Chapter 38: 38

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"haa(rough breathing) haa haa haa...faster Razor, faster. haa haa haa...if those vicious unmarried women catch me then..." chills ran down Razor's spine by just speaking of this. Even though he was vigorously breathing due to fatigue, however, he showed no signs of stopping. He was running as if his life depends on this run.

Razor was in a precarious position. He knew if he stops now he will face an agonising judgment. He really did regret letting success get through his head and stir up Sam. Who told him to provoke this devil? If he hadn't, he wouldn't be in this position.

"Hey Logan, is that young master Razor? What is he doing here? Didn't he say he was going to Darwin city?" a brown-golden hair cool beauty spoke to a man standing beside her. This young mature beauty was armoured just like a female knight and was giving off a heroic feeling.

Watching Razor who was running towards them, Logan's eyebrows jumped up in an amusement: "yes Zena, it is young master Razor. But why is he running even faster than a racing king?" this man was, black-haired, middle-aged, robust fellow, and unlike the armoured beauty Zena this person was dressed in grey.

This two were standing within a temporary camp, which was surrounded with a four feet wooden fence.

As Razor neared the camping area, other people with in the camping area also started to notice him.

"haa haa haa... Zena, Logan, nice to.... Make way for me please!" Razor was surprised seeing acquittances here, and he was slowing down for a second to greet them. However, his instincts roared to him; it reminded him it wasn't the time... he still needs to run fast! Or else he would end in the hands of the vicious women who were still chasing him.

"make way? Is some monster chasing you? Do you need help?" seeing Razor in panic, Logan asked.

Hearing the words 'monster chasing' Zena speculated, Razor to be in a dangerous situation, so she righteously said: "young master Razor, since you are Lady Sarah's niece's friend, my sword is obliged to protect you from harm."

"you can't protect me! So Just make the way!" Razor spoke while running. However, for some unknown reason, his thighs squeezed, and his back suddenly drenched with sweat when he suddenly had a reminiscent some past memory.

To Razor, the past memory seems to be very fresh; like as if it just happened a few moments before! He even remembered each and every minute details of this memory! It was really a heedful and unpleasant experience for him.

In this memory, Razor saw some rich family young master pursuing Joel. But this young master's flowery words were like a drop of water falling into the ocean, as Joel loftily ignored him thinking him as a housefly. The young master's self-esteems were hurt so he little bit misbehaved by holding Joel's hand and abruptly pulling her into his arms.

Just at this moment, before Joel could land into young master's arms, he was strongly punched and had his manhood cut off on the Zena!

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Zena even added few Righteous words after cutting off Young master's manhood: "I am the knight of Lady Sara, so it's also my duty to protect my Lady's family! I will not allow any unworthy man to misbehave with Lady Sarah's niece! So, remember carefully unworthy fellows! I could tolerate you pursuing Lady Joel, but not your misbehave! If you dare to misbehave even after my warning, remember, you will suffer the same faith as this rich family young master!"

Many of Joel's pursuers suddenly compressed their legs. Remembering their frightened faced, Razor guessed what they might have been thinking. They must have thought, was it wort it to risk their manhood for Joel?

Razor was sure if Zena knew what he did to the girls even though it was just an accident she would still righteously cut his manhood down! So, taking his present circumstance, Zena was the first person he blacklisted form his help-asking-list.

Zena misunderstood Razor, so she reassured him righteously: "Please rest assure, Young master Razer. On the honour of..." However, before could she finish her Righteous speech Razor already bypassed her. Leaving air-currents behind, which made her hair a little bit untidy.

What Zena wanted to say was: On the honour of knights, believe me, I don't care even if your situation is too dangerous, I will still protect you, and also if I have to put my life on the line for you, I will put it!"

As Razor passed through the camp area, the people in his way gave him the way. They didn't want to get smashed by him, as he was running way too fast!

Soon, Razor reached the other end of the wooden fence. He jumped above and escaped.

Just a few seconds later, everyone within the camp saw, Joel, Li Min, and Agni coming rapidly in their directions, just like Razor did. However, everyone noticed these three girls had dark expressions on their faces as if telling they were here for a cruel murder!

"Lady Joel? Who angered you this much?" Zena asked as she was confused. She little bit couldn't make sense of the situation.

Unlike Zena, Logan related Razor panic expression and Razor's both verbal and silent rejection towards Zena's help with these three girls' dark expressions and soon understood what might have happened. So, he showed an amusing smile; expressing he was pleasuring the misfortune that Razor had.

"Oh, Zena you are here. Nice timing. Help us catch that animal!" Joel said.

The trio already reached the camp and seeing acquittance here they stopped for a few seconds.

"what animal, Young lady Joel?" Zena asked as she erred Joel's meaning.

"I was calling Razor, Animal. That scoundrel sullied us three girls! I will really kill that bastard today! And I will even write 'sexual harasser' on his gravestone!" Joel said. And she once again ran in Razor's direction.

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"what! Young master Razor Sullied my lady's Niece?! How dare he! On the honour of knights, believe me, I don't care even if he is from Sun Sect, I Judge him guilty, and I will chop off his disgusting thing off his legs! And bring Justices to my lady's Niece, Joel!" Zena thundered. Then she too ran in Razor's direction.

