Date: December 4th, 2018

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Was it a long wait?

Or is it because it's been a long time since Suk Han last seen Shi Won that his heart almost gave out when he heard her say those words?

"I love you. a lot."

His woman whispered.

He once again felt that the time had stopped.

He wished that her confession of love that filled his heart would frozen with time so that it can alway stay in this world for the rest of his life, so that her beautiful confession would forever exist and never disappear.

Even though he was tired, her beautifully glittering eyes were only staring him. He took one step closer to her and he stared silently.

"I missed you."

Once again he heard her pretty voice.

She gently wrapped her small face with both hands and smiled softly.

He wanted to feel her warmth. 

She gently licked her lips and bit it. He went and tore her lips. He kissed her... 

The two eyes met while they both were a little out of breath and their lips naturally, at the same time, turned into a smile.

"I Love you. A lot. And thank you. "

She heard his sweet voice and got another sweet kiss.


"Wow! I love it! "

"Shi Won!"

She followed him as she stood up from the chair.

In an instant, he grabbed her waist with her upper body bent backward and so that she won't fall, she natually took measure by wrapping her hands around his neck.

She looked up at him.

"Hair, so soft" She said faintly and with her fingertips gently touching his hair at the nape of his neck. Almost teasing him.

"But do you know how surprised I was when I saw your picture? How were you able to come? "

" I told the company that I went on a vacation  "

She looked up at him and he looked at her.


"So suddenly? Was it okay? "

If he suddenly took a vacation, he would not have been able to hear the end of it because of his father. He would've nagged and nagged. Once he started, you can't stop him.

"Do you know how much I had to beat my teammates to come here? I will have to return to work after the weekend "



"I did not know what else to say to come here"

"I'm a little worried. It was not usual for the team leader to do this. "

"I know, right."

"You can do well in the future. Do not worry."

"Yeah? Well, there is always something that can help later on. Now we are here. I'm too tired. "

She relaxed her arms around his neck and turned her neck slightly.


"Let's go."


He put her fingers in between his fingers, pulled them tightly and laughed. They went towards his car.

He watched her cool smile and fastened the seat belt.

He wanted to see if she was right.

He glanced up at her with his gaze on her lips.


"How many days is your vacation? "

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"A week."

"Ah. It's too short. "

"But I have not arranged any accommodation yet, so I have to work that out.



"I did not reserve any room at the hotel in a hurry."

He hear her and tried to calm down. Not now. Not now.

Shi Won looked at herself, hiding her smile.

"I checked it and I couldn't find an hotel. Maybe we can find one for me. "


"Are you provoking me right now? "

"Go quickly. I'm tired. "

He looked up at her and laughed. He then finally took the steering wheel.
"We're here "

She looked up at the beautiful two-story house where the blue roof was outstanding.

"Wow. pretty."

One step closer to the house, she started to look at the house while her shining eyes.

"Here? You mean the manager's house? "

With curious eyes, the way he lives, what kind of tree he planted around. She looked round and round to see what it was like.


"Come on in."

She opened the main door along the limestone, pulling the bag, and she could see a cute garden, a table and a chair that looked good.

She turned her  head and asked Suk Han, who was looking at her.


"When did you live here?"

He slowly came to her and said. "I have lived here all the time since I came to America."


"I do not manage to clutter the garden, right? I didn't manage it when I went to Korea. It was pretty before....... "

"Really? It's still beautiful enough. "

"There are lots of memories. Of all my family. My father moved me here because of my work, and I am always going to go to Korea."


She didn't ask anything but she suspected that it's a memory associated with his mother.
She did not say anything. She thought that she was in a space filled with his memories, but she felt a warm feeling in her  heart.

"Are you tired? Let's go in "

They went in and It was not really a cute taste, but there were a few furniture and appliances in the living room. She laughed a little at the decoration but loved it.

"Is this alright?"


He seemed to understand her laughter and smiled and looked at her.

She turned her head and looked around the house. 'One, two, three, many rooms.'
Suk Hanapproched her slowly behind her and gently pulled her shoulder from behind.


"What do you think?"

"Oh, no. What a sight. "


" Why. Is there too much room? "


In the shape of a soul that responds with her shoulders shivering, Suk Han leans his head slightly and laughs a little, he whispered tightly,

"Do not worry ... There is only one bed."


She almost answered 'I am glad' when she was swept away by the words of Suk Han who naturally spontaneously read my mind.

"Great ......."

"Oh! No. That's what I thought! "

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"Well, how about that? I think it is extremely natural phenomenon. "

With a hot touch felt in the neck, she felt her face reddened fast  and quickly tried to get out.

He grabbed her throat with his lips. "Hey, where's the bathroom, can I use it?"


Her face was fast and she tried to push the laughing Suk Han.

"I'm tired and want to wash..."

Her two hands, as if trying to stop his action, used strength and he wanted to stop her.

She looked at him.

Suk Han looks down at his hand gently on her bosom and looks at her with a smile on his face. He looked at her.

"This behavior is dangerous."

As soon as they came in, it was nice to do this, but she felt that she had to get out of this situtation because she felt her whole body was sticking and sweating.

