Chapter 1  Uninhabited island where I woke up (1)

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When Chester opened his eyes, he felt the hot sunlight and lifted himself up.


The first thing Chester saw when he got up was the crystal clear blue sea, where he could see the corals and the fish swimming there.

After that, I turned my head in the opposite direction, and there was a thick forest that radiates beautiful greenery under the sunlight and made me feel refreshed.


After looking around, Chester sit down next to her and grabbed the villainous young lady’s hair, who was still sleeping under the effects of the sleeping pills.

“Ugh?! Ouch?!”

Grabbing her hair, Chester ran, half-dragging her down the sand and into the shade of the trees in the forest.


 Chester, who has abandoned the villainess midway the moment he entered the shade, and took off his butler’s uniform while breathing heavily from the heat and sudden movement.

  “I still haven't taken all off my clothes.”

“it hurts! it hurts! I'm sweating?! Who the hell dears made a noble body like mine feel pain?!”

Chester saw the villainess young lady screaming as if she was still unaware of reality.

The eldest daughter of the only duke's family in the kingdom that he reside, “Monia”

She has been Abdicated From her family, so she is just monia, except for the ducal family name or many other names that people call her.

“It’s not a good choice to use up this much stamina in a place like this.”

“what?! you're speaking to me, in such an insolent way, do you not care for your own life?

“You want me to use honorifics because you were special, and i gave you my loyalty and I worked hard because you gave me money, but you don’t have any money, or status anymore, do you?  How does it feel to be the commoner you've been ignoring,? No, don't you have the brain to realize the situation you are in right now?


monia’s face turned red at the insulting words she had never heard in her life.

“you! I'll kill you! Is anybody here?!”

“Look around you, young lady. What could be here?”

At Chester’s words, monia finally broadened her vision, which had been narrowed by pain, and looked around.


  And finally, she remembered the memories before taking the sleeping pills and realized what had become of them.

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* * * * *

It was a truly horrifying sight for monia.

Her beloved fiancée gave her a look of contempt and disgust and hugged the filthy commoner cattle tightly.

“I will accept all the sins you have committed until now, monia!”


What have I done?

Isn't it just a punishment for a filthy bitch that seduces the royal family and other nobles without knowing the consequences?

She is standing proudly in front of everyone under the clear sky, monia was confident that she hadn't done anything wrong.

However, she was abdicated by her family and imprisoned.

“I will punish you by sending you to the “Wandering Island.”

She was subjected to a greatly one-sided trial and was forcibly fed sleeping pills, receiving treatment condition that was unbelievable for a duke’s lineage, second only to the royal family.

And now, when I opened my eyes, he was here.

* * * * *


Realizing the reality of our situation, monia face turned pale.

“No, that is nonsense. It can't be. Me, my father abandoned me, it can’t be”

She muttered that it couldn't be, but looked around with trembling eyes.

But no matter how much she looked around, nothing changed.

Abdicated by her family, she was abandoned on an uninhabitable island.

The tingling sand that burned her delicate and tender skin and the salty sea Humid Air blowing and sticking to her made me realize it.

“No way”

Chester watched Monia, who was about to collapse from confusion, then he looked around.

‘I’m so thirsty. How long are you going to keep lying on the beach?’

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 Looking up at the coconuts on the palm tree, Chester started climbing the palm tree.

“huh? Where are you going!”

“Hey...'' you, where are you going?”


Chester, who totally ignore her words, and started to climbed skillfully to the top of the palm tree, and twisted the coconut and thought that his body felt better than he expected.

‘How long has it been since I climbed a tree? When I was young, I used to climb trees and play around every day.’

After picking three coconuts, Chester inspected the coconut for a weak spot, and then took a mental note of the weak spot and he took the coconuts to the nearest pointy rock.

 “Ah… ah…”

When i hit the coconut into the rock it created a loud sound, and when Monia heard the sound she started to shiver.

After using all of his strength hitting the coconut against the stone a couple of times, he finally cracked open the coconut, then he greedily started to drink the water.

“Whoa. I can still live.”

Chester, who drank the entire coconut and threw an empty coconut in the direction of the kingdom in order to express his anger at the kingdom that had abandoned him here.

 The Coconuts that fell into the sea returned to the island through the waves.


 “You’re in the wrong place."

Chester sighed and picked up another coconut.

‘By the way, I can’t just drink coconut forever.’

