Hearing that Ling Tianya was here, everyone in the production crew had stopped what they were doing to turn to look at her.

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The moment she stepped into the set, Ling Tianya could feel the entire crews’ eyes on her. With how scary Ruan Zeyan had been yesterday, it wasn’t strange for them to react this way at all.

Only Zhang Ke had been by Ling Tianya’s side in the crew previously, but now there are two other stern men. The two men wore the same clothes, with a professional bluetooth earpiece on. They followed behind Ling Tianya, absolute arrogance and seriousness on their face.

The two of them are brothers, nicknamed Big One, Small One.

Ruan Zeyan had increased his watch on Ling Tianya to prevent what happend yesterday from happening again. Previously, he had only sent two people to look after her from the shadows, trying his best to not affect her normal daily routines and work. From today onwards, Ruan Zeyan had sent a team to protect her from the shadows, and assigned his two best bodyguards, Big One and Small One, to protect Ling Tianya just by her side.

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Zhang Heng rushed up the moment he saw Ling Tianya, grabbing onto her shoulders in his urgentness, “Ms Ling…”

Even before he could finish, he was pushed to the ground by Small One, and ended on the receiving end of a harsh glare.

This did shock Zhang Heng quite badly, sitting on the floor where he landed in a daze, unable to process what had happened.

“What were you doing!” Ling Tianya reprimanded Small One.

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Small One was stern, “I’m doing what I should be, protecting Ms Ling’s safety.”

Ling Tianya just scoffed, “Is this how you protect someone?”

Ling Tianya reached down to help Zhang Heng up, “Are you alright, Director?”

Zhang Heng shook his head, waringly sparing Small One a look, “I’m alright. What about you? You really did give me a scare yesterday, are you okay?” Zhang Heng observantly noticed the injury on Ling Tianya’s lip’s corners, “You got injured?”

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Ling Tianya touched the corner, smiling, “It’s just a minor one, not a big issue.”

“That’s good, that’s good!” Zhang Heng let out a relieved smile.

“Yes, thank goodness you’re alright, Ms Ling.” A sharp female voice came, Li Fei was walking over with the brightest grin, but her eyes missing Zhang Heng’s excitement, “Mr Ruan had almost tore down the entire set just to look for you, Ms Ling. We still hadn’t reconstructed everything.”

It was only then did Ling Tianya take a look at the entire set, and it was a mess. The team merely rebuilt the sets that they had needed today haphazardly, but the rest were still in the process of salvaging.

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Ling Tianya gave Li Fei an eye, before her gaze landed on Yi Tian behind her, the tears in her eyes threatening to spill.

Seeing Ling Tianya finally notice her, Yi Tian’s tears fell at just the right time, her voice slightly choked up, excitedly exclaiming, “Ms Ling, it’s great that you’re alright. You had went missing so suddenly yesterday, Mr Gu and I were looking for you for so long! It wasn’t until Mr Ruan was here, did we know you had gone missing. I was really upset, worried that you had come to harm!”

Yi Tian frantically rubbed away her tears that were just getting more by the minute, a smile finally tugging on those lips, “But, thank goodness that God was benevolent. I’m so glad that you’re okay, Ms Ling!”

Yi Tian had announced to the world that she was Ling Tianya’s fan. Her reaction now, the extreme relief after her idol had escaped the clutches of death was the most touching thing that they had seen to the world.

Yi Tian really did love Ms Ling, it had been so touching to see.

Faced with Yi Tian’s such heartful performance, Ling Tianya merely thought, ‘Should I play along with her?’

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