With sweat soaking my back, I trudged forward and arrived at the entrance of the mansion. The huge iron bars standing tall in front of me felt even more majestic compared to seeing them from a distance. The pointed, well-made bars rose arrogantly high as though they were about to pierce the sky.

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「 You cannot leave the manor. 」

I tiptoed towards the gate to see if I could get away with it, but the system popped up and blocked my path. Ha, I knew it. I knew you’d stop me. There’s no way this game would ever let me do what I wanted to do.

I’m sure this system’s going to tell me to give up on this and just tell me to go out tomorrow, but now. I had no plans of letting it do whatever it wants.

I can’t live like this anymore!

I walked back to the maids’ quarters much faster than I had walked out.

The best thing about being a servant in this mansion was that, despite the large number of employees here, each person was given a solo room. If you’re unlucky, you’d be assigned to a double room, but since there were still many vacant rooms, there were only a few cases like that.

However, just as our privacy was well protected, there were still some things that happened around here that shouldn’t happen…

While I was still up during the wee hours of the night, I heard a shameful sound through the window, which I usually wouldn’t have heard had I been asleep.

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“Ah, ahngh, AH!”

Blatant moans, the wet clapping of flesh, the passionate sound of lips meeting each other…

H-Hot damn. I was told this was a horror game. I know it’s R-rated because of the game’s brutal scenes, so it shouldn’t be for this, right?

I fanned my bright red face and quietly closed the window that I mistakenly left open earlier.

Yeah, well. It’s not like this was the Joseon Dynasty, so there shouldn’t be a ban on love. If you keep interacting with the same people inside this mansion, it’s possible to get on each other’s nerves, but it’s also possible to meet secretly at dawn and make love. I do hope Leticia doesn’t find out.

This was what I thought and just tried to go back to sleep, but right now, this brief memory was a huge clue for me. While everyone had gone to bed early, there must be some people who’d leave their rooms at night.

I left the window open and waited for the right time, like a predator trying to let her prey’s guards down.

Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock…

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As time went by, the sound of a passing wind echoed throughout the silence, and gradually, the rendezvous of passion began. Starting with only a little movement, aroused moans leaked through the window.

“Nngh, ah… If you touch me like that…”

When the heated entanglement began, I crept towards my room’s door and stuck my head out to peek out the hallway. It was dark, but I could clearly see that the door of the room at the end was slightly ajar.

Over there!

Swallowing my hoorays inwardly, I tiptoed across the hallway as if I was walking on thin ice. After all, once they’ve started, the act was rarely finished right away, so I don’t think I’ll get caught. However, as I headed towards the end, I was still careful in case another door might open so suddenly.

This room’s owner was so excited to see a certain someone that they even forgot to close the door. I slipped through the opening so as not to make a sound, then—I found the target.

It wasn’t as good as Adrian’s, but it was luscious and plump enough that I’d be able to spend a luxurious night tonight.

I picked it up quietly and came back to my room, looking out to see if anyone spotted me.

As if to prove my perfect crime, the moans from outside the room still went on right now. As much satisfaction as they were probably feeling, I looked down at the object in my hands.

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“Oh, pillow, it’s been such a long time…”

Feeling emotional, my lips trembled. I was so happy to be reunited with a pillow that I buried my face in it, nuzzled my cheeks over it and kissed it a few times. I no longer have to suffer from a lack of pillows! I no longer have to be bullied by this stupid game system!

I felt apologetic towards the original owner of this pilot, but when things get rough while playing games, it’s often the right move to talk to NPCs¹ for hints, right? Because the existence of an NPC was for the player’s sake, the player should get their help as much as they want to. Even if it was against the NPC’s will.

“Now, shall we go to bed?”

I couldn’t control my excitement. I swear, my heart hasn’t pounded this much even whenever I caught sight of my first love before.

I placed my pillow on the bed reverently and sacredly as if I was serving my god, then, I slowly lied down. There was no invisible hand pushing me away and no white letters saying that I had no pillow. I lay entirely on my back on the bed.

“I can’t believe I’m lying in bed…!”

While I was moved to the point of tears, white letters suddenly appeared and flickered in front of my eyes.

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「 You have done an evil act. 」

「 For having no conscience, your title has changed to ‘Unscrupulous Insignificant Worker’. 」

This system had been nagging me to get some sleep, but it seemed to be pointing a finger at me for having no conscience, like saying ‘How could you steal another person’s pillow?’

“Wow. Now you’re saying I’m unscrupulous? When you’re the one who told me I can’t lie down when I don’t have a pillow and bothered me with all kinds of excuses?”

「 Your conscience has vanished without a trace. 」

“Sure, sure. Swear at me all night long. All I need is a good night’s sleep here in my bed.”

If I don’t have a conscience, then so be it. It’s not like anyone’s going to haul me off to the authorities, huh?

I grabbed the edge of the pillow and turned it around. The white letters followed me persistently, but I just snorted at it and shut my eyes tightly. I took only a pillow, but it felt like I had the entire world in my hands.

Rubbing and burying my face against it, I fully enjoyed the pillow until the last moments I finally slipped into slumber.

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