Supreme Lord

Chapter 54

As one of the twelve prime disciples, Huang Yao was naturally very strong.

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Due to his three-colored spiritual root, he had already achieved the sixth level of the Foundation Establishment Realm at a very young age. His talent, comprehension and martial skills attainments were all excellent.

Maybe because his cultivation road had been too smooth and both his family and his sect treated him as a treasure, Huang Yao had been extremely arrogant from his childhood. After becoming a prime disciple, his arrogance had increased even more, and he openly showed it inside and outside the Redcloud Sect.

At this moment when he was ignored by Gu Qingdeng, he coldly sneered and plunged at him like an arrow. He wanted to teach that over-confident fellow a lesson.

Just when Huang Yao’s palm was about to strike Gu Qingfeng’s shoulder, Gu Qingfeng suddenly dodged and grabbed Huang Yao’s wrist.

A playful smile appeared on his face as he said, “Kid, why is your haughtiness so great? You should understand that when you go out journeying you need to be more cautious, otherwise you will regret it. I don’t have time to deal with you right now so go and calm down.”

Gu Qingfeng casually pushed him to the side and Huang Yao felt that his wrist was going numb as he was driven back.

Seeing this scene, Li Qiandong, who was standing not far away became very serious and asked in a deep voice, “Who are you!”

When they were outside, he already felt that Gu Qingfeng was suspicious because he could not detect any spiritual aura on him. However, he was extremely baffled after seeing how far he had flung Huang Yao, and wondered how powerful he was.

Huang Yao rose up from the ground and looked at his wrist, unable to believe that Gu Qingfeng was so powerful. He couldn’t even muster up any power and his wrist was constantly trembling.

He instantly became enraged and shouted, “You dare to fight me! You’re courting death!”

Huang Yao operated the spiritual force inside his body and with a big step, he rushed towards Gu Qingfeng. As he moved, he started brandishing his hands and they started flickering with light, as if they were thunders.

This was a martial skill from the Redcloud Sect, Thunderous Palm. Huang Yao had already practiced this skill to the pinnacle level.

Gu Qingfeng turned around and had an impatient expression on his face, “Brat, I gave you some face but it seems you don’t want it.”

Anger flashed within his dark eyes and just when Huang Yao’s attack was about to descend, Gu Qingfeng sent a kick straight to Huang Yao’s chest. Along with a bang, he instantly destroyed the Thunderous Palm and sent Huang Yao flying, with blood gushing out of his mouth and nose. He kept flying until he got smashed into a wall.

“Junior brother!” Li Qiandong, who was far away, was immediately shocked after seeing this scene and went over to check on Huang Yao.

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Huang Yao was currently paralyzed on the ground with his face completely pale. He was tightly covering his chest and blood was dripping from his mouth. He kept opening his mouth but he wasn’t capable of uttering a sound.

“Just who are you?!” Li Qiandong let out a furious shout as he glared intently at Gu Qingfeng.

Seeing that Gu Qingfeng ignored him, he was filled with rage and took out his sword, but he did not dare to attack him.


He didn’t dare because he just witnessed how Gu Qingfdeng destroyed Huang Yao’s Thunderous Palm with just a kick.

Huang Yao was at the sixth level of the Foundation Establishment Realm and had achieved the pinnacle level in the Thunderous Palm. However, this extremely powerful skill had been destroyed by just a single kick from Gu Qingfeng.

Although Li Qiandong’s cultivation base was a bit higher than Huang Yao’s, he could not act recklessly facing this unknown man.

Gu Qingfeng didn’t pay any attention to Li Qiandong and he continued to observe the mechanism on the wall. Perhaps because he had deciphered a mystery within the mechanism, Gu Qingfeng put his hand on the wall and performed a spiritual art.

Along with a buzz, a stone door had inexplicably appeared on the wall.

Without any hesitation, he walked through the door, and after passing through another two stone doors, he had arrived in another hall.

In the center of this hall was a high round stage with a strange pattern beneath it, while above the stage were lavender-colored shards.

That was the destroyed formation core.

However, it was not destroyed because it depleted, but because it was broken by someone else.

Gu Qingfeng looked at the pattern underneath the stage, and the more he looked at it, the deeper his frown became, and the more puzzled he got. After recognizing this pattern, his expression slightly changed.

This pattern was an extremely profound seal, named Mahamayuri’s Ubiquitous Seal.

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This was not a seal that an ordinary cultivator could set up, but what truly bewildered him was that this seal was normally used to suppress very terrifying monsters.

However, using this seal for some trifling demons and monsters was truly a waste so Gu Qingfeng wondered what had the owner of this immortal cave sealed in this place.

But one thing was certain, whatever was sealed here had already broken free.

If that wasn’t the case, then the formation core would not have been destroyed.

Gu Qingfeng pondered for a moment, then gathered up the shards on the stage.

