Supreme Lord

Chapter 43

Gu Qingfeng originally didn’t want to go Daoist Fei Xue, but Tan Siru visited him again and said her master wanted to talk about Ouyang Ye.

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He thought he should check on what happened to that little girl and he followed Tan Siru inside a mesmerizing garden where a gorgeous-looking woman sat in front of a bookshelf, carefully flipping through a book.

“Master, he is Young Master Bloodflame, Gu Qingfeng.” Tan Siru reported, then glanced at Gu Qingfeng and sneered. She then silently retreated to the side.

Daoist Fei Xue did not have any reaction, and she did not even glance at Gu Qingfeng. She just flipped through the book and coldly said, “I’ve heard about what happened between you and my disciple.”

“I wish you would forget about her and end this ridiculously childish love at first sight. I don’t know whether you are a dragon among men, nor do I want to know. The same goes for your background and musical attainments. I just don’t care about them.”

“I’ve asked you to come here today just to make you understand the fact that you are not worthy of my disciple.”

Gu Qingfeng was silent and felt that this situation was amusing because everything had been a scam from the beginning. However, because he didn’t know how were things going on Ouyang Ye’s end, he didn’t say anything and just sat there with a comical expression on his face.

“Perhaps you are not willing to accept thins and think that I said this just because you failed your  Foundation Establishment, but you are gravely mistaken if you believe that.”

“My disciple’s background and status are extraordinary, far beyond your imagination and grasp. Her Dao companion must be a real dragon among men. Don’t blame me for being ruthless, but the reality is just this cruel. You are either worthy or you aren’t!”

“I also know that your purpose for coming to Redcloud Sect is nothing more than to use my apprentice’s connections and ask Elder Huode to fix your Foundation Establishment failure. Although that isn’t an impossible feat, the chances of that happening are close to zero, so I advise you to give up on this idea.”

“Of course, I won’t drive you away if you insist on staying here, after all, my disciple brought you here and I don’t want to upset her. However, from this day forward, you must sever all ties with her.”

“Remember, this isn’t a negotiation, nor a piece of advice. It’s a warning, and it will be the only one! If I find out that you are still in contact with my disciple, I will make you regret being born.”

“That’s all. Siru, send him away.”

Since the beginning Daoist Fei Xue did not even look Gu Qingfeng, she had always focused on her book. This was a type of arrogance that resided straight into her marrow and she did not even give Gu Qingfeng a chance to speak. Just like she said, this was not a negotiation, nor a piece of advice. It was a warning, that would not come a second time.

After a while, Tan Siru returned and asked, “Master, why didn’t you drive him away?”

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In Redleaf Valley, Tan Siru had lost all of her face and she always wanted to take revenge, but inside the sect, Gu Qingfeng was protected by Elder Huode, and even the Li family could not do anything to him.

“I already said earlier that since he was brought here by Yeye, if I were to drive him away, it would definitely affect her emotions and cultivation. It would be a price that I am not willing to pay.”

Daoist Fei Xue responded with an expressionless face, “Besides, Guang Yuan’s earlier conflict with Huode is enough to show that this man is important to Elder Huode. Why should I offend Huode over this trivial matter?”

Tan Siru nodded and was about to open her mouth and say something, but she was suddenly stopped by her master’s icy voice, “One more thing, stop interfering with Yeye’s personal matters in the future.”

“Personal matters? Master, I never did that.”

“Hmph!” Daoist Fei Xue sneered coldly then raised her head and stared at Tan Siru with her gloomy eyes, “Do you really think I don’t know how many benefits did you receive in secret from Li Sen?”

“Master!” Tan Siru’s face immediately changed and dropped to her knees, “I-I only did it because I want my junior sister to have a nice home in the future… A-after all, Li Sen is a young master from the Li fam-”

Daoist Fei Xue interrupted her and disdainfully said, ”What’s so great about the Li family? Not to mention Li Sen, even his older brothers are not worthy of Yeye.”

Li Sen’s older brothers were all outstanding disciples of the Redcloud Sect. One of them was a direct disciple, while the other was one of the twelve prime disciples. Tan Siru simply couldn’t understand what did Ouyang Ye had that she obtained so much importance from Daoist Fei Xue.

“This ends here. I have already found a very good Dao companion for Yeye.”

“May I ask who he is?”

“He is one of the nine direct disciples. Zhong Tianying!”

Tan Siru was immediately shocked after hearing this name. Not only did she knew Zhong Tianying, but she was also secretly in love with him. To be more precise, he was the crush of many female disciples because his cultivation base, background, and aptitude were extremely shocking.

