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They headed back to their desks and busied themselves with revising their respective novels, erasing the conversation they have had during their break.

Liu Yang continued her unfinished work.

Basically, there's nothing to continue because she didn't even get started. Liu Yang removed her specs and rubbed her face with her hands while sighing in between. She really needed inspiration or motivation to get started. She thought she can go to ReadIt! – a local bookstore – and download a bunch of K-Dramas today.

Going home, Wan Li offered her for a ride. But she refused.

"I'm going to ReadIt! first before going home," Liu Yang informed Wan Li.

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"What for?"

"I need to enlighten up my mind with new ideas."

"Wow!" *slow clap* "I envy how diligent you are at work. Is that really you?" Wan Li mockingly said.

"Shut up! Of course I am. That's an essence of being beautiful," Liu Yang replied while flipping her hair. They both laugh at their antics.

"Let me drive you to ReadIt." Wan Li offered. But before Liu Yang could speak, Wan Li said, "No, you know what, I think I'm going, too."

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"Great idea! I was just gonna ask you."

They both entered Wan Li's car and drove to ReadIt.

ReadIt! is a local bookstore in Xinjiang and is also under Yinyang Enterprises. All books produced by Yingyang Publishing landed on ReadIt. Though it's not that big, locals are still drawn to it because of its quality. You can buy or rent books at the same time - however not all of the books can be rented.


Inside a bookstore, the man is lazily swirling his chair at the front desk while playing with his phone. After some time, he stretched his arms up and yawned. He looked at his watched and noticed it's already 4 in the afternoon. But he can't just leave yet. He was ordered to exit the building at 4:30.

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"Fucking watch! Why is it too slow? There's not even a single soul in here," he muttered to himself.

After he said that, he heard a 'ding!' at the door indicating that someone entered.

"Fuck. Me." He cursed but then stood up from his seat.

He saw a beautiful woman and a man, and politely said, "Hi! How may I help you?"

He saw the woman frown her natural brows. God! She looked really cute, he thought.

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He studied the woman in front of him for minute. He noticed her fair skin. Her nude lipstick looked nice on her. She has pretty brown eyes, and they're little, maybe not too little, but they look nice, like an ocean. They're like a breath of fresh air when you stare at them, even though she's wearing glasses.

The woman whispered something to the man beside him. He doesn't understand a thing they're saying but he saw the woman smiled. 'Shit!' he cursed in his mind. He thought that she looked cute even when poker-faced but the moment she smiled, his world stops. The woman in front of him is like a goddess who came down from heaven. She is beautiful!

He got to have her. But she came with a man. Maybe boyfriend? Or worse husband? But the man's actions seems odd. 'I'm just overthinking things,' he comforted himself.

Then he heard the woman talk in a sweet voice, "Are you new here? Where's the girl who used to be here, Lingling?"

'What the hell is this?! She really is a goddess!' he muttered to himself. Her voice is on different level! I really got to have her.

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