This was an amazing thing called Amethyst Celestial Radiant Crystal which was a precious and rare treasure that contained pure solar spiritual energy. Even if it was now destroyed, it was still priceless and conveniently, Gu Qingfeng had a use for it.

“Mahamayuri’s Ubiquitous Seal, Amethyst Celestial Radiant Crystal… Just who was the owner of this immortal cave?” Gu Qingfeng shook his head and stopped thinking about this subject.

He knew that Mahamayuri’s Ubiquitous Seal required six formation cores so he wanted to search for the other five.

“I wonder if the monster that broke the seal is still in the immortal cave….”

This immortal cave was humongous and Gu Qingfeng had carefully investigated it with his spiritual sense the fist second he entered it. However, there was a very strange place that he had not investigated.

He had cultivated for five centuries and had dominated the Immortal and Devil Daos, and he even defied the Heaven. He was well aware that the world was full of unknowns, and the unknown should never be recklessly probed.

This immortal cave was already extremely strange and not even immortals were capable of opening a cave like this. Facing an unknown situation like this one, Gu Qingfeng had not continued to investigate that strange place after finding it, and decided to wait until he got there to see it in person.

Along the way, Gu Qingfeng found three more Mahamayuri’s Ubiquitous Seals and collected all the shards of the Amethyst Celestial Radiant Crystal that formed the formation cores.

He opened another stone door and arrived inside a hall, and to his surprise, he found that two people were already there.

Mu Zibai and Daoist Qing Ning.

The two of them seemed to be arguing about something, and when they saw Gu Qingfeng suddenly come from inside a stone door, they were both stunned.

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Daoist Qing Ning asked rather suspiciously, “Fellow daoist, h-how did you come here?”

“What’s wrong? Can’t I be here?”

“I didn’t mean that. I was asking if you encountered dangers inside this immortal cave.”

“I didn’t. What about you two?”

“We didn’t either.” Daoist Qing Ning shook his head in confusion, because they simply had not encountered anything dangerous along the way.

“Just because there was nothing dangerous until now, doesn’t mean that there won’t be in the future. You should quickly leave.”

Gu Qingfeng thought that Daoist Qing Ning was a decent person so he gave her a reminder. Naturally, he did not care if the other party actually listened to him or not.

Daoist Qing Ning was about to ask what he meant but was suddenly interrupted by Mu Zibai, “Qing Ning, why do you care about him? Let’s hurry inside.”

“I’ve always felt that there is something dangerous behind that stone door.” Daoist Qing Ning looked at a stone door on the opposite side and frowned slightly,  “Let’s be more careful.”

“The mechanisms on that stone door have lost their effect a long time ago. There’s nothing dangerous there, trust me.”


Daoist Qing Ning had been here for a long time, and she had seen that the mechanisms on that stone door had lost their effect a long time ago, but for some reason, she always felt that something was wrong. As for what exactly was wrong, she was not sure.

Seeing that Daoist Qing Ning was still hesitating, Mu Zibai shook his head and wanted to open the stone door but after taking one step forward, he was stopped by Daoist Qing Ning.

“We should wait.”

“Wait for what?”

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Daoist Qing Ning looked at Gu Qingfeng and said, “Maybe we should ask him.”


Daoist Qing Ning nodded, “Although I don’t know who he is, when we were outside he saw that there was one more formation core active. I think his spiritual sense is very strong so maybe he could discover something.”

“He could discover something?” Mu Zibai shook his head disdainfully.

Daoist Qing Ning walked over and asked, “Fellow daoist, can you help us and investigate if there’s any danger behind this stone door?”

Gu Qingfeng took a look and responded, “There is still a hidden mechanism on the stone door, I advise you to not go in.”

“What hidden mechanism?”

“It’s a Seacloud Devouring Mechanism that will activate as soon as you open the stone door.”

The art of mechanisms was also an immortal art, but it did not fall into the category of the ten official arts of the Immortal Dao. It was an unorthodox field similar to the art of puppets or spiritism.

Mu Zibai laughed, “Haha, are you familiar with the art of mechanisms?”

“A little bit.”

Mu Zibai didn’t continue to ask and looked to Daoist Qing Ning, ”Qing Ning, don’t tell me you are going to believe this guy. If there was a hidden mechanism on the stone door, don’t you think I would have seen it? I’ve studied the art of mechanisms for many years but I’ve never heard of the so-called Seacloud Devouring Mechanism.”

“That just shows your ignorance.”

There were many mechanisms inside the immortal cave and at this moment Gu Qingfeng was investigating the stone door, “Once the Seacloud Devouring Mechanism is activated, it would be as if you had fallen into quicksand in a deep sea. You should just leave.”

“That’s nonsense, you are just trying to be mysterious.” Mu Zibai was a very confident and arrogant man, but his arrogance wasn’t openly showcased like Huang Yao’s, instead, it was a rather reserved arrogance.

He felt extremely uncomfortable listening to Gu Qingfeng talking like a senior giving him advice, and with a cold snort, he pushed open the stone door.

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