Just at this moment, somewhere a little far in the forest, Razor's felt chills once again. However, this time the chills were even chillier than the last two time he felt!

Agni also followed. She three shot in Razor's direction.

Only Li Min was left. She was gasping for breaths as her cultivation was lower than others so she couldn't keep up.

Soon, a man who went to scout the surrounding area came running from the direction into which Razor went. This person panically reported: "Sir, I just discovered Bhalu beast's region! And madam Zena and some people just ran towards this beast direction! I wanted to warn them, but they ran so fast that I didn't even have the time to open my mouth."

"everyone! Rush towards Zena and the others! Remember, We need to protect them!" Logan gave orders fast.

"few people are going to die...If young master Angus, young master Finn, and young lady Sarah, were here, thigh would turn easy." Logan murmured in a low voice.

Since Li Min was near, she heard Logan's murmuring. So, pointing towards the direction from she came, she said: "just several hundred from here, there is a cavern-like area, where I saw the three there."

"thank you for informing me lady Li Min. please follow these people, you will be safe near them. I will go and inform Young master Angus." Logan said. Then he rushed in the direction; which Li Min informed him about.


"please tell me, whom did you learn ice fall from?" Finn asked with serious expressions.

"Are you my half-brother?" Angus asked a baffling question with a serious expression. If It was any other person, he would have doubted, did someone leaked my arts? However, Angus first suspected his dad!

Angus inwardly cursed his father, {that damn old man! Why can't he control his lust?! this time I won't clean his a** or else mother would even ruthlessly punish me for taking his side!}

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Sara didn't open her mouth, she just seriously stared Sam. And it was clear that she too wanted to know how Sam could use 'Lotus Fall'.

Sam didn't reply to them. He just showed a smile and shook his head.

Seeing Sam not replying, Angus and Sarah gave up. Everyone had their own, and it would be improper to divulge into others' secrets suddenly.

However, for some reason Finn didn't give up, he wanted to ask Sam once more. But, before Finn could ask something, Logan came to the scene and informed: "Young Master Angus! Young master Finn! Young lady Sarah! Zena, Lady Joel and her friends, are in danger! Just a few minutes before they entered the Bhalu beast region!"

Just after hearing this, Sarah dashed towards Bhalu beast region. Logan also dashed, as soon as he finished his saying. Then, everyone sped and followed Sarah. Time was precious...if they went late even for a second, someone could lose their life in this second!

After several minutes, everyone reached where Zena and others were.

However, the situation was grim here!

ROAR! The Bhalu beast roared angrily. He crushed few people with his giant palm and Blood spurted out.

When Logan saw the scene, he grieved. Almost half of the people from the camp were already dead! Seeing the squashed bodies on the muddy ground and inside the large palm-shaped pit, he didn't know how to collect their remains and bring them back to their families.

Unlike the gallant state, Zena had just a few minutes before. Now, she was in a bloody state, and her Armour was in a broken state. From its state, It shouldn't be called armour anymore.

And behind Zena were, Joel, Agni, Li Min and Razor. Girls were fine. However, Razor was in bad shape; he was even in a worse condition than that of Zena. His bones were broken, he was blooding from all over his body.

The remaining half people from the camp were still circling around the Bhalu beast and were still attacking. Even though, there saw half of their fellow members to be dead. They didn't seem to be startled or lose their focus.

Logan didn't waste any time. He rushed to the battlefield.

"Iron body transform!" Logan body turned silver. His body transformed into the iron state from the flesh state.

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"ROAR!" Bhalu beast once again lifted his palm and was going to Squash a few more people.

Logan rapidly reached just below this lifted palm: "Iron shield!" and by joining his two hands he transformed them into a large dome-shaped shield. He was protecting the people behind him.


A large metal hitting sound rang, as then beast palm fell on the dome shield.

The impact caused Logan's hands to go numb.

Seeing a Human to withstand his attack...the Bhalu beast's interest was picked.

"all of you fall back! Wait for a chance and then attack!" Logan ordered the people. Since the beast wants to play with him, he will play...however, Logan was sure to make the beast play bloodily.

CLANG! The beast once again palm attacked, and Logan blocked it with the iron shield.

"Since you were that large, I thought you were strong! I thought you could have put a few dents on my shield! But, Shees...I am disappointed finding you this weak." Logan taunted.

Though the bhalu beast didn't understand what Logan said, but it could see his taunting expressions. So, it "ROAR!" and started "BANGING!" on Logan's shield.

On the other hand, Sarah and others reached Joel.

"Joel, are you alright." Showing her care, Sarah asked. Even before Joel's could reply, just seeing her in fine condition; Sarah sighed in relief, thank god she was fine. A few minutes earlier her heart nearly jumped through her throat.

"Aunt Sarah!..." Joel directly hugged Sara and said her suffering in a low voice: "the beast...almost killed me. If it weren't for Zena to protect me at the requisite moment...I would have died. I thought I couldn't see you all (family) again..."

Sarah tightened her hug. Anger rose in her eyes. She decided she would kill the Bhalu beast herself!

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