Supreme Lord

Chapter 41

“Brat, this is a different time. You have been away for too long and have no idea how much the mortal world has changed after the Tribulation of Heavens.  Everything began to recover and all kinds of geniuses popped up.”

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“Back in our day, only one person out of a hundred will have a colored spiritual root, right? If you had a spiritual root, you were considered a genius. As for those with a two-colored spiritual root, they were extremely rare and were geniuses among geniuses.”

“But now, haha… Nine out of ten people have colored spiritual roots. There are many people with two-colored and three-colored spiritual roots. Those with a four-colored spiritual root are considered just average. You must have at least a five-colored spiritual root to be considered a genius in the present age. There are even quite a few people with six-colored, seven-colored, and eight-colored spiritual roots.”

To some extent, it could be said that everyone had a spiritual root right from the moment they were in their mother’s womb.

This was something innate, and it was also known as one’s talent.

A spiritual root was divided into ten colors. The higher the number of colors was, the more powerful and better the spiritual root was. Someone with a high number of colors had superior compatibility with the spiritual energy in the world, making it easier for him to absorb it.

Under the same circumstances, the amount of spiritual energy absorbed by a disciple with a one-colored spiritual root, who cultivated assiduously for one month may not even be able to reach the amount of spiritual energy absorbed by a disciple with a five-colored spiritual root in just a single day.

There was no doubt that the reality was cruel. The better your spiritual root was, the easier you would absorb spiritual energy, and the faster would you cultivate.

Gu Qingfeng was well aware of this because in his younger days he had been rejected by the Redcloud Sect due to his trash spiritual root, which did not have a single color.

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But hearing that a four-colored spiritual root could only be considered average now truly surprised him. After all, just as Huode had said, back in their days, someone with a one-colored spiritual root was considered a genius.

“It’s not just the spiritual roots, all kinds of  Exquisite Bodies had been appearing over the years, like Fire Spirit Exquisite Body, Wind Spirit Exquisite Body…”

“But that’s not all, the brats from today can establish all kinds of marvelous foundations, like the Azure Lotus Foundation, Silvermoon Foundation, and Sunblaze Foundation. All of their foundations are shocking!”

“It’s the same for true bodies too, all of them are astonishing! As-You-Will True Body, Firecloud True Body, Highland True Body”

“These types of things were extremely rare before the tribulation and were considered legendary existences in our days. Even though I had cultivated for hundreds of years, I barely saw a few of them. But after the tribulation, there are countless special foundations, spiritual roots, true bodies, bloodlines, immortal fortunes, all kinds of things! We have a lot of them even in our sect.”

“Sigh… I was born at the wrong time. If I was born after the tribulation, I wouldn’t have ended up in this miserable state.” Huode let out a helpless sigh as he lamented his bad luck.

Next to him, Gu Qingfeng frowned deeply. As someone who had cultivated for five centuries and dominated the Immortal and Devil Daos, then became the Underworld Emperor in the Heavenly World, he had seen quite a lot of things.

However, he was still shocked after listening to Huode. Although he knew that the world would be reborn after the tribulation had passed and life would flourish anew, he did not expect it to happen in such a crazy manner.

All kinds of special foundations, spiritual roots, true bodies, bloodlines, immortal fortunes were appearing? There were even people like this in the Redcloud Sect?

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This was simply too crazy!

Seeing that Gu Qingfeng was silent, Huode sighed again, “The world was reborn after the tribulation and spiritual veins appeared everywhere. With such abundant spiritual energy, the cultivation speed of those brats skyrocketed!”

“In our days, we started from the first level of the Postnatal Realm and it took us ten years to reach the Connate Realm, right? it will take at least ten years, right? Some could even take two or three years, and even those that were known as geniuses blessed by Heaven still required one year.”

“But the bastards from today consider one year as too slow. They just need a few months to breakthrough now! Even I’m truly envious of this speed!”

Huode was a bit despondent and took another sip of wine, “Before the tribulation, I was able to make a name for myself with the Golden Core that I’ve nurtured for several hundred of years. Even if I met Daolord, I could still compare notes with him but now I have to take a detour if I run into some little brat.”

“Back then, strength was measured by your cultivation base, attainments in your immortal arts, and the power of your magic treasures. However, it is measured by your foundation and true body…Sigh.”

“Take that brat who injured me as an example. Depending on his Exquisite Body and special foundation he established a shocking true body and I couldn’t do anything to him. If I didn’t have an accumulation of 700-800 years worth of spiritual force, I would’ve died. But even so, that brat still cracked my Golden Core, just by relying on his true body and I still haven’t recuperated from that.”

“Is he that extraordinary?”

Although Gu Qingfeng had a lot of experience, he wasn’t too knowledgeable about the special Exquisite Bodies and foundations because they were too rare when he was in the mortal world. As for the Heavenly World, the people there did not pay attention to these things.

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“Brat, I didn’t say all these to scare you. Besides, I know that nothing can scare you and if we’re talking about cultivation monsters, there’s no one like you. I just want you to not underestimate the brats of today. Even some reincarnators have been killed by them.”

“Before reincarnating, they were all powerful immortals from the Heavenly World, and had unbelievable talent and were skilled in all ten immortal arts. But even so, they were still killed by those brats after reincarnating.”

“Fuck! Those brats are so powerful today that they even dare to kill reincarnations of immortals?” Gu Qingfeng had a skeptical expression as he narrowed his eyes and drank some wine.

“I’m not lying.”

“Well, that makes me a little scared.” Gu Qingfeng drained his cup of wine and smiled, “It would be a big fucking joke if I would be killed by those brats before I could even help you.”

“Fuck off, even the Heavenly Dao’s judgment couldn’t kill you. You are not afraid of anything!”


“I’ve told you that I was just lucky to escape the Heavenly Dao’s judgment. Besides, right now I am very weak. If those brats are so crazy that they would even kill immortal reincarnators, aren’t you worried that they will kill me too?”

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“If I was worried, I wouldn’t have pretended to be your grandson for so many days.” Huode glared at him in an annoyed manner.

“Although they are crazy, they are nothing compared to you from back then. Killing immortal reincarnators might be a big deal for someone like me, but in your eyes, it’s just a trivial matter.”

“I didn’t kill immortal reincarnators back then.”

“That’s because you motherfucker killed immortals when they were at peak power. But that was still not enough for you and you even destroyed the Immortal Dynasty and obliterated the countless immortals that they had. Do you still remember that sword?”

“Which sword?”

“The sword that you wielded when you destroyed the Immortal Dynasty and the sword that you used to split open the sky! Do you have any idea how long that hole has been there?”

“Two hundred years! It closed only after the world began recovering after the Tribulation of Heavens passed. Even now you can still see traces of that hole whenever the sky is dark.”

“Is that so?” Gu Qingfeng had long since forgotten about this matter.

“Stop playing dumb. Anyway, since you’ve already promised, you have to help me. We don’t have much time life since the Nineglory Alliance was very active recently.”

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