“The medicine… I’ll get some more and bring them back for you… I apologize for having surprised you, Young Master.”

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“No, you were surprised because I came out of nowhere.”




“You’ve only been hovering in front of the door for the past few days, so I wanted to ask you about it today.”


“Ah, it’s just…”


“Was there something I did wrong towards you?”


As I placed a shard of glass, which fell in front of the door, back on the tray, I listened to his sweet voice. Wait, sweet…? As if I was chewing on the grains of sand, there was a sense of incompatibility here.


Other than being sweet, was there anything else out there that didn’t suit him? He acted harmless like this in front of others, but while he was alone, he showed his true self as a devil. Even while slashing necks—whether it would be horizontally or vertically—he would make such calculations with an angel-like face.


Oh my god. Please don’t cut me up vertically. That would be so terrible. Please at least leave my face intact…


“O-Of course not. It’s nothing like that. I am a mere servant, so how could the master do something wrong. That’s not possible, sir.”


“Then why did you act like that?”

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Glass-like eyes stared at me. They were so brilliantly clear and transparent, as if those orbs contained sunlight. But once our eyes met, they looked so dangerous as if they would never let go of anything. I felt like a hyena in front of a huge, majestic lion.






His saccharine voice was so soft that it seemed to melt, but to me especially, his voice sounded so sharp as if it could cut my ears. The eyes that looked into mine also seemed to have a distorted look.


No, if I do this, I’ll look more suspicious. If he thinks I’m interfering in his business, I’m done for.


I finished taking all the glass pieces, my hand a little calmer now. It wasn’t because of Adrian, but I was surprised for a moment because of the broken glass. It’s as if I finally calmed down.


“Actually, it’s… it’s for your sake, Young Master.”


I said this in a surprisingly clear voice.”


“For me?”


“It’s just, you know. As people get one year older, doesn’t that mean we lose our time in the morning that could be used for sleeping? We wake up at a fixed time every day, but suddenly, it will be one hour short, and then suddenly again, it’ll be two hours short. Little by little, you’ll find yourself opening your eyes earlier, and next thing you know, you’ll wake up even in the middle of the night!”


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“I thought about it every morning. Wouldn’t people be able to sleep early at night if they just complete their work much faster in the day when they get up earlier in the morning? If I live like that, wouldn’t I no longer be a mere servant, but a person who just strives to do a better job? Even so, isn’t the most important and most prominent task of my day to bring medicine to you, Young Master? But I couldn’t move up the schedule because of my poor sleeping habits, sir. Young Master, you’re at the prime of your youth and you’re growing up a lot. So, I started leaving the tray in front of the door so that you don’t have to wake up.”




“…It was a pity that I couldn’t see you, Young Master.”


A strong desire to live was directly proportional to how pathetic a person could look.


I added that one thing in the end, but fortunately, it didn’t sound like I said that against my will. This was also a test to see how close Hilda and Adrian really were.


Huuu. There was no setup like this when I was playing the game. Why are there so many more details in the worldbuilding now? Anyone could see how incomplete it all is here!


Currently in a different world, I imagined grabbing the gamedev by the collar and shaking him.


“Young Master, oh, how can I say this. Seeing you every morning is like hearing the sound of birds chirping in the morning. A great beginning to the day, like that!”


So, please spare me.


“I’ve felt so bad about it several times whenever I just left the tray behind. The conversations I had with the Young Master were like, um, how can I say this, like the brilliant light during daybreak that brightens the sky…”

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“That’s right, Hilda. You’re one of the few people who listens to me so well, that’s why I was sad that you just left every time. The one I was talking to just disappeared.”


I just spat those words out because I thought that no matter how impersonal their relationship was, Hilda would still have at least talked to him about taking the meds.


But it seems like the relationship between these two was much better than I expected? Seeing how much more disappointed Adrian was than I could have predicted, he looked strangely human.


Was this really the Adrian who I thought he was?


For a moment, I grew suspicious of his normal appearance as a person. But I soon shook my head and came back to my senses.


Don’t fall for that look. You know the true face of that devil.


“I’m a little relieved that you were as disappointed as I was, Hilda. Now, come in.”


Pardon? Go in, you say?


“Young master, your medicine fell on the floor. Your meal also got turned upside down. I can’t allow this to go on because I’m the one who’s in charge of your medicine. I’ll go to the kitchen and get some more and hurry back.”


Adrian looked at me as I actively expressed my willingness to go this far.

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“It’s fine.”


“Fine? Oh no, it absolutely isn’t, Young Master. You have to take your medicine on time. I’ll be back soon. I’ll go to the kitchen and…”


And I don’t have any plans of coming back again.


“Hilda. You’re strange these days.”




“Is there something you’re hiding?”


The corners of Adrian’s lips went up. Those eyes glinted with an unknown light, like hell’s inferno.


I froze as I was. No matter how big it pretended to be, a hyena was just a hyena in the end. A hyena that would have its chest be pierced through as soon as the lion reveals its teeth…


Step by step, he approached.


W-Why are you coming closer. What, why.


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