Chapter 113.3 – Match Conclusion

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「Well, I’ll have you add “I wanted to be seen naked and to be touched” otherwise I wouldn’t feel safe.」

「Kuh….how despicable.」

「It’s a natural request.」

Eleonora writes as she is told.

Somehow, this is getting interesting.

「I’m done writing it. That should do it.」

「Alright, after you add “I wanted my tits to be rubbed” too.」

「Y-you shameless thing!」

「You’re the one who wants something shameful. I might touch your chest while tickling you. I don’t want to be threatened later.」

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I see. So, this is how I can deal with Eleonora.

If I keep this parchment, I can use it to threaten Eleonora later. If I tell her I’m going to publicize it, she’ll stop being so picky.

「Ugh….it can’t be helped.」

「Alright, it looks like you wrote it right.」

Just by writing it, her cheeks are turning red with shame. She’s so embarrassed that not only her face that even her shoulders were flushed.

As expected, her tits are not red but they are glossy.

Her tits are nice but her belly is wonderful. It’s fit with three lines in the middle.

I must admit, I had always wanted to see Eleonora’s physical beauty at least once but I never expected to have this opportunity. This is by no means a naughty desire but an intellectual curiosity in the artistic sense.

Perhaps the most prized piece of art in Lanct Castle is the well-trained body of the princess knight.

No sculpture can match the beauty of a human body with blood in it. Muscles are beautiful.

「Why are you shamelessly staring at a woman’s body? Shame on you!」

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「It says here that you wanted me to look at it.」

Eleonora gritted her teeth in frustration as I showed her the parchment.

「Damn, don’t think you’re going to get away. 」

「What are you saying? I won’t do something like threatening you. 」

I touch Eleonora’s sharp-lined belly.

Mmmmm, good stiffness. Girl’s abs are wonderful.

「You’re a married man, aren’t you scared of receiving divine punishment?」

「Hey, I know Asama and I don’t think the goddess will punish me by doing this.」

I don’t know. However, if it’s about Ria, I might receive one. Maybe I should think on how to defend against Asama’s divine punishment.

I rub Eleonora’s well-shaped abs without getting bored. What a smooth, warm, and elastic feeling. It’s so irresistible as if my fingers were being sucked.

「You’re not tickling me at all….I don’t want to be tickled by you but do it seriously.」

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「Oh, I’m doing it seriously. Aren’t you feeling tickled in your tummy?」

I don’t care about tickling anymore. I’m just following my desires and touching her abs.

I’ve been at the mercy of a bunch of crazy women so I guess it’s good to experience something like this.

「Hey, I don’t want to be tickled by you in any place but, can you stop with the belly?」

「What? I thought you were starting to feel ticklish.」

Pushed Eleonora’s body down on the bed so that I could stroke it easily and just kept on stroking her lower abdomen endlessly.

Of course, not in a nasty place. From around the navel where you can enjoy abdominal muscles around the umbilical pudenda region. Of course, I never touched the part covered by her panties.

I wonder what it is about the belly that makes me want to stroke it.

I think I’m being a maniac but it should be okay since I’m not cheating and just enjoying muscles.

「It’s not like I’m being tickled but I feel like trembling. I don’t know what it is but I’m feeling really weird.」

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「Well, I’m getting ecstatic when I’m touching Eleonora’s abs too.」

It’s really nice to touch Eleonora’s tummy.

Her abdominal muscles are almost cracked and there are practical muscles. Even so, there’s a good amount of softness remaining in such hardness, or rather, there’s an indescribable touch.

「Ah, ahhhhh, wait a minute. I’m scared, I’m feeling weird, I’m hungry!」

「What’s the matter? Don’t you want to be tickled by me? Anyway, this is a game of endurance so if you want to surrender, just say so.」

As I stroked and rubbed her abs endlessly, her abdominal muscles began to heat up.

Maybe I have rubbed her skin too much so I just lightly stroked her but even though that’s all I did, the reaction became even stronger. Her stomach muscles were contracting to the point that even I was scared.

「No, I don’t want to surrender. Ahhhh!」

「What’s wrong?」

「Don’t, no, my stomach can’t stop twitching! Takeru, help me, pleaaasseeee! No, it’s, hyaaaaaaa!」

「Hey, Eleonora…..」

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