Supreme Lord

Chapter 50

On the way back, Fei Kui’s short legs were doing their best to catch up to Gu Qingfeng and he bowed and began bootlicking him, “Young Master, you’re really a God. My admiration for you is like a surging river.”

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The Li clansmen had always been arrogant which greatly annoyed Fei Kui, however, they were a very powerful and influential family in the entire Bluesun Domain and they even had Elder Jinde on their side. Even if he was annoyed, there was nothing he could do.

Seeing how Gu Qingfeng had displayed his major cycle in the Thunderfire Art and he severely injured Li Can while Li Ziheng sat and watched helplessly really allowed Fei Kui to vent off some of his anger.

And there was also Daoist Fei Xue.

He and Daoist Fei Xue were disciples of the same generation and he was well aware of how arrogant and despotic she had been. He had received a lot of humiliation from her during the years. That was why he was extremely happy after seeing her defeated appearance doing.

Although he didn’t know anything about Gu Qingfeng’s identity or how powerful he really was, Fei Kui was a tactful person and knew what to ask and what things should remain untold.

Gu Qingfeng glanced at the short and fat man and smiled, “You’re quite a smooth bootlicker.”

“Please stop joking Young Master, I am sincerely admiring you.” Fei Kui started bootlicking once again.

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and interrupted him, ”Alright, that’s enough. Didn’t Huode say something about becoming a prime disciple? Arrange that for me.”

Although Gu Qingfeng still didn’t know what he wanted to do, he didn’t want to stay in the Redcloud Sect any longer than needed. He wished to help Huode and finish this as soon as possible.

“Young Master, I’m afraid that will have to wait.”


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“You can compete for a position within the ranks of prime disciples only in the annual tournament.”

“A tournament? Can’t I just go and become one tomorrow?”

“That’s not permitted by the rules of our sect, Young Master.” Fei Kui laughed bitterly, “Also, even if you could, you wouldn’t be able to find anyone. Most of the primes disciples are training outside of the sect. The few ones that have remained in the sect are also in seclusion, waiting for the tournament.”

“So when is the tournament?” Gu Qingfeng asked as he pulled out a Redleaf Demon Fruit and ate it.

“It’s a little over a month away.”

“That’s so long, isn’t there any other way?”

“Young Master, I don’t know if Master has told you that we must follow the rules, otherwise it will be very difficult for our plan to succeed.”

Although Huode had mentioned this, it seemed that Gu Qingfeng paid no heed to it. However, as someone who had spent around 800 years in the Redcloud Sect, he knew very well how things stood and if he said to follow the rules, that was mandatory.

“Okay, since this is the only way, I’ll just wait a month.”

“Young Master, it’s been a bothersome day so if you need anything just tell me and I will take care of it for you.”

“Is there something you need?”

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and thought carefully about this, “Go and bring me some cultivation resources.”

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“What resources do you need, Young Master?”

“Windrain Silver Soul Crystal, Misty Pearl of Nine Raging Eyes, Amethyst Profound Moonstone…” Gu Qingfeng said about 40 cultivation resources instantly.

Fei Kui was completely bewildered as he listened to these names because he hadn’t heard about any of them. However, he was too embarrassed to say this and he just nodded and planned to do some research after he got back.

After returning to the Spiritual Garden, Gu Qingfeng drank a little and chatted with Wang Dashan then in the evening he went to cultivate.

He had long ago refined the pills and spiritual stones that Huode had sent so he began absorbing the spiritual energy inside the Redcloud Sect, which was actually pretty decent.

The sect had occupied a fire spiritual vein that generated fire spiritual energy, which belonged to the spiritual energy of the Five Elements and was better than the ordinary spiritual energy in the world.

Fire spiritual energy was quite violent and was used for tempering one’s body and opening the meridians. After absorbing it into the body and refining it, it generated a very fierce spiritual force. This was also why the Redcloud Sect had managed to become the biggest sect in the Bluesun Domain back then.

