want to suffer his mother’s anger anymore and didn’t want to looked at his mother’s long face, unless they moved out to live, otherwise he will stay in Ye family’s house forever. If he doesn’t accept it, then just get divorced.

Du Hao went home and talked about moving out with Ye Chen. Sun Ting was so angry that she almost fainted and made another big fuss. Du Hao was embarrassed and awkward on both sides, and his heart was very exhausted.

At this time, there was a war in the western region, and they needed the support of their troops from the East Third Military Region. The Sun family wanted Du Hao to go and take advantage of this opportunity to earned some military merits. If he can perform particularly well, he will not only be able to directly become the Squadron leader, he can also compete with Du Yao for the Brigade’s Deputy Captain.

But Elder Du and Du Zhenfeng did not agreed to let Du Hao go, because the situation in the western region was complicated. Whether it was for Du Hao himself or for the overall consideration, they should send someone with more combat experience to go. The Sun family felt that the Du family deliberately wanted to block Du Hao’s chances of promotion for Du Yao, and did not want Du Hao to compete with Du Yao.

After Sun Ting learned about it, she was making trouble again, saying that since Elder Du and Du Zhenfeng were so partial, then Du Hao might as well change his surname to Sun. And they, mother and son will immediately left Du family’s house and won’t step into this house anymore, in this house they were just being mistreated anyway.

Du Hao was exhausted because his mother and Ye Chen refused to give in to each other. This time he went to the Western War Zone, he could just go out and hide, and he was also anxious to make some military merits, so he agreed with the decision of the Sun family, and under the operation of the Sun family, he embarked on the road to the Western War Zone.

After another two or three months passed, Ye You was finally able to unload the cargo. After the pain and exhaustion, Ye You fell asleep. He had a dream in which his stomach seemed to be able to let the wind through, it was empty.

Ye You opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Du Yao, who was by his bedside, worried and distressed.

“Wake up?” Du Yao stroked Ye You’s face and said, “Does it still hurt?”

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“Yeah.” Ye You was still in daze and didn’t react. After he recovered his sense, he immediately asked, “What about the child?”

“On the bed over there.” Du Yao raised his chin and said.

Ye You turned his head and looked over. On the bed next to him, there were two long strips shape of small bundles. They were the two babies he gave birth to desperately, one son and one daughter. This time their life was complete with both children6Raw 儿女双全(Érnǚ shuāngquán); lit. son and daughter pair complete. However, according to someone’s post in wukong website; this words represents the perfection of the family. It is said that a daughter is the intimate little padded jackets of parents and sons are the pillars of the family, so they feel that life is abit more perfect, at least there is no lack of emotion in the parenting and companionship of their children!.

“I want to hold them.” Ye You said.

“Not now. You have just finished giving birth and don’t have the strength to hold them. Tomorrow just hold ba.” Du Yao stood up, walked over and said, “I will take them over and let you see.”

Du Yao said so, but after standing by the bed, he just stood there in embarrassment and didn’t know what to do, because he don’t know how to hold the child. He was worried that he would hurt these two little soft things when he use a little bit of strength.

Ye You was about to say, you just hold them over ah. Before he could say it, the door of the ward was pushed open.

“Ye You awake?” Qin Yuwei said with a bowl of rice soup in her hand, looking at Ye You with a smile.

“Yeah.” Ye You responded.

“I guessed that you were about to wake up, so I brought the hot rice soup. You have just given birth and you can’t eat greasy things. This rice soup is extremely nutritious.” Qin Yuwei put the bowl on the low cabinet next to it and said: “Let it aside for a while, wait until it’s not so hot before drink it.”

Qin Yuwei looked up and saw Du Yao standing there in a daze, and asked doubtfully: “What are you doing standing there?”

“I want to see the child, but he dared not hold them.” Ye You replied for him.

“I’ll hold them, he can’t hold the children, just learn slowly later.” Qin Yuwei walked over and hold the children one by one to Ye You’s side.

Xu Yun just opened the door and walked in. She walked to the bed and looked at Ye You and asked, “Exhausted? Is it still painful?”

“It’s not so painful anymore.” Ye You said with a smile.

“The doctor said, just stay for one night, and you can go home tomorrow morning.” Xu Yun stroked Ye You’s hair affectionately.

“I think I can go home now,” Ye You took his own pulse seriously, and then said, “I have enough sleep anyway. I will definitely not be able to sleep at night.”

“How can that be? You should stay in the hospital for observation for one night, we will feel more at ease.” Qin Yuwei said.

“Well then, let’s leave tomorrow morning.” Although Ye You learned the art of healing, he still resisted the hospital in his heart.

“Okay, let’s go home early tomorrow morning. You take a look at the child, how cute they are.” Qin Yuwei said with a smile.

Ye You turned his head and looked at the two white and tender little faces exposed in the blanket, he felt that his heart was about to melt. When he thought that this was the flesh that fell from his body, he still felt it was really amazing that he could really give birth to a child.

The babies is here! ≧ω≦

1Raw 跟季文他们(Gēn jìwén tāmen); with Ji Wen and them. I guess this 季文他们 might be JW and ZY. Tbh, I don’t know the exact translation for this, can only use what Google provided Orz If any of you know, please leave a comment below XD2Transfer from lower department to higher department3Raw 婆媳关系(Póxí guānxì); in laws relationship. I guess what YJ means the bad relationship between mother-daughter in law4Sarcasm5Raw 知人知面不知心(zhī rén zhī miàn bù zhī xīn); one may know a person for a long time without understanding his true nature (idiom)6Raw 儿女双全(Érnǚ shuāngquán); lit. son and daughter pair complete. However, according to someone’s post in wukong website; this words represents the perfection of the family. It is said that a daughter is the intimate little padded jackets of parents and sons are the pillars of the family, so they feel that life is abit more perfect, at least there is no lack of emotion in the parenting and companionship of their children!

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