Supporting Role’s Aura

Chapter 72: 72

Arc 2.14 : The Child Was Taken Away

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After Ye You entered the room, he glanced at the sleeping child on the bed, and said, “Mr. He, Mrs. He, when this kind of things happened, I think you should not be in the mood to stay, and continue to participate in my engagement banquet with Du Yao. I have someone prepare a speedboat to send you off the island, do you want to leave now? Or leave early tomorrow morning.”

Yu Fenglian turned sideway to wiped her tears, then stood up and said, “Thank you for your trouble, we’ll go now.”

“This child has just been born. It’s not good to get chill due to wind. I have prepared a baby cradle for wind protection. You take it ba.” Ye You said: “This kind of things happened, I know you must feel bad, but I think, some things cannot be judged by eyes alone, so I suggest you take this child away and have a paternity test to confirm it.”

Yu Fenglian nodded and said: “Thank you, we will definitely do a paternity test, we have disrupting your engagement banquet because of our family’s affairs, I’m really sorry. Really, after we have dealt with these family matters, we will apologize to you again. ”

“Mrs. He don’t have to be polite, you definitely don’t want this kind of thing to happen either.” Ye You smiled and said, “The housekeeper will arrange for you to leave in a while, so I won’t send you off.”

He Xu kept his head down and didn’t dare to look at Ye You. The complicated emotions in his heart were tangled together, which made him miserable.

After Ye You left, He Minjie said with a livid face: “Hurry up and pack up then leave. Before the results of the paternity test come out, the Lu family’s people must not be allowed to find this child. After the test results come out, if this child… this child is determine not the child of our He family, we will get the evidence and return the child to their family.”

“Yes, we must get the evidence, and then return the child to their family, so that the Lu family will not quibble and not admit it!” After Yu Fenglian quickly packed up, the housekeeper took them to the speedboat, and then arranged for someone to escort them all the way home.

Lu Changxiao and his wife had been guarding Lu Ning, Qu Hui kept wiping away her tears, and held back from crying out loud, one hit after another, she couldn’t bear it anymore.

“How could this happen? How could such a thing happen?!” Qu Hui said in a low voice, “Why didn’t Lu Ning tell us earlier? If he told us in advance, we would be well prepared, and we wouldn’t lose face in front of so many people! This silly boy, why did he also  hiding it from us?!”

“He must have never thought that he would give birth to a mixed-race child, otherwise it would be impossible for him to hide it from us and not even tell us.” Lu Changxiao sighed and said, “This child is indeed spoiled by us. To do such a thing, I don’t blame the He family for being so angry. Anyone else would be the same as them. If it happened to our family, you must be going crazy with anger, too.”

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“But what should we do now? The company’s affairs have not been resolved yet, and this kind of thing also happened. Ye You is now engaged to the heir of the Du family. He will definitely not let us go, and he will definitely find a way to get revenge on us ah!” Qu Hui burst into tears because of her inner anxiety.

“He has already started to take revenge.” Lu Changxiao said as he closed his eyes.

Qu Hui was stunned for a moment, looked at Lu Changxiao and asked, “What do you mean?”

“No one knew who was going to be engaged to the heir of the Du family before, and he invited both families of us to the engagement party on the grounds that he liked the clothes designed by Lu Ning, just to ensure that both of our families would come, and then let us completely lose our face in front of these guests, so that we can no longer raise our heads.” Lu Changxiao said: “He had arranged all of this, on this island, everything is under his control, there is absolutely nothing we can do.”

“He, he is too vicious!” Qu Hui said angrily.

“We should have listened to Lu An before, and don’t take things too far. Now people are retaliating against us, and we don’t even have the strength to fight back. This is all retribution ah…”

Lu Changxiao and Qu Hui waited for Lu Ning to wake up, but did not know that the He family had left the island.


“This good show is really exciting. I’ve been looking forward to it for months, and I’m really happy after watching it.” Ye You leaned on Du Yao’s arms, looked up at him and said, “Do you think I’m very bad? I especially like the schadenfreude, and seeing them have a hard time makes me very happy. ”

“I don’t think you’re bad enough.” Du Yao hugged him and said, “Don’t say that their two families are relying on force to bully others, the current situation is also caused by their own self-inflicted actions. You are just making the truth public.”

“I found that bullying those who have bullied others really makes me feel very happy.” Ye You said.

“I also found that when your heart is very happy, your body is also very sensitive.” Du Yao said in his ear: “So in the future, you can do more bad things, and I will support you.”

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“Who do you think I am?” Ye You pinched him and said, “I am not the kind of person who bully everyone. If I relying on your power to bully others, then didn’t I become the kind of person I despise the most?”

“Then tell me, what else can make you particularly excited?” Du Yao asked.

“I won’t tell you.” Ye You said while blushing.

“I found that the soles of your feet seem to be particularly ticklish.” Du Yao’s hands slowly went down.

“You dare!” Ye You tried his best to make an expression to intimidated Du Yao, but it didn’t work, so he could only shouted: “Let go of me, I’m going to be angry, stop now…”


Lu Ning woke up the next day, and the first thing he said was that he wanted to see the child.

Lu Changxiao and Qu Hui fell silent for a while, then they remembered that the child was still with the He family. The scene yesterday was so chaotic and their mood was also very chaotic that they forgot to bring the child back.

