The room that was crowded and chaotic a second ago suddenly became quiet. Knowing that the man in the bathroom was Ruan Zeyan, Ling Tianya’s heart fell back in place. Only a second later, her heart was suspended in the air again.

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How did Ruan Zeyan appear there? Hadn’t he gone abroad? He should be handling important business overseas, how come he was there instead?

“…Why are you here?” Ling Tianya had just woken up and her voice was still soft and tender even after the whole ordeal.

Ruan Zeyan’s eyes cooled down. A voice like Ling Tianya’s would have an unimaginable effect on any other man.

Glanced at the woman coldly, Ruan Zeyan didn’t say a word, only chilled air came off his body.

Ling Tianya blinked her eyes at Ruan Zeyan. “Is he angry again?”

Ruan Zeyan closed the door of the room and walked near the bed. Ling Tianya thought he was going to say something. Unexpectedly, the man took off his bathrobe and his delicate and sexy body was exposed in front of Ling Tianya.

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Ling Tianya’s eyes opened wide and her face turned beet red. Thank god that the man had underwear on, but even so the impressive physique still made Ling Tianya blush.

After taking off the bathrobe, Ruan Zeyan started to pick up his clothes from the floor and put them back on one by one.

Ling Tianya watched Ruan Zeyan putting on clothes and looked at her own pajamas.

Ruan Zeyan had just taken a shower in the bathroom and she was wearing her pajamas. Did he arrive that night? In other words, did he change her into pajamas?

Subconsciously, Ling Tianya covered her chest. Did Ruan Zeyan do something to her?

What an animal, taking advantage of someone!

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Seeing that Ling Tianya looked like she was forced by him, Ruan Zeyan’s face was dark. Maybe he should not have gone easy on her that night. He should have really tortured her, just for the sake of that expression of hers!

Ruan Zeyan got fully dressed and sat down on the sofa opposite the bed. His eyes were beaming cold lights. “I only changed your clothes.” The implication was that he didn’t do anything else.

Ling Tianya exhaled in relief and put her hands down from her chest. She didn’t know that that move disturbed Ruan Zeyan even more.

He took a deep breath and said, “What did I say?”

Ling Tianya was taken aback and knew immediately what Ruan Zeyan meant.

Sure enough, the man sent someone to follow her after all!

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Ling Tianya grunted, “Do not accept drinks from men… but I had to do it last night, otherwise my plan would be…”

Ruan Zeyan’s eyes were cold, he looked at Ling Tianya with an ambiguous smile. “So, knowing the drink was spiked, you still drank it?”

Ling Tianya nodded. The room fell in silence.

A moment later, Ruan Zeyan finally exploded, “Ling Tianya, you think you’re so smart, what were you going to do if something went wrong last night?”

Ling Tianya did not think about it because she felt that her plan was very good, and nothing would go wrong. She did not expect the cocktail spiked by Li Chenfeng to be so strong that she would pass out half way back to the room.

Suddenly, Ling Tianya remembered that she was picked up by someone before she completely passed out. She was also holding onto a big ice cube and licked it for a long time, but instead of quenching her thirst it made her hotter and hotter. She even asked Zhang Ke to change the ice cube.

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Thinking back on it, Ling Tianya was having cold sweats. She raised her head and looked at the man sitting on the sofa who had bags under his eyes. It was obvious that he didn’t sleep well. Ling Tianya swallowed subconsciously.

The ice cube she was licking last night, was Ruan Zeyan…

“God, why do you play games with me?” she thought to herself.


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