And most importantly, he was a popular candidate for becoming the Sect Master’s successor. If someone could become his Dao companion, it was very likely that they would end up as the wife of the future master of the Redcloud Sect!

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On the way back, Gu Qingfeng was strolling around the sect and watched the surrounding scenery while eating Redleaf Demon Fruits. It looked as if he wasn’t affected at all by what Daoist Fei Xue had just said.

This was indeed true. Since everything had been a scam, why would he be affected?

And even if this entire situation was real, he would still understand where Daoist Fei Xue was coming from.

Any master would want their apprentice to find a Dao companion with an extraordinary background and aptitude, after all, this was a lifetime thing. Finding a suitable Dao companion was helpful to the cultivation road of both parties. If one of them wasn’t worthy enough, the other one would just be dragged down.

The only thing that made him helpless was that Ouyang Ye did not explain anything. He was wondering whether he should find a good moment for her to explain everything, lest this ended up in an even bigger misunderstanding.

After returning to the Spiritual Garden, he saw that Wang Dashan was standing anxiously at the door, as if he was waiting for something.

When he saw Gu Qingfeng, he rushed over and said, “Grandfather, you’re back.”

“What happened?”

“Major deacon Fei has been waiting for you for a long time.”

Major deacon Fei?

Gu Qingfeng was puzzled and wondered what was happening today since so many people were looking for him. During his moment of thinking, a fat man came out from inside the Spiritual Garden.

This was a really fat man and was as round as a ball. He had a rugged and oily face and his hair was tied up in a small braid. As soon as he saw Gu Qingfeng, he rushed over and bowed his head then said in a very polite tone, “Young Master Bloodflame, right?”

“Who are you?”

“I am Fei Kui, Master Huode should have mentioned me to you, right?”

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Fei Kui?

This name was rather familiar and after thinking for a bit, he remembered Huode saying that Fei Kui was one of his men and he would arrange everything about Gu Qingfeng’s examination.

“Now that I think about it, Huode did mention you to me.”

“Hehehe, that’s right. Master has already told me everything about you. How about we have a talk?”

“Oh?” Gu Qingfeng was somewhat puzzled, “What did Huode say to you?”


“Everything?” Gu Qingfeng was quite surprised and wondered if the old man had sold him out, “Do you know who I am?”

“Aren’t you Young Master Bloodflame?”


“And?” The fat man froze for a bit, “And what? Master just said that I have to take care of you from now on.”

“Oh, I see.” Gu Qingfeng was still really shocked just now and thought that Huode gave him away.

“Young Master, when it’s convenient for you, we should begin our plan.”

“You mean the examination?”

“Yes. Master has already explained the entire plan to me. Right now you’re already an outer sect disciple so you’ll directly go for the inner sect examination.”

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“Outer sect disciple? Since when did I become an outer sect disciple? Wasn’t there an examination for becoming an outer sect disciple?”

“There is, but the outer sect examination isn’t that strict. Those who have an excellent spiritual root don’t even have to go through it. Only those with mediocre spiritual roots are required to do so. But even if they fail, as long as they have enough backing or wealth, they can still enter the outer sect.”

“Three days ago when master informed me about the plan, I have already arranged everything for you.”

“I see. It seems that no matter the time, money would always be useful.” Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but think about when he was rejected from the Redcloud Sect because he had a mediocre spiritual root. As an orphan, there was no way for him to have any kind of backing or money to buy himself a position in the sect.

While sighing, Gu Qingfeng suddenly realized that something was wrong, “Wait, did you say three days ago?”

“Yeah! Three days ago after master informed me about everything, I already took care of all the things and made you a disciple of the outer sect.”

Three days ago?

Gu Qingfeng had only agreed to help Huode yesterday, but that old man had already arranged the things three days ago?

That meant that Huode had predicted that Gu Qingfeng would accept.

‘That old fucker is really shady.”

Fei Kui sensed that something was wrong and asked in a polite tone, “Is there a problem, Young Master?”

“No, there’s nothing wrong. It’s good that you arranged for everything. I remember that Huode said I should become one of the twelve prime disciples, right?”

“Young Master, only an inner sect disciple could become a prime disciple. In order to become a prime disciple, you have to be an inner sect disciple.”

“Then tell me about the examination for the inner sect.”

“It is relatively strict and every outer sect disciple who wants to advance to the inner sect has to pass through an examination that would be personally supervised by Elder Rende, Elder Ziheng, Elder Fei Xue and other five elders.”

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