1-2. Koreans do a lot of grinding in games, too.

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Translated by Yonnee


With a dark expression, I arranged Adrian’s medicine and meal on the tray. I got used to it, so it took me less than five minutes now. I should go inside Adrian’s room today, right? If I leave the tray in front of his door again, he’d just come out and surprise me again, right? Maybe he’d even say that I went against his order and claim damages for being disrespectful.


In reality and in this game as well, a worker’s salary would pass through a bank account, of which the balance would hit the ground, and then the worker would have to open up if the boss told them to. It’s a tearful, vicious cycle.


“Hilda! Ah, you’re bringing the medicine to the Young Master. Good work. While you’re there, go clean up the Young Master’s room with me.”


“Huh? C-Clean? But it’s already spotless.”


“Don’t even try to make excuses. It’s a mess right now.”


Leticia suddenly made a face as she clicked her tongue. What happened?


“It’ll be difficult if it’s just the two of us. Catarina, follow me.”


“Yes, I understand.”


Catarina, who was peeling onions meticulously in one corner of the kitchen, quickly stood up and followed behind Leticia.


“What are you doing right now? Hurry up and follow.”


“Yes, yes!”


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It felt like I was grabbed by the collar and lifted up in the air. A companion! It’s a rule that he couldn’t get caught killing someone, so I don’t have to fear for my life today with Adrian.


“Did something good happen to you in the morning? Why are you so happy?”


“No, it’s nothing. It’s nice to walk together with you, Miss Leticia.”


When I said this with all my heart, Leticia looked at me as though I was speaking nonsense. But really, I mean it. Thank you for saving me.


“Good morning, Alvan.”


“Good morning, Leticia. Are you heading towards the Young Master’s bedroom?”


Leticia and Alvan, the butler I had encountered in the hallway, greeted each other. Then suddenly, Leticia glanced around and lowered her voice.


“The Madam?”


“The physician came and prescribed a stabilizer. She must have been extremely agitated.”


“What’s the cause this time?”


“It must have been a dream. About that day…”




“When you go up, pretend you don’t know. It’s a mess.”

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Seeing Leticia be intimidated, Alvan looked away and shook his head slightly. He typically had the image of a benevolent, competent but strict grandpa butler. He soon turned and spoke to me and Catarina.


“You both are going to have a hard time today. You especially, Hilda. I heard that you’ve been diligently in charge of the Young Master’s medicine. Take good care of doing that task. Don’t disappoint.”




“Yes. You have to lend your strength. I’m so proud to see a child, who used to be so troubled, grow up to be such a gentle young woman. Oh, I’ve been holding you here for too long. Miss Leticia, please go upstairs. It’s time for the Young Master to take his medicine.”


“Yes, then.”


As Alvan politely stepped out of the way, Leticia politely bowed her head and took the lead. I looked alternately between Leticia and Catarina with a curious gaze. A dream about ‘that day’? What’s it about? What happened between the countess and her son? You’re supposed to gossip behind the scenes at times like this, right?


After passing the hall, we climbed the stairs. Catarina was the first to open her lips.


“So it’s that.”


“Yes, it seems to be that.”






As if testing the waters, I drew their attention.


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…What is it?


“It’s… that, right?”


“Seeing that you reacted like this, Hilda, it really seems to be that.”


Even though there were clear question marks behind my eyes, the two just nodded to themselves and said, “As expected, right?” and “Yes, it is.” I’m sad. Why is the world so against me.


“That’s why, our Hilda, you should take care of the Young Master very well.”


Am I the only servant in this entire mansion? Why do you all keep telling me to take care of everything? I saw dozens of other servants just this morning clamoring to be next to Adrian.


I choked up the moment I recalled my days as a newbie at the office and everyone left their tasks to me.


“Even so, I guess you’re praiseworthy this time. Back then, you were such a lost cause. There was nothing you could do…”




“When you were told to sew something, you’d mess up the fabric. When I told you before to organize the cupboards, you just destroyed all the ceramics.”


“It used to be like that, but you’re amazing now, right? To be honest, Miss Leticia cherishes you a lot, too,” Catarina added.


“Cherish, what are you saying,” Leticia replied.


No matter how much more I hear, this Hilda character seemed to have gotten herself in so much trouble. She caused a lot of ridiculous accidents and became a beggar just to compensate for the damages she caused.

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I didn’t miss this opportunity. With a slightly discouraged, gloomy face, I spoke.


“Then Miss Leticia, wouldn’t it be better to have another servant with you? If I make another mistake in front of the Young Master, I won’t be able to show my face.”


“No, that’s impossible.”


I was speaking in such an excited tone, but I was immediately cut off.


“To be honest, the other servants don’t want to work well, they just want to look good in front of the young master. But you’re not like that. I think it’s because you’re older than them, that’s why you’re not scared.”


No. I’m really scared. The person in the mansion who’s the most afraid of Adrian—if you ask me who it is, I’ll tell you. It’s me.


“My hands are no good, so…”


But we arrived in front of Adrian’s door, so I stopped speaking. Even if I knew that I wouldn’t die here since I was with two other people, it’s still scary. It really was still so frightening that, as soon as I stood in front of the door, the emergency siren began to shine faintly, but it was the crescendo of my pounding heart that made me cower even more.


“Young Master, it’s me, Leticia. I’ll be going in.”




The moment permission was granted, Leticia held the doorknob and turned it around. I entered the room last after Catarina, and without any time to look at Adrian’s condition, I was left shocked.


The silent room was a chaotic mess. Ripped curtains, smashed vases and cups, soaked carpet and ink splattered everywhere… Nothing in this place was intact. Even if you tell me that a storm had passed through, it was still so unbelievable. 


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