Supporting Role’s Aura

Chapter 93: 93


Arc 3.20 : A Consequences He Must bear

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After the exchange meeting on the first day, they went directly to the banquet hall, and then it was time for free interaction.

The atmosphere of the banquet hall was much more lively than that of the conference hall. After Ye You quickly looked around, he found that there were quite a few people communicating with each other with the intention of going on a blind date.

Aldrich came over with his youngest sister, Princess Lifen1Raw 莉芬(Lì fēn); 莉=Jasmine, 芬=Fragrance. Don’t ask me because I also don’t know why her brother is English name but hers is Chinese name. I thought of changing her name to Jasmine, what do you guys think?, and after greeting Ye You and Du Yao, he directly introduced: “This is my sister Lifen, she has always adore and admired Commander Du Yao. This time I heard that Commander Du Yao will also come, so I will bring her here to meet Commander Du Yao.”

With a shy smile on her face, Lifen looked at Du Yao with eyes of adoration, and Aldrich also squinted his eyes at Ye You. He looked at Ye You from such a close distance, and the commotion in his heart became more intense.

Ye You and Du Yao looked at each other, then smiled and said, “I have heard that Princess Lifen is beautiful, and seeing her today, the rumors are indeed true.”

Aldrich also looked at Ye You and smiled, and then said: “I have a few words, I want to talk to Prince Ye You alone, is it convenient?”

“It’s inconvenient.” Du Yao’s face was cold, his eyes shone sharply, and the aura exuded from his body made Aldrich and Princess Lifen shudder at the same time.

“Du, Commander Du Yao, I also have something very important to say to you alone.” Princess Lifen looked at Du Yao with beseeching eyes. Her eyes were very beautiful, and they were shining with water. As long as she looked at others with such eyes before, no matter what request she made, others would agreed, as if she had magic power.

But obviously, the magic power of Princess Lifen’s eyes has no effect on Du Yao. Du Yao just glanced at her in disgust, and then looked at Aldrich and warned: “Although the Yintian Kingdom is now one of the federated countries, it doesn’t mean it will always be. As for whether it is or not, it depends on my mood.”

Princess Lifen didn’t expect that her magical-like gaze, didn’t have any effect on Du Yao, moreover she was disgusted by Du Yao, which took a big blow to her self-esteem, so her face became unsightly.


“Du Yao…don’t be like this.” Ye You grabbed Du Yao’s arm, motioned him not to speak like that, then looked at Aldrich with a smile and said, “I’m really sorry, his temper is not very good, please don’t take it to heart.”

Seeing Ye You’s smile, Aldrich was stunned again, and even forgot to breathe.

“It just so happens that I also have something to talk to His Majesty Aldrich about Slyn.” Ye You said as he looked at Aldrich.

Aldrich immediately hesitated when he heard Slyn’s name.

“May I?” Ye You asked again.

Aldrich looked at Ye You’s eyes, as if he had been enchanted, nodded slowly and agreed, “Of course.”

“Then let’s talk in the lounge next door, this way please.” Ye You said with a smile.

After the two entered the lounge, Du Yao stood outside with the others. Princess Lifen kept trying to talk to Du Yao, but Du Yao ignored her as if he couldn’t feel her existence. This made her very uncomfortable, and for the first time in her life, she felt insecure about her appearance.

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Princess Lifen bit her lip and looked at Du Yao with tears of grievance in her eyes. She knew she was not as good-looking as Ye You, but she wasn’t ugly enough to make people dislike and ignore her, right? Before coming, her Brother obviously told her that men like the new and dislike the old. No matter how good-looking Prince Ye You was, he will get bored after watching him for a long time. Du Yao will definitely feel fresh towards her. But now it wasn’t like that at all.

Aldrich himself was lustful, and has countless mistresses, even among the wives and children of ministers, he will not let them go if they have good looks, so he felt that all men were as lustful and sentimental as him, and it was impossible to be devoted to only one person. He originally thought that Lifen could at least make Du Yao interested in her, even if it was only for a short time, he could make good use of this opportunity. But the current situation was that Du Yao has no interest in Lifen, but he(Aldrich) has developed a great interest in Ye You.

After the two sat down facing each other, Aldrich kept looking at Ye You with the lewd eyes of looking at the prey.

Ye You endured the nausea surging in his stomach, looked at Aldrich with a gentle face and said: “I have received some news recently, I heard that my uncle Slyn has been in touch with His Majesty Aldrich, I don’t know His Majesty Aldrich, would like to reveal to me a little about the content of your contact?”

Aldrich lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then said, “If you want to know, it’s not impossible, it’s just…”

“It’s just what?” Ye You asked curiously.

“It’s just that I can’t tell you unconditionally.” Aldrich said as he looked at Ye You.

“Then in order to show my sincerity, what do you think of this benefit?” Ye You took out a pair of gloves from his pocket and put them on, then stood up and walked towards him.