Although this type of spiritual energy was useful for average cultivators, it didn’t have much of a use to someone like Gu Qingfeng who had tempered his body with the Underworld’s ancestral fire. Compared to the ancestral fire, this fire spiritual energy was nothing to be mentioned of.

After absorbing it for a while, Gu Qingfeng stopped and pondered for a moment, then he released his spiritual sense and began journeying through the world.

The spiritual sense was a sensory existence like the mouth, nose, eyes, and ears. It came from one’s mind and it was capable of perceiving what the other sensory organs couldn’t.

Everyone was born with a spiritual sense and it could appear with just one thought. There were no specific cultivation methods for it and people had to slowly temper it. The stronger the spiritual sense was, the more things it could perceive, and the wider its range became.

At this moment, Gu Qingfeng released his spiritual sense and wandered outside, wondering if he could find something interesting.

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Usually, very few people released their spiritual sense to stroll around and explore things. And the few people that did this wouldn’t dare to go too far, because if they encountered an accident and their spiritual sense was injured, this would affect their consciousness which could turn them into a vegetable.

However, Gu Qingfeng didn’t care about this because his spiritual sense was exceptionally strong even though it had been affected by the Heavenly Dao’s judgment and it wasn’t what it was in the past.

As the saying goes, a starved camel is still bigger than a horse.

Moreover, Gu Qingfeng’s spiritual sense wasn’t exactly a starved camel. Although it wasn’t at his former level, his spiritual sense was still strong and couldn’t be shook be anything.

Gu Qingfeng’s spiritual sense wandered around and observed the scenery of the Bluesun Domain, which was very different from his memories.

Five hundred years ago, Bluesun Domain was a barren and unpopulated place, but nowadays it seemed to bu much more fertile and countless villas were spread all over the land. There were also a lot more cultivation sects than before.

“The world recovered to such extent after the tribulation had passed.” Gu Qingfeng sighed.

Of course, just because the world experienced a rebirth after the tribulation had passed did not mean that everything had recovered. Much of the Bluesun Domain still remained barren.

His spiritual sense climbed on top of a mountain and he had actually discovered that some people were engaged in a cruel fight.

Gu Qingfeng looked at it for a while but then lost his interest. When he was about to leave, he suddenly discovered something.

There was an unremarkable hill in the middle of this mountain, and its surface was glowing with a faint light which was similar to a profound rune that was currently fading away.

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Gu Qingfeng took a closer look and to his surprise, he actually discovered that it was a formation.

A small natural formation.

Once this type of formation was activated, it will become one with nature, disappearing into nothingness. It was invisible to the naked eye and it was difficult to sense it even with the spiritual sense. These kinds of formations were used to hide immortal caves.

The reason why this small natural formation was glowing right now was because its structure was collapsing and it wouldn’t be long until it completely faded away.

Gu Qingfeng used to dig up a lot of immortal caves in his younger days so he was very familiar with this process. A natural formation began fading away only if the formation core had been depleted

The formation core was the source that maintained the entire formation and once it was depleted, it was like a human that had lost its soul and began deteriorating. Once the formation car had been depleted, the entire structure of the formation would collapse

It now became obvious that the people from earlier were fighting for the immortal cave hidden by this natural formation.

Just as Gu Qingfeng was hesitating about checking the immortal cave, a woman suddenly appeared.

This woman didn’t say any word and she directly took out her sword and completely destroyed the natural formation that was already collapsing.

Along with a crackling sound, the formation was instantly destroyed and the mountain disappeared and turned into the entrance of a cave that was emanating violet mist.

That was Violet Twilight Aura!

Violet Twilight Aura was a rare spiritual aura and if an immortal cave overflowed with this type of aura, there were definitely treasures inside the cave!

Gu Qingfeng no longer hesitated and retrieved his spiritual sense then prepared to go and have a look.

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