The wandering island is very Humid.

Just by staying still, you will sweat a lot and you have to drink that much water to replenish it, but coconuts are dangerous if you drank in large quantities.

 ‘Upset stomach, diarrhea… What else? Anyway, you can't rely solely on coconut for hydration.’

But Chester wasn’t too worried.

‘For a forest like this to be formed, there must be a water source of that size. It would ideal to be somewhere near to the beach.
Chester plans to live around this beach.

If you stay near to the beach, you might accidentally spot a boat passing by and be rescued.

 ‘First, I need a house to live. If you block the sunlight with a roof, you can conserve even a bit of moisture, and at night, your body heat will be observed by the cold ground, so you have to protect against that too.’

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Suddenly, Chester remembered the days he spent with his family before he was sent to the butler academy.

His father was a hunter. He was also quite a capable man.

Since he acquired leather and meat from the wilderness and exchange it for money, he was the one who recommended that we should thank nature and stay close to it as possible.

 So, whenever his father had a break from hunting, he would go into the mountains without anything and stay there for some time.

 And Chester would often accompany his father and learns various knowledge and skills necessary for hunting and survival.

 Of course, as he left home and was educated as a butler, the knowledge became blurred and his skills dulled, but when this situation came to him, the knowledge he had learned from he started to recall


'So this called a survival instinct?’

Chester thanked his father for recalling the days when, as a child, he ate meat from the carcass of an animal that had been eaten by another animal in the mountains.
Where it was so cold that he feels like his fingers would fell off, and after having dose kind of thoughts he would dig into the snow hole and fall asleep shaking in fear.

Thankfully, he stopped recalling those memories and quickly stood up.


Suddenly, after throwing the coconut into the sea, Chester, who had been silently thinking, stood up, and Monia, got surprised, then shrunk down

“Shall we go?”
“Yes? where?”

Chester ignored Monia’s questions and started walking into the woods to explore the island.

Upon entering the forest and observing the surroundings, Chester immediately noticed something strange.

‘There are too many broken trees.’

In addition, the carcass of a fish that should be living in the deep sea except was near the forest entrance Chester, who had been walking a moment ago.

 ‘Have you ever come across a typhoon before coming here? Well, if so, it's a Good thing. If there are this many broken trees, I'll be able to use them to build a house.’

Then he decided to pick up the trees on the way back, Chester picked up a stone and scratched the tree to leave a mark.

‘I see plants that I don't recognize. but it would be better to see something you do recognize.

For example, this plant with small, red berries on thin branches that grows to a person's waist height.

I don’t know the actual name, but it was called candy among the local children where Chester use to lived.

Candy because it resembles the shape of a candy, ‘something round and sweet’ that only nobles can eat.

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Regular sweets were unbelievably expensive, so this candy fruit is one of the few sweets that commoners could taste.

Chester broke the branch and ate all the fruits

The weak fruit bursts open with even a slight bite, and the fresh fruit scent and hint of sweetness spread through the tongue along with the juice.

‘Once upon a time, I wanted to eat something like this. and for that, I even fought with the kids to get one of these.’

“Ugh! It tastes awful!”

At this time, Chester turned around at the voice he heard from behind him.

I knew that she has been following me from the start, but why did she follow me?

Chester looked at Monia, who has been abdicated from the duke's family, is eating the candies behind him

“Why did you follow me?”

“Don't you think that you should take care of me! So why do you keep roaming around?!”

At hearing that ridiculous statement, Chester sneered and looked at Monia.

 even on a deserted island like this, though dirty with sand and dust, she is still beautiful.

Black hair that symbolizes the duke’s family and the slightly teary purple eyes.

this dress is made in the latest fashion design by taking together the finest materials that are rarely available on the market to suit the client.

Gorgeous necklaces, bracelets and rings decorating the slender necks, wrists and fingers.

 And finally, the high heels that can be seen through the cracks in the torn dress that has been grazed by the tree branches.

 this dress is obviously very beautiful, but none of this is useful at the current situation.



 Chester stared at Monia’s eyes, then he turned around.

Now, every second is precious to him, and so he has no time to deal with her.

“Ah, ah.”

Monia, who saw him leave, quickly followed Chester, who was startled by that and walked away.


“wait, don't leave… … .”

 There was a great fear and apprehension in the voice that escaped her lips involuntarily.

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