Before Aldrich could react, Ye You punched him hard.

Aldrich was lying on the sofa, his face was sore and numb, he was stunned by Ye You’s punch. Just when he was about to turn his head to look at Ye You, Ye You grabbed his neck and lifted him up.


The suffocation brought Aldrich back to his senses, and just as he was about to fight back, Ye You kicked him in the stomach, and the burst of pain from his internal organs made Aldrich unable to recover for a long time.

Ye You raised Aldrich’s chin, pinched his face, poured some liquid into his mouth, and punched him in the face again.

Aldrich wanted to roar, but found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t make a sound. He turned his head and looked at Ye You angrily. When he endured the pain and stood up to fight back, Ye You grabbed his arm and threw him, and he was thrown to the ground like a rag doll.

With a sneer on the corner of Ye You’s mouth, he walked step by step towards Aldrich who was lying on the ground.

Aldrich looked at Ye You’s eyes and expression, and a chill rose in his heart. If Ye You was pure and beautiful like an angel when he was outside just now, then now he was like a demon which fills people’s hearts with terrifying emotions.

Thinking that Ye You could easily throw himself to the ground, Aldrich endured the fear in his heart, looked at Ye You with defensive eyes, and then slowly backed away.

Ye You quickened his pace, then kicked Aldrich hard on the waist, stepped on his face and crushed him hard.

Aldrich wanted to fight back, but found that he couldn’t do it at all. After Ye You beat him unilaterally for a few minutes, Aldrich wanted to escape, but was immediately dragged away by Ye You.

If Aldrich could make a sound, he would definitely let out a terrified scream now. Not only was he suffering from pain like being crushed to pieces, but the appearance of Ye You trying to kill him makes him extremely terrified. He felt that he was about to die and could hardly survive.

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After calculating in his mind that the time was almost up, Ye You dragged Aldrich’s legs to the edge of the sofa, then lifted him up, let him sit on the sofa, and poured some liquid into his mouth.

Aldrich’s body was trembling constantly because of the pain. Not only did he have external body pain, but he also felt pain inside his body. Breathing a little harder would aggravate the pain.

Ye You sat down opposite him, took off the gloves, and said: “I have been waiting for this day for more than ten years, but if you think that I have waited for more than ten years just to beat you up, then you are wrong. I didn’t die in the cosmic storm three hundred years ago because I was lucky. It doesn’t mean that what you did with Slyn deserves to be forgiven. Du Yao and I have already grasped all the evidence of the collusion between Slyn and you, and we have already brought him under control. Slyn collaborating with the enemy, the death penalty must be inescapable. As for you, you will be a prisoner in the future and feel the feeling that life is worse than death. ”

After Ye You finished speaking, he stood up and walked outside.

After the door opened, Du Yao looked at Ye You who came out and asked, “Are you done talking?”

“Yeah.” Ye You said with a smile, “Let’s go.”


When Ye You and Du Yao were about to leave the banquet hall, Aldrich chased after enduring the pain all over his body, and then threw himself on the ground: “Stop, stop…”

“Brother?!” Princess Lifen was taken aback, and immediately went to help him, who knew that he yelled in pain as soon as he touched his hand.

“Catch him for me!” Aldrich said with his face twisted because of the pain: “Catch, catch him!”

Du Yao and Ye You stopped and turned around to look over. Ye You looked at Aldrich lying on the ground with a puzzled expression, and the others surrounded him, looking at him doubtfully.

“He, he did something to me just now!” Aldrich pointed at Ye You with trembling fingers, looked at Ye You with angry eyes as if about to spew out flames, and said, “After all, I am also the king of a country. He actually hit me with his hands. The wound on my face was caused by him. I want to apply to the Federation for a public trial!”

“Brother…you, what are you talking about?” Li Fen looked at Aldrich’s face and said doubtfully, “There is no wound on your face ah?”

“How could it be?!” Aldrich’s face was numb from the pain, and he felt that the injury on his face must be very serious, and anyone with eyes could see it.

“There’s really no wound.” Princess Lifen turned on the projection mirror mode and let him see for himself: “Look.”

Aldrich looked at his face without a single wound, and was stunned in shock: “How could it be, how could it be like this?”

“Your Majesty Aldrich.” Ye You walked towards Aldrich, looked at him and said, “Let’s not talk about whether I can beat you or not. If you want to apply for a public trial, you should at least present evidence.”

“Go and ask the doctor to bring the equipment!” Aldrich ordered angrily.

The onlookers started to discuss, they really couldn’t figure out Aldrich behavior, how could Ye You’s frail appearance be the opponent of Aldrich who was a big man, If Du Yao beat him up, they would still believe it, but if Ye You beat him up, how could it be possible?

After the doctor arrived with the equipment, he immediately examined Aldrich. Whenever Aldrich was touched, he would scream in pain. He looked very painful, but it make others felt it was fake.