"I'm hungry!"

His face, which was gradually approaching, stopped. "Oh, I really am hungry"

She is glad to see his anxious eyes. Suk Han lossened his arm around her waist and looked around.

"I have nothing to eat. I'll buy something because there is a market close by. Let's go"


She nods her head and wants to get out of his arms quickly before anything happens.

As soon as they got out of the car, she did not think that his lips would come down on her neck clutching onto her like a magnet.

"What are you going to buy?"

She went into the mart and started to worry about what to buy by snooping around here.

I have to stay in the house of Sukhan for a week.

"uh! I have to buy this. "


"Wow. This is really delicious. "


" Oh, I really wanted to eat this. "

The eyes of Suk Han who started to look at the food stuff pilling up in the cart as her quick hand gesture began to grow bigger.
"Why are you going to buy so much?"

"Why? I'm going to eat it. "


" What's this? "


In the face of what seems to be a lot of this, Suk Hanmade a grim smile.


"Are you going to throw a party at my house tomorrow?"


"Or at the houses?"

"Huh? why. Too much? "


" A little. "

"Hmm ......."

At the end, she reached out and put the topmost object back into place.


"Are you done now? I can not give up other things. I'll go check out! "

Suh Han, who confirmed her firm will, gave up and turned to the counter.

Shi Won smiled as she watched him and smiled.

"Why do you look like that?"



"That's for granted. Huhh. "

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" But is that so good? "

"Yeah. I wanted to try it. "


" What? "

"Well, I came out at night, I saw a chapter and bought a lot of delicious things ......."


"Ah ......."

"Are you surely not  a newlywed couple?"

With a smile and a smile on her face, Shi Won gently wiped her hair with one hand.

"Then I can keep on with you ......."


"I can do this for a lifetime." "......."

"why? you do not like it?"

"Oh, no."

Hee smiled gently, looking at her cheeks of red.


"Go quickly. I'll be hungry. "
"Ah yes......."

"Shi Won. Wash it. I'll sort this out. "

" Yes. "

Suk Han summarized what he saw and took out things he could easily eat, and he started preparing, and Shi Won led her body to the room.

She grabbed her clothes and sat in bed for a while and recalled what he had said.


"I can do this for a lifetime."
His words, which were thrown as if they were rubbing, came into the chest of a heart like a stone thrown into a calm lake, and spread and spread.


There is no promised future, but it was just a word that excited her heart.

"Shiwon, are you not going to wash"


"Oh. Yes. "

She stood up at his voice  for a moment and quickly turned to the bathroom.

She finished her shower and opened herluggage to get the things she needed.


"The lotion ... ah. right."
Suk Han saw the gift that Na Rae handed to her.

He began to carefully unwrap the nicely wrapped gift.


"This is what this is ......."

He looked at the unidentified black object with one hand.



The substance of the thing which is seen in front of his eyes was the underwear which can not be seen even at a glance. "What is this  ....... Underwear?"

Women's underwear  of a strange design never seen.


"Where did Shi Won get this from?"

He could not help but look at the underwear with his face blushed red. He read the card that was with the underwear.

-Sister. Have a hot night. I hope it was to Moon's taste!

"Shi Won! If you already washed yourself, ... come out ....... "



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Shi Won hid her underwear quickly on the back  on the sudden emergence of Shi Won.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

"Ah! No. I will go out ....... "


" What is it, that ....... "

In the act of concealing something, Shi Won came to his side with her hand in his pocket.


"I'll go! I'll go out !! "

She  looked at him with his hand on the floor.


"My taste?"

"Oh, that's it."
"Look here. What is my taste ....... " It's already late.

Eventually, a black object awaiting the  taste test was unfolded in front of Shi Won by the hands of Suk Han who flashed her wrists.



Shi Won smiled a little while turning her head sideways.

"no! Come on! I never bought it. ok?"

Looking at Suk Han who still does not answer with a smile, the increasingly flushed redness sat down on her face. "And, Na Rae. Really......."

"He's a little crazy!"


"I like it."



She gazed quietly at Suh Han, smiling at his smile. Shi Won slid slowly onto his bed and he slowly came to his bed.

He opened his mouth slowly, looking down at her eyes, smiling.


"Thank you Na Rae, but ......."


Suk Han gently rubbed her hair over her shoulders and touched her ears.


Suddenly tickling, he gently lifted one shoulder and shrugged his body.

"But what?"

A gentle touch that touches her ears and a soft voice whispered in a small voice. She swallowed.



He wrapped her neck with one arm and lay it on the bed with his weight.


She seemed to stop breathing while looking into his eyes.

"One hour."


"... two?"
The heart rate that was rising gradually rose sharply, and the feeling of uncertainty filled with the mysteriousness was coming out in the atmoshphere.
Still, his fingertip, which was still close to her ears, slowly came onto her beautiful neckline. "Uh ......."
The fuzzy feeling.
The eyes of Suk Han, who is already full of desire.

"My taste is ......."


"one hour ......."



"It's just one hour."


"Oh ......."

He pinched into her clothes in a moment and touched her eyes with such softness and a hot breath scattered around on her sensitive nape as his lips came down.

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