Then Lu Changxiao went to the room of He Minjie and his wife, and wanted to bring the child back and show it to Lu Ning, but learned that the He family had taken the child and left last night.

“Leaving?” Lu Ning was stunned for a moment, then asked suspiciously, “Why did they leave with the child without saying a word?”

Lu Changxiao and Qu Hui glanced at each other, thinking that Lu Ning had just given birth to a baby, so they could hide it for one more day, and then wait until his health was a little better.

Qu Hui thought about it and said, “Maybe the child is not feeling well, so they left in a hurry and took the child to the hospital?”

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“Even if the child are not feeling well, and they are in a hurry to leave, then they should also tell me ah.” Lu Ning said angrily, “Don’t tell me they think that Ye You is engaged to the heir of the Du family, and feel that our Lu family is unreliable, that’s why they left with the child, and going to distance themselves from our Lu family? Their family really has a good plan, as long as I’m still alive, He Xu will never get rid of me!”

Qu Hui immediately said, “You’d better have a good rest first, don’t think too much, no matter what, let’s wait until your body healed first.”

“I’ll go back and find them now, I want to see my child right away.” Lu Ning lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed while enduring  the pain. The child he has painstakingly conceived for more than nine months and gave birth to at all cost, was taken away by the He family before he could even look at it. This family was really cruel.

“It’s only ten hours since you gave birth. How about you take a day to rest, and go back tomorrow.” Qu Hui persuaded again.

“No, I’m going back to He family’s house to see my child now, moreover this is Ye You’s place, I don’t want to stay for a minute longer.” Lu Ning insisted on leaving immediately.

Lu Changxiao and Qu Hui had no choice but to packed up their things, then supported Lu Ning and leave.

When they went out, the people they met were looking at them with strange eyes, Lu Ning thought, wasn’t it just that a child was born at the banquet? It wasn’t like he was born in front of everyone, so why look at him like this?

Lu Changxiao and Qu Hui, on the other hand, avoided looking at those people, and then they got into the car arranged by the housekeeper and went to the place where the boat was docked.

“I heard that you are leaving, so I will see you off.” After Ye You got out of the car, he looked at them and said with a smile. He was being pestered by Du Yao to do morning exercises, after finally can got out of bed, he specially came to see them off.

Their family looked at Ye You, and they were all silent, not saying a word.

Ye You didn’t mind, he still smiled and said: “This speedboat, were just used to sent Mr. He and his family off last night, and now I have specially arranged for this speedboat to send your family away, thinking that your two families, in the future, perhaps won’t be able to become in-laws anymore, and since you can’t leave together, then just leave on the same speedboat ba.”

“What do you mean?” Lu Ning said with an ugly face: “Do you think that if you are engaged to the heir of the Du family, He Xu will divorce me? I gave birth to a son to the He family, and I will always be a member of the He family. And whether you can marry the heir of the Du family is not yet certain. I advise you not to be happy too soon. ”

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“It seems that your parents haven’t told you what happened last night, then I will kindly tell you the reason why I am so happy.” Ye You said with a smile: “Last night, you were giving birth to fair-haired and blue-eyed mix race baby at my and Du Yao’s engagement banquet, and the He family felt very ashamed and angry, so they took the child away overnight for a paternity test.”

“What did you say?!” Lu Ning’s face changed as if struck by lightning: “Impossible! You are talking nonsense! How could I give birth to a mixed-race child! You are talking nonsense!!”

Lu Changxiao and Qu Hui’s faces turned ugly again, Qu Hui said to Lu Ning, “Let’s go, don’t talk to him.”

After admiring the ugly faces of their family, Ye You said: “If I’m talking nonsense, you can ask your parents, or you can wait for the He family to tell you the answer. Now you can leave, I will not seeing you off.”

Ye You turned around and got into the car and went back to have breakfast.

Lu Ning’s legs softened and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, his parents immediately supported him.

Lu Ning didn’t know how he got on the speedboat or how he got home, he just kept mumbling along the way: “How could this happen? It’s just one time, it’s impossible, it’s just one time, how can it be so good, this is absolutely impossible.”

Lu Changxiao and Qu Hui had already guessed the truth of the matter from his muttering. They were also physically and mentally exhausted, and don’t know what to do in a short time. Now that their Lu family was in misfortune1Raw 屋漏偏逢连夜雨(wū lòu piān féng liányè yǔ); when it rains, it pours (idiom), lit. means the house leaked, but it happened to catch up with the overnight rain. This is what we often call misfortune. By extension, it was already bad enough, but it just so happened that there was an even bigger to the fire., the blows came one after another, and they really didn’t know what to do next.

Two days after they returned home, they thought that to just sit around and waiting was not the way to solve problem, so they went to the He family’s house. In any case, at least they had to pick up the child first.

But only He Lanqin was in the He family, He Minjie, Yu Fenglian, and He Xu were not at home. Now that He Lanqin saw the people of the Lu family, she naturally had a bad face. After sneering and mocking, she had them kicked out and asked them to go back to wait for news. If the child was not from their He family’s blood, they would definitely not kept him.

Lu Changxiao and his wife knew that they were wrong, and they went back and waited without saying anything.

Busy days begin _(:3」∠)_

Please be patient with my sporadic schedule |ω・)ノ

See you next chapter! ε=ε=┌( >_

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