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“Your Majesty…” The doctor checked Aldrich several times, but he didn’t find any damage on him. He was very puzzled, thinking that Aldrich was going to frame others, why not tell them in advance, at least let them make some preparations.

“How is it?” Princess Lifen looked at the doctor and asked, “Is my brother injured?”

“…” The doctor was silent, not knowing how to answer.

“If there is any injury found, show it to everyone here. After I leave, if you say something about me beating you, I will apply for a public trial to the federal government, saying that you framed me .”

“Show them, show them ah!” Aldrich yelled at the doctor.

“…Your Majesty, you, you are not injured.” The doctor said in low voice.

“What did you say?!” Aldrich looked at the doctor in shock.

“The equipment shows that your body does not have any new injuries. I have seen it just now. There are indeed no wounds on your body.” Although the doctor said in a low voice, everyone who stood closer could heard it.

“Impossible!” Aldrich kept trembling, and roared hoarsely: “He just beat me viciously, how could I not be injured?!”

“Aldrich, you have to pay a price for talking nonsense without evidence.” Du Yao said with a cold face: “If you just want to find a reason to go to war, our Baizhou Empire will accompany you at any time.”

After Du Yao finished speaking, he hold Ye You and left.

Aldrich looked at the backs of the two of them leaving, feeling angry, hurt and annoyed, and fainted directly after being overwhelmed with anger. But the other onlookers still didn’t understand what Aldrich was doing.

Aldrich was beaten up so violently by Ye You that not only could he not detect any wounds, but he would not be able to heal for the rest of his life, it was equivalent to being half paralyzed. This was the new superpower that Ye You has practiced for ten years.


After Aldrich woke up, he found that his whole body was in pain as long as he moved a little, but no matter how the doctor checked him, they couldn’t find any injuries on him. He also tried various medicines, but neither worked. Until he returned to the country, he went back while always lying down. It wasn’t that he couldn’t stand up, as long as he endured the pain, he could still barely walk, but the pain was so severe that he couldn’t bear it for a long time, so he had to lie down and stay still.

Aldrich hated Ye You to death, and had always wanted to find a chance to take revenge, but before he could come up with any plan, a civil war broke out in his country. Other royal families and officials who had long been dissatisfied with him began to fight for the throne while he was bedridden.

Of course, there was also Du Yao’s manipulation, and the person who wins the battle for the throne in the end was the person who Du Yao supports behind his back. And Aldrich was imprisoned, living a life where he wished to live but couldn’t live, and wished to die but couldn’t die.

After Ye You and Du Yao returned to the Empire, the first thing to do was of course to deal with Slyn. After publicizing the evidence of Slyn’s conspire to murder the Emperor and the Queen, and after all the evidence of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country, the royal family and the Supreme Court sentenced Slyn to death simultaneously.

Jin Lan stood in the already empty hall of the Prince’s mansion, feeling like a dream, there was no going back, they have failed completely, his father has been executed, his prince status was gone, and he can no longer get everything he wanted.

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“Young master, it’s almost time, we should go.” The old butler of the Prince’s Mansion said standing behind Jin Lan.

Tears rolled down Jin Lan’s cheeks, he endured the powerlessness and sadness in his heart, turned around and strode out of the Prince’s Mansion.

Jin Lan was exiled to the border and could never return to Empire Star. Originally, what his father did had nothing to do with him, and he could stay out of it and not be sentenced, but in the past ten years, because of his unwillingness, he not only wanted to get rid of Ye You quickly, but also wanted to get rid of the Emperor and the Queen, and also participated in those things his father did, so this was the consequences he has to bear.

End of arc 3, which is also the last arc! There’s still extra, but it might be not so fast since I haven’t translate them yet

 What do you guys think of this last arc?? Yay or nay??

Which arcs is your favorite?

Mine is the first arc (´ω`*)


There will be new project coming, already in process and will be up as soon as VGSB and BPLW new chapter update!

New novel TITLE: Look After The Manor And Bring Up Baby To Become Rich(带着庄园养娃致富)

Author: Childe Seeking Joy(公子尋歡)

Here the summary:

In his previous life, in order to get rid of poverty, Dai Yao did everything he could(unscrupulously), but in the end still have his reputation swept away.

After being reborn again, Dai Yao returned to that crossroad of his life. He didn’t joined MLM organization by mistake because seeking instant benefit, he did not being thrown into prison because too gullible, and he didn’t have to hide from place to place because he owed loan shark a large sum of money.

……It’s just for that expensive recuperation expenses, he signed a lover’ contract that last three months only.

Three months later, seeing his growing belly, Dai Yao took a deep breath. It’s okay, it’s okay, I still have room. Can afford it, can afford it, absolutely no problem!


Stay tuned for chapter One! (’◡’)

1Raw 莉芬(Lì fēn); 莉=Jasmine, 芬=Fragrance. Don’t ask me because I also don’t know why her brother is English name but hers is Chinese name. I thought of changing her name to Jasmine, what do